@Burt Reynolds Mustache If I'm not in the path of Christine but I do not want Silver or Rob to have her, will be able to prevent her from falling with them? and matching she with Jessica?
Try the Patreon path (formerly Horny) - dance with Chris at the bar (use the hot tub instructions from the Corporate route (146+?)), this blocks Robert and she doesn't work for Silver.
When she's at Jess's house with the vibe, get her to think of Jessica.
In the massage room, challenge Jess about being in love with Chris and after the dinner, if your horny is higher than friends, then 'keep things as they are'.
@T4bbo posted on the Patreon site with the boat preview, saying we can choose to help the girls (or words to that effect).
This all seems to lead to Jess and Chris with the MC, not sure there has been any specific confirmation of what combinations will be available in the end.
I have mentioned a few times about Jess and Chris riding into the sunset together and think it would be a nice ending too.