Armion82 get it but the poor Burt not.
@Burt Reynolds Mustache wrote this: Or she won't agree to anything sexual... ??
The (game script) in China is the same as USA. So, either you never play from v0.1 or you don´t see that either Tasha or David can decide anything about cottage sex. Except the BJ scene from 0.6 because this is a rollback in 0.7 if you proper finish 0.7 with Alex/Ala path.
Even Alex can reject her award every Friday to avoid any sex with Tasha.
Here the Original Text before the Cottage weekend: Every weekend same from 0.57 unti 0.7 at 11.AM Day 83 or before !
1.David said: "I will go to the cottage now" ( with picture)
2.Alex answer: "Have Fun" ( with picture buttom left)
3. Now 2 question "pop up"
a) Alex: To Tasha and Ala ( no picture first error) "Do you want to spend the weekend with David". Girls speechless!
b) David : To Ala/Tasha: "Or you want to stay the weekend with Alex"..... ( Skip weekend) (no picture 2. error)
4. Alex answer: "take Tasha or Ala with you".......... in the beginning only Ala ( no picture)
Beside 3 bugs in this importent scene for the hole game, the sentence still clear.
No way for David to fuck Tasha and in the House Alex is the MC. If the script have a "fuck scene" with Alex/Tasha than Alex fuck Tasha first when ever he want. There is a lot of warning in the beginning about these path.
In 0.8 there put Alex/Tasha fuck scene now I quest.
This is a Porn side and many members complain sex when the game starts 2017. There said simple we will back next year. So some membesr push the script writer David/Tasha (fuck-scene) in front of the original script. The last 50 pages of nonsence is the result and. It became a "porn game like all other here´s". The great story with Love and Sex gone with horny guy´s . The game-maker was to lazy and the wake up call comes to late. No one warning new Alex fan about the pathes the last 4 month. Is still a game with pixel. If you watch "High Noon" and your pc shut down before he pull his gun, isn´t funny either.