- [View] > [_] Gridlines, Uncheck those Gridlines
- Learn to use wrap text or cut text off, with informative headers 1-4 words, if its important they'll read it
- Spreadsheets work top down not left right
- Use proper use of space, why would you extend a single page to 3 this isn't a padded resume
- If you have to exceed width standards try angled text they do sexfully well
- Never use large font unless your intention is TLDR (To Long Didnt Read)
- If you are using large areas without color try setting the page background to a light grey or hinted color to reduce eye strain
Minus gridlines and recoloring, the rest of this advice is useless for the spreadsheet guide.
"Spreadsheets work top down not left right"
I'm making a written step by step guide, people who read it like a manual do in fact read it.
"Use proper use of space, why would you extend a single page to 3 this isn't a padded resume"
That one I'm not quite getting.
"If you have to exceed width standards try angled text they do sexfully well"
I just did, it looked awful for most cells I experimented with.
Never use large font unless your intention is TLDR (
The large text highlights some of the most frequent issues and problems people made until that text was made super large. People stopped having those issues when I made the text super huge.
"Learn to use wrap text or cut text off, with informative headers 1-4 words, if its important they'll read it"
My headers for each step are as long as they need to be to convey the information needed, the problem everyone here has is refusing to read the guide and when they do they'll casually ignore information written. The guide has gone through many revisions to catch as many common errors as possible.