Guys let's not get into a whole "How can people like NTR?" or "How can people NOT like NTR?" thing here. There are valid reasons why people may or may not dislike both, and there's not much point going down that road. It never ends well.
And look, if people don't like something, hey mention it. We have the NTR tag now, we didn't used to. That meant a lot of people got taken by surprise when some of the optional stuff happened back in 0.8. We have the tag now. And we should. All the stuff in the game that deals with NTR is optional and will remain so but it is definitely there for those who like it and want to see it.
I'm not going to go into what other games have or have not done here, because well, there are enough rants from me on my philosophy of how it should work all over the boards.
I'm reminded of a movie quote: "When I care more about the characters, I care more about the fucking."