By the time when (IF) Steam gives it a green light Mirthal might decide that he is not truly satisfied with the game's current state and needs to either give it another quality pass before release...or remake it from scratch.It might have to be pushed back to 2026 release date. Please understand.
translation of that tweetThis is from Mirthal's twitter post.
I doubt it will happen. And it can't be called an early release anymore........ And that's not counting the months of delays pre-official release date.
Well, for SOME reason our scary toxic behaviour didn't prevent authors of Warlock and Boobs Wild Life and Path for Freedom from communicating.And people are surprised Mirthal stopped engaging with us.
So you're saying the steam screenshot he posted is fake?Well, for SOME reason our scary toxic behaviour didn't prevent authors of Warlock and Boobs Wild Life and Path for Freedom from communicating.
My guess he was swearching for reason. Coz you see telling stories about sudden steam checks in your cozy discord whe you can ban people - is one thing.
And telling same cool stories to some random people who you can't ban, kick or silence any other way - is completely different story.
There will always be some inadequate people, ALWAYS, difference only in the way dev reacts.
Ubisoft fuckheads is brilliant example of that or shiteaters rom Biowhore - they choose to ignore their audience and now they are ambracing consequences.
What's the whole NNN thing anyway (as in, what game and all)?Honestly this game not coming out on time is for the best (for me). I went through the whole NNN and now I genuinely don't feel like I want to fry my brain with images on screen. Enjoy it when it comes out, I'm sure it's gonna be alright.
NNN is an acronym for "No Nut November". It's mostly used sarcastically. There is no video game about N.N.N. Here's what Oxford online pharmacy says:What's the whole NNN thing anyway (as in, what game and all)?
I have no idea how you came to this conclusion.So you're saying the steam screenshot he posted is fake?
I see, I see. And I suppose we can only speculate what's really going on.I have no idea how you came to this conclusion.
I'm saying if devs choose to not communicate openly - they always find reasons. If they choose not to maintain an open comunication - misundersandings shall happen all the time. Whether they like that or not.
We have a good example here - almost a week from supposed release. And instead of making "Eveyrthing is all right" pokerface he could just update his patreon daily to avoid shitstorm.
Again - not because of how very important we are(coz we are only part of his POTENTIAL audience), but because of how he should behave to have successful project and build strong community to ensure good future income.
Instead there is some scarse info and strange things going on. I can easily imagine this is all misunderstanding - shit happens. But if such a trivial things make dev incapable to adress a problem and deal with it - I have huge doubts about his future projects and don't have any desire (for now) to support him any further.
Maybe the quality and quantity of content will be so amazing, I'll change my mind, but for now his way to adress issues is not of my liking.
That's what I'm saying.
Sir, this is a Porn Forum™!I went through the whole NNN and now I genuinely don't feel like I want to fry my brain with images on screen.
I strongly recommend you to spend in any other games instead of this. Yes, you haven't got any issues waiting but I am sure that the game will be released after the sales.Steam sale will end by December 4, if by December 3 this game is not released yet, I'll be using the money I saved for this on some good discounted games
How do you 'clear negative comments' from twitter? Last time I checked (which is admittedly quite a while ago) you can't really moderate comments from other users apart from deactivating comments all together which would naturally also prohibit any positive feedback.Steam users report the dev indeed clearing negative comments from his twitter and the news Steam post but also questions about current status. On the other hand, I've found this confirmation of sorts:
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