Dr PinkCake
It depends on timing I'd say. Let's say you are a lucky developer who can work full-time in this business. When your game is completed, what's next? Will patrons stay and support you while you do pre-production work and they wait months for you to put something else up? How do you get an income during that phase? Simple! You start planning and working on your next game when the current game is close to the end. It might seem like a "dick move" to postpone the current game, as players really want you to finish what's been started. But there is sound logic behind such a move; some may scream "MONEY MILKING!" but it's nothing but survival. I'm actually already doing it, in very small doses, so by the time my game is finished I can immediately start production of the next game. That's my 2c, but I'm sure there are other reasons too.I wonder if they do it like Luxee with PL and A69-release 0.01 of the new game and put it on hold.Or like Alex and Au-Pair Innocence/Lost in Temptation.
No idea why so many devs starts a second,third or even forth game before finishing first one.Probably burn out.But that shouldn't be an excuse.Let's hope both Babysitter and PL will turn better than BB or some of ICSTOR games.