And all of that would be a great argument if you started the game as David and were immersed into his point of view before you saw him be an absolute dick to his son for no real reason. As I said, had the game started as David, been like "your son is a freeloader and disappointment, your wife is an ice queen, and her sister is a bitch" if would have set Alex up as the antagonist. I mean you probably would have needed some actual gameplay for david as well, as there is even less for him, than for Alex.
But that's not what happened. The game sets up Alex as the MC, so most people are going to identify with him. Is he a shitty MC? Yeah, but no shittier than any other MC of his type. He follows the template to a fucking t. And most of the shit you say about Alex and how creepy he is with Tasha can also be said about david, the pressuring her into the HJ, BJ and the like were pretty foul.
And David isn't a lazy character in the text of the game, but in the gameplay? He totally is, Alex has to do shit, homework, constantly help Tasha and Tanya with their studies, get Charlotte on his side, steal Ala's PC, get liquor so he can fuck her. All of that. His experience is far more active than David's. Not that the gameplay is good, it's fucking awful. But with David everything is handed to him on a platter. He does nothing for it in game.