I'm not so sure that'd be good. I mean part of the charm of the MC having the choice to do some really creepy things (if the player starts to think about it) is that it allows us, the player, to do some really creepy things that we may have thought about but would never in a million years do in real life.
After all, the games are all about sexual
fantasy and not so much sexual reality. Otherwise most of the MCs in porn games would never get laid and/or would be serving time in prison.
I think it's good enough to have it be the player choice whether they want to be playing a creeper or a genuinely decent gentleman.
In that sense, I don't have any problems with there being options for the player to be really creepy, but it is hard to find genuinely gentlemanly choices in games. I'd also be willing to bet that the vast majority of the players would opt for the creepy choice 9 times out of 10. Which probably explains to an extent why you generally don't see much well fleshed out gentleman routes.