4.30 star(s) 13 Votes


Jan 13, 2020
Well lets hope this stays because it actually looks really good. Like a lok cross carnal instincts, Good luck.


Jun 8, 2019
Unironically I wish their faces were a bit more like of humans.
And well, another LoK "variant". I wish it would "succeed" at least on time.


Sep 19, 2018
LoK by Playshapes was the very first XXX-game I ever played (I was 11-14 at the moment - might have been one of those choices in a VN that leads to a bad end), so I'm always down for these Krystal games... just like every spaceship Krystal operates!

However, can't say much, because the game crashes each time I approach the ship. Models look nice enough, considering they're furries. Aside from that and knowing that this is basically a concept showing at the moment:
*Jumps are completely useless for navigating
*"You have such a nice skin" should probably be fur
*Game crashes while approaching Krystal's ship
*Why do you need to hold button for simple actions (open door/talk)?
*Probably should remove exhaustion for sprinting until there is combat


Jul 9, 2018
After playing around in it to test it out, I would like to put in my 2 cents. So far, I have enjoyed it and loving how the models are well done, especially in the anthropomorphic stage since it seems that very few can really do it well unless its modeled as a MP4 or other video medium. I do have some quirks on the game but I'll try to be as constructive as I can and try not to sound negative since I already enjoyed and am impressed by what is done. I will list the cons first since I am the type of person who likes to hear the good news last.

1) Getting to the menu while in game, as someone already pointed out, should definitely be the escape key since that is the the key that all gamers are familiar with and is per standard.

2) The stamina doesn't seem to fit for the character. She is an anthropomorphic character so she should have higher stamina than the average human yet she has less stamina than I do and I really don't work out at all. It feels she goes about 20-30 feet before her pace gets reduced again. (Actually went in the game and was able to get a general number and got about 60 ft.) I am all for a limited stamina but it should fit the character. Especially if that character is A-anthropomorphic, B-originally lived on a planet where she had to be fit to survive, and C-is a military pilot. This coincides with the jumping as well. Unless the planet she is on has higher gravity than she is use to, she jumps worse than a white guy on the basketball court. Jokes aside, the height of her jump seems to be the same height a 6 yr old would have. She doesn't need to have the jumping power of Master Chief but it could be better than it is now.

3) I don't mind the 3rd person view but it can be confusing where she is looking at without some kind of indicator. Many 3rd person view characters would have a small white dot indicating that is where their eyesight lands and as such, this small mechanic would help a lot with out guessing where to look to interact with an object or NPC. There were a few times I thought I was looking at the NPC as I was approaching them so I can speak with them but as I got closer, realized I had to readjust to properly interact.

4) Since this seems to be in the early stages of development, it would seem that this first small village would be the tutorial stage. You don't need to pause/interrupt the gameplay to carry out any tutorial guides but I believe it would be helpful to have somewhere on screen the controls, hints/tips, and any other advice for the player so they can get use to the gameplay.

5) I wasn't sure where to put this one since I am on the fence but I saw someone suggested adding something to indicate what can be picked up and what can't (i.e. a sparkly outline for the firewood to be able to find it.) The reason I am on the fence on this one is because you did a good job trying to make this more realistic. Since she has no helmet nor technology, having a digital hud would not make sense so to have that outline wouldn't make sense either yet it was difficult to find the firewood in the first place. I think a compromise would be what I was trying to do to complete the quest. The blacksmith said that he needed old dry logs, so when I left the gate, I actually started looking at the logs on the ground to try to interact with them so I can pick them up to finish the quest. Instead of having the logs already in a pile, have it so that the logs already on the ground would suffice but you would need to collect a certain amount. I was running around to every log I saw to try to pick it up not realizing that I was looking for a finished log pile.

6) The naughty scene, I can see that you were trying to something different, which is not a bad thing but I believe it can be worked to become more immersive and easier to handle. While in free cam, if you happen to not look at the characters, the camera would focus on the background and the characters would be out of focus, again, not a bad thing but the focusing was way too quick in my opinion, it actually took me a sec for my eyes to focus on what just happened. Keep the focusing as is but make it so that the in/out of focus is a bit slower so you can correct your camera to point to the character properly. Another suggestion that I would highly endorse would be having the option of going into 1st person with all characters involved and being able to more my head freely. That would be quite immersive and serve as a high note in my gaming experience. Not to do too much TMI but POV during the sex scene whether in a game or video file gets me most excited. I do know that you can kind of be in 1st person during the scene with the shaman but I was hoping to be able to do that with all scenes and in the process, work on the next button to be more resposive. And as a last suggestion for any sex scene, since we all have different tastes, having an option to be able to skip certain scenes would be appreciated. I talked to the shaman hoping for a lesbian scene but got one with a full grown horse. I like furry scenes of most kinds but not a fan of any with a full grown horse, or even a small one at that.

7) The camera of Krystal has no problems but I wouldn't mind using the mouse wheel to zoom in and out depending on the situation. Normally, I would zoom out in a wide open space and zoom in while indoors. Having an option to be able to zoom in enough to become 1st person would enhance the experience.

8) Lighting during the night. I believe someone touched on this one as well but I would like to reiterate, you can't see shit at night and the torches aren't much help. Having some lighting from the stars and moon would not only help but be more immersive. Also, having a torch for Krystal would also help so you can still wonder around and do things at night. To branch off with the night cycle for a moment, her residence is on the couch of one of the huts, yet, you cannot sleep there unless otherwise prompted. When it became dark, I was still trying to locate the firewood so I wanted to rest on the couch to fast forward to day but unfortunately, was not able to. I think you would not limit that mechanic other wise, it would feel too linear and stripping away some of the freedom from the player.

9) The NPC's seem to just be clones of each other. This is more of an aesthetic downside for me and since this is still in early development, it might be subject to change but the color, shade, and pattern just seems to repeat for all of our scaly friends but on different genders. You don't need to go too crazy but at least have different variations enough to be able to tell each of them apart, especially if you are going to add more to the beginning village.

I believe that is all the cons that I have observed and I do hope I didn't sound too negative. Now I would like to point out the positives.

1) The 3d modeling looks beautiful. Especially Krystal, I have seen a few other Krystal games and most exaggerate a little bit on her figure but this one seems to be more precise to what she would actually look like if she were to actually exist. This also goes towards to the lizard folk as well. It seems to be hard to be able to make those of the scale variety to look but these models seem to be the most pleasing without sacrificing the risk of only targeting an even smaller audience of those who are a fan of extra proportions.

2) The cutscenes of the sex scenes seem to well done as well. Other than the suggestions I have made in the cons section, I did enjoy watching the sex scenes. The models worked well, they didn't lag/skip and there were voices as well, which is a big factor for me. If I can not hear the moans, that breaks all immersion and the game is no longer fun. Or at least that is my opinion.

3) The dialog seems to be well written. The dialog seems more realistic and doesn't seem out of character, though, the only gripe I would have is when Krystal settled the dispute between the married couple. If you were to generalize it, she is an alien, crash landed near the village, was asleep for 2-4 days (couldn't remember which it was), first met the blacksmith the same day she woke up to find a job for money so she can follow the caravan into the city, he tasks her into getting firewood, she does, he somehow is impressed, they go to bed and meet up the next day and now he is not only going to help her but make her armor and he opens up to her why he pushed his wife away? To a total stranger? I would imagine this would need a little cleaning up and having Krystal able to be of a better assistance during a longer period of time to actually impress him and even longer to have him open up to her after he finally trusts her. If you want to put a time line on this quest, as you develop the game, have it so that it takes a little bit of time before the caravan gets to the village and the day before she leaves, is when she is able to finally bring them back together. Then you can show the threesome that night before she leaves for the city. Other than that exchange, the dialog actually seemed more real and engaging so kudos on the writing team to be able to make it seem they are their own characters in their own world and not have it go against the characters demeanor with the dialog.

4) The scenery looks fantastic. You were only able to go through just the one gate but because of the beauty that is the location of the village, I was excited enough that I wanted to see what lies beyond the other gates. Also, a splendid touch on the bamboo. That really made the village seemed exotic and brought out my desire to actually be there in person. One thing that I was really impressed about and it made me exclaimed out loud was the rocks. As dumb as that sounds, hear me out, after you got the permission to leave the village to check on your ship, I wanted to wander around a bit while heading there, to get the feel of the enviroment. While heading downhill after you spotted your ship, on the left, you will notice a small body of water with something white and unmoving on top of water. I got curious and noticed there were rocks underneath these unknown entities and deduced they might be part the wildlife that I have not noticed before so I decided to head down to find out what they actually were. To my surprise, the white floaties was just the white parts of the rock that was not submerged under the water. That specific illusion is something you can find in the real world and while to some it may seem unimpressive, to get the water physics to be that precise to cause actual illusions that you can only find in real life is very impressive. I can not think of one example that any games the water physics were that good. Absolutely amazing.

5) The village's layout seemed to be thoughtout impressively. The design of the huts, the paths, the location of certain buildings left me quite impressed. The cheiftain even mentioned there was a place where they would train and lo and behold, there was a training ground that didn't seem out of place. The training ground felt like it belonged there nice a comfortably like the last piece of a puzzle that brings it all together. There were even some tables and chairs that felt right as well. Bring them together with the bamboo and the plantlife like the flowers and it seemed like a nice quant village that could double as a beautiful resort. There even seemed to be (what it appeared to me as) an altar. Even the altar for worship felt right in its spot. It was out in the open in the middle of the village so that all the residence can come and give thier prayers too, without it seemingly like it was too holy to step upon. It seemed like a very humble altar that was decroratived properly without it being over the top. Even the watch towers seemed to be placed like they actually belong there. If you noticed, I was very pleased with how the village looked, from the well behind some houses but close enough to the blacksmith so he can use it to the chieftains house that was slightly above others to show it was a place of importance without it being too overbearing.

6) The ship Krystal was piloting seemed to be well designed, though it did seem a little obvious that it was not finished. When I first came upon her ship, I was a little disappointed of the crash site since it didn't seem like a crash site but when I found there was an AI on the ship, it answered a couple questions I had. I can surmise that the AI righted itself after the crash and tried to be in close proximity to the village where she was taken since she was its pilot. Not sure if that was on purpose but it worked out well for the situation at hand. I can only imagine the developers fine tuning the ship in its design along with the enviroment around it to fit the story and circumstance the story protrays.

7) This coinsides with the dialog that I mentioned in my 3rd point but I wanted to give it its own slot because of how well it fit in the theme. The reaction the chieftain had when you choose the option of telling the truth about your origins. It seemed well thought out. Krystal fell from the sky in a metal bird on an underdeveloped planet. Of course they will not believe that she is from space nor about her military background since these concepts are completely alien to them (see what I did there ;-P). With our mindset in our modern day society, we can accept aliens more readily than say, a primitive society such as this one so the reaction the chieftain gave along with the exact dialog felt real.

8) I know some have mentioned about giving some kind of indicator when finding the firewood or something on the screen or button to press to look at current quests but I think it is fine as is. Krystal has no modern technology that indicates anything digital so she will have to do things the old fashion way, searching for things without an aid. I would like to suggest a way to check for the most current quest without breaking the immersion. Pressing a button to see the current quest but instead of seeing a screen for quests, have a thought bubble come from Krystal that says "If I remember correctly, he said the firewood is just outside the gate" or when you are looking for the flowers for the shaman, "She said the flowers are purple and grow in the shade", or something to this affect to not break the immersion that she is now stranded on a primitive planet and she is unable to use anything digital to help her until she repairs her ship. Or, for something different, I'll give an example since it might be difficult for me to explain, pressing Q for thoughts, using the mouse wheel to choose a certain thought, (i.e. quests, direction, inventory, status, all the usual menu choices you will usually have in other games). After clicking on the thought you want, then there would be a thought bubble that Krystal thinks that would have information under that category. Ex: Press Q, scroll to inventory thought, click on it, she then thinks, "I have" and then lists what is in her inventory, or press Q, scroll to direction, click it, thought bubble pops up, "My ships is down this valley", "The city seems to be in this direction. Could even have an option for map within the thought bubble options, if clicked upon, her thought bubble would expand but only show the map where she already been to and its not completely open. Sorry, that went on longer than I intended.

Overall, I am truly impressed what has been done so far and look forward to what is in store for the rest of the game. There has been several Krystal games that were started but many have been left unfinished/abandoned halfway through development. I truly hope this does not follow in the curse that is Krystal games. I don't generally leave reviews unless either I really like the game or I see alot of potential and would like to leave suggestions on what I believe could make it better. Ultimately, it is up to the devs on how the game proceeds and I totally respect that and still looking forward to how the game develops. This is my opinion and only an opinion. Please don't take it to heart since I still enjoyed myself. You can take it leave it and I'll be alright and keeping an eye on this game otherwise. Thank you for you time and can't wait to see what you have in store.

Azure Tales

Game Developer
Jun 26, 2024
After playing around in it to test it out, I would like to put in my 2 cents. So far, I have enjoyed it and loving how the models are well done, especially in the anthropomorphic stage since it seems that very few can really do it well unless its modeled as a MP4 or other video medium. I do have some quirks on the game but I'll try to be as constructive as I can and try not to sound negative since I already enjoyed and am impressed by what is done. I will list the cons first since I am the type of person who likes to hear the good news last.

1) Getting to the menu while in game, as someone already pointed out, should definitely be the escape key since that is the the key that all gamers are familiar with and is per standard.

2) The stamina doesn't seem to fit for the character. She is an anthropomorphic character so she should have higher stamina than the average human yet she has less stamina than I do and I really don't work out at all. It feels she goes about 20-30 feet before her pace gets reduced again. (Actually went in the game and was able to get a general number and got about 60 ft.) I am all for a limited stamina but it should fit the character. Especially if that character is A-anthropomorphic, B-originally lived on a planet where she had to be fit to survive, and C-is a military pilot. This coincides with the jumping as well. Unless the planet she is on has higher gravity than she is use to, she jumps worse than a white guy on the basketball court. Jokes aside, the height of her jump seems to be the same height a 6 yr old would have. She doesn't need to have the jumping power of Master Chief but it could be better than it is now.

3) I don't mind the 3rd person view but it can be confusing where she is looking at without some kind of indicator. Many 3rd person view characters would have a small white dot indicating that is where their eyesight lands and as such, this small mechanic would help a lot with out guessing where to look to interact with an object or NPC. There were a few times I thought I was looking at the NPC as I was approaching them so I can speak with them but as I got closer, realized I had to readjust to properly interact.

4) Since this seems to be in the early stages of development, it would seem that this first small village would be the tutorial stage. You don't need to pause/interrupt the gameplay to carry out any tutorial guides but I believe it would be helpful to have somewhere on screen the controls, hints/tips, and any other advice for the player so they can get use to the gameplay.

5) I wasn't sure where to put this one since I am on the fence but I saw someone suggested adding something to indicate what can be picked up and what can't (i.e. a sparkly outline for the firewood to be able to find it.) The reason I am on the fence on this one is because you did a good job trying to make this more realistic. Since she has no helmet nor technology, having a digital hud would not make sense so to have that outline wouldn't make sense either yet it was difficult to find the firewood in the first place. I think a compromise would be what I was trying to do to complete the quest. The blacksmith said that he needed old dry logs, so when I left the gate, I actually started looking at the logs on the ground to try to interact with them so I can pick them up to finish the quest. Instead of having the logs already in a pile, have it so that the logs already on the ground would suffice but you would need to collect a certain amount. I was running around to every log I saw to try to pick it up not realizing that I was looking for a finished log pile.

6) The naughty scene, I can see that you were trying to something different, which is not a bad thing but I believe it can be worked to become more immersive and easier to handle. While in free cam, if you happen to not look at the characters, the camera would focus on the background and the characters would be out of focus, again, not a bad thing but the focusing was way too quick in my opinion, it actually took me a sec for my eyes to focus on what just happened. Keep the focusing as is but make it so that the in/out of focus is a bit slower so you can correct your camera to point to the character properly. Another suggestion that I would highly endorse would be having the option of going into 1st person with all characters involved and being able to more my head freely. That would be quite immersive and serve as a high note in my gaming experience. Not to do too much TMI but POV during the sex scene whether in a game or video file gets me most excited. I do know that you can kind of be in 1st person during the scene with the shaman but I was hoping to be able to do that with all scenes and in the process, work on the next button to be more resposive. And as a last suggestion for any sex scene, since we all have different tastes, having an option to be able to skip certain scenes would be appreciated. I talked to the shaman hoping for a lesbian scene but got one with a full grown horse. I like furry scenes of most kinds but not a fan of any with a full grown horse, or even a small one at that.

7) The camera of Krystal has no problems but I wouldn't mind using the mouse wheel to zoom in and out depending on the situation. Normally, I would zoom out in a wide open space and zoom in while indoors. Having an option to be able to zoom in enough to become 1st person would enhance the experience.

8) Lighting during the night. I believe someone touched on this one as well but I would like to reiterate, you can't see shit at night and the torches aren't much help. Having some lighting from the stars and moon would not only help but be more immersive. Also, having a torch for Krystal would also help so you can still wonder around and do things at night. To branch off with the night cycle for a moment, her residence is on the couch of one of the huts, yet, you cannot sleep there unless otherwise prompted. When it became dark, I was still trying to locate the firewood so I wanted to rest on the couch to fast forward to day but unfortunately, was not able to. I think you would not limit that mechanic other wise, it would feel too linear and stripping away some of the freedom from the player.

9) The NPC's seem to just be clones of each other. This is more of an aesthetic downside for me and since this is still in early development, it might be subject to change but the color, shade, and pattern just seems to repeat for all of our scaly friends but on different genders. You don't need to go too crazy but at least have different variations enough to be able to tell each of them apart, especially if you are going to add more to the beginning village.

I believe that is all the cons that I have observed and I do hope I didn't sound too negative. Now I would like to point out the positives.

1) The 3d modeling looks beautiful. Especially Krystal, I have seen a few other Krystal games and most exaggerate a little bit on her figure but this one seems to be more precise to what she would actually look like if she were to actually exist. This also goes towards to the lizard folk as well. It seems to be hard to be able to make those of the scale variety to look but these models seem to be the most pleasing without sacrificing the risk of only targeting an even smaller audience of those who are a fan of extra proportions.

2) The cutscenes of the sex scenes seem to well done as well. Other than the suggestions I have made in the cons section, I did enjoy watching the sex scenes. The models worked well, they didn't lag/skip and there were voices as well, which is a big factor for me. If I can not hear the moans, that breaks all immersion and the game is no longer fun. Or at least that is my opinion.

3) The dialog seems to be well written. The dialog seems more realistic and doesn't seem out of character, though, the only gripe I would have is when Krystal settled the dispute between the married couple. If you were to generalize it, she is an alien, crash landed near the village, was asleep for 2-4 days (couldn't remember which it was), first met the blacksmith the same day she woke up to find a job for money so she can follow the caravan into the city, he tasks her into getting firewood, she does, he somehow is impressed, they go to bed and meet up the next day and now he is not only going to help her but make her armor and he opens up to her why he pushed his wife away? To a total stranger? I would imagine this would need a little cleaning up and having Krystal able to be of a better assistance during a longer period of time to actually impress him and even longer to have him open up to her after he finally trusts her. If you want to put a time line on this quest, as you develop the game, have it so that it takes a little bit of time before the caravan gets to the village and the day before she leaves, is when she is able to finally bring them back together. Then you can show the threesome that night before she leaves for the city. Other than that exchange, the dialog actually seemed more real and engaging so kudos on the writing team to be able to make it seem they are their own characters in their own world and not have it go against the characters demeanor with the dialog.

4) The scenery looks fantastic. You were only able to go through just the one gate but because of the beauty that is the location of the village, I was excited enough that I wanted to see what lies beyond the other gates. Also, a splendid touch on the bamboo. That really made the village seemed exotic and brought out my desire to actually be there in person. One thing that I was really impressed about and it made me exclaimed out loud was the rocks. As dumb as that sounds, hear me out, after you got the permission to leave the village to check on your ship, I wanted to wander around a bit while heading there, to get the feel of the enviroment. While heading downhill after you spotted your ship, on the left, you will notice a small body of water with something white and unmoving on top of water. I got curious and noticed there were rocks underneath these unknown entities and deduced they might be part the wildlife that I have not noticed before so I decided to head down to find out what they actually were. To my surprise, the white floaties was just the white parts of the rock that was not submerged under the water. That specific illusion is something you can find in the real world and while to some it may seem unimpressive, to get the water physics to be that precise to cause actual illusions that you can only find in real life is very impressive. I can not think of one example that any games the water physics were that good. Absolutely amazing.

5) The village's layout seemed to be thoughtout impressively. The design of the huts, the paths, the location of certain buildings left me quite impressed. The cheiftain even mentioned there was a place where they would train and lo and behold, there was a training ground that didn't seem out of place. The training ground felt like it belonged there nice a comfortably like the last piece of a puzzle that brings it all together. There were even some tables and chairs that felt right as well. Bring them together with the bamboo and the plantlife like the flowers and it seemed like a nice quant village that could double as a beautiful resort. There even seemed to be (what it appeared to me as) an altar. Even the altar for worship felt right in its spot. It was out in the open in the middle of the village so that all the residence can come and give thier prayers too, without it seemingly like it was too holy to step upon. It seemed like a very humble altar that was decroratived properly without it being over the top. Even the watch towers seemed to be placed like they actually belong there. If you noticed, I was very pleased with how the village looked, from the well behind some houses but close enough to the blacksmith so he can use it to the chieftains house that was slightly above others to show it was a place of importance without it being too overbearing.

6) The ship Krystal was piloting seemed to be well designed, though it did seem a little obvious that it was not finished. When I first came upon her ship, I was a little disappointed of the crash site since it didn't seem like a crash site but when I found there was an AI on the ship, it answered a couple questions I had. I can surmise that the AI righted itself after the crash and tried to be in close proximity to the village where she was taken since she was its pilot. Not sure if that was on purpose but it worked out well for the situation at hand. I can only imagine the developers fine tuning the ship in its design along with the enviroment around it to fit the story and circumstance the story protrays.

7) This coinsides with the dialog that I mentioned in my 3rd point but I wanted to give it its own slot because of how well it fit in the theme. The reaction the chieftain had when you choose the option of telling the truth about your origins. It seemed well thought out. Krystal fell from the sky in a metal bird on an underdeveloped planet. Of course they will not believe that she is from space nor about her military background since these concepts are completely alien to them (see what I did there ;-P). With our mindset in our modern day society, we can accept aliens more readily than say, a primitive society such as this one so the reaction the chieftain gave along with the exact dialog felt real.

8) I know some have mentioned about giving some kind of indicator when finding the firewood or something on the screen or button to press to look at current quests but I think it is fine as is. Krystal has no modern technology that indicates anything digital so she will have to do things the old fashion way, searching for things without an aid. I would like to suggest a way to check for the most current quest without breaking the immersion. Pressing a button to see the current quest but instead of seeing a screen for quests, have a thought bubble come from Krystal that says "If I remember correctly, he said the firewood is just outside the gate" or when you are looking for the flowers for the shaman, "She said the flowers are purple and grow in the shade", or something to this affect to not break the immersion that she is now stranded on a primitive planet and she is unable to use anything digital to help her until she repairs her ship. Or, for something different, I'll give an example since it might be difficult for me to explain, pressing Q for thoughts, using the mouse wheel to choose a certain thought, (i.e. quests, direction, inventory, status, all the usual menu choices you will usually have in other games). After clicking on the thought you want, then there would be a thought bubble that Krystal thinks that would have information under that category. Ex: Press Q, scroll to inventory thought, click on it, she then thinks, "I have" and then lists what is in her inventory, or press Q, scroll to direction, click it, thought bubble pops up, "My ships is down this valley", "The city seems to be in this direction. Could even have an option for map within the thought bubble options, if clicked upon, her thought bubble would expand but only show the map where she already been to and its not completely open. Sorry, that went on longer than I intended.

Overall, I am truly impressed what has been done so far and look forward to what is in store for the rest of the game. There has been several Krystal games that were started but many have been left unfinished/abandoned halfway through development. I truly hope this does not follow in the curse that is Krystal games. I don't generally leave reviews unless either I really like the game or I see alot of potential and would like to leave suggestions on what I believe could make it better. Ultimately, it is up to the devs on how the game proceeds and I totally respect that and still looking forward to how the game develops. This is my opinion and only an opinion. Please don't take it to heart since I still enjoyed myself. You can take it leave it and I'll be alright and keeping an eye on this game otherwise. Thank you for you time and can't wait to see what you have in store.
Thank you so much for your thorough feedback, we will add to our list based around the stuff you pointed here, the only thing I want to get into more detail with you here;
The blacksmith couple dialogue point: When we came up with this dialogue, we agreed that it was somewhat out of place, and unrealistic, BUT, it's somewhat inevitable, we really love to see that you got immersed, and that the characters felt convincing enough, and this part of the dialogue kinda broke this immersion, but at some points through the game, it feels like it would take us too long to get to the part that people wanted, so its a compromise of logic/immersion X giving what people that don't specifically care too much about the immersion and storytelling really want, which is their sex scenes.
Nothing stops us from improving it a bit, and like you said, once the game timeline goes a bit further, and we get closer to the caravan, it would be possible to delay a bit the 'relationship' with Kai and Lyn, as there will be other characters that have somewhat of a more relaxed story, in which you can 'engage' faster, in a way that feels right.
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4.30 star(s) 13 Votes