Minor bug I guess. If you go up to level 20, then press + it goes back to 19.
Also the menu slider for choosing resolution scrolls extremely slowly unless you click the bar and drag.
The first time you click an option like level choice it has a small flash, but all the rest are without it. Probably should flash on every click.
I kind of wish the UI could scale, like I want to see and read easily but I am not full screening because doing other things, but the text and buttons become extremely small then.
When doing settings, the window changes it's starting height from basic to text/sound, text/sound have the same size, but maybe just start them at the same place as Basic.
clicking scene gallery on a new save seems to do something weird, it shows a background but seems you can hover over something and it shows stats I think, then it maybe goes into a new game?
The large red background when choosing a girl is weird, why is it there especially if you click someone and it then removes that person instead of the background being moved and asking are you sure?
Game could use a nice tutorial on the first purchase screen.
Text needs a background or drop shadow or outline to stand out and be legible.
Why do the monsters not have the green/red colors for stats rather than just the triangles?
I can not seem to remove the first person I assigned to a fight, if I add a second and click the X on the first it just removes the second. (There is no mention to use right click for anything, which does remove them).
A better showing that a character is blocking a specific monster would be nice.
Reroll not mentioning it costs anything.
Item reroll should be different than girl reroll.
when you have a menu like a girl screen open, your mouse will still be hovering over choices like other girls in shops.
The state of "if I fight alone" should be specifically mentioning the single monster and not like if there are multiple monsters that each have to be blocked.
Should be able to buy an item without having a girl for it. Since the rolling is combined it makes it silly.
the mini screen for the girls like in combat where you can see who they might have relationships with is way too small and to the side, why not just have it be like a side menu or pop up from bottom or something?
First shop, you can click an item, click a girl in shop (buys her) then attach the item which puts you at -2 energy.
The screen when choosing whom to fight what, it can kind of push on the characters who haven't been picked if there is 1 enemy and max girls.
The leader mechanic needs explanation. "If I am the leader at the start of the turn girl cost 1" Is this during purchase, or during fighting? If fighting what does that mean?
That you have to click scene in their menu feels a bit weird. I get separation of battle and porn but a bit more easier to see. Otherwise new players may go through a lot and then get story later.
Whenever a transition happens it seems to slow down the game, like when a second character comes on screen during a scene or it changes. There seems to be a lagging or something.
When pulling up the log it doesn't hide the text box.
When clicking on a scene the Tamara secretary image flashes for a second.
The shading below the eye doesn't move, so it looks odd when it covers the eye.
I get reusing UI assets, but with reroll/Lock/Energy left having the same shape it isn't great. Especially with them next to each other.