Here are my answers to the feedback questions:
1. Overall how did you like the update? Were you satisfied with it? Why? Why not?
It was ok, but short (skiped the sex scenes of others characters, but I write more about that on question 2). The second part of the yacht event felt kind out of place... I expected that it was over with .15 because I can't stand (from the view of MC) any longer with the two idiots (Robert and Silver) in the same place.
Sorry, but I the cliffhanger was unnecessary. I felt pranked that first there was the sentence with cliffhanger and the next scene was the end. I didn't like that, because the update felt unfinished and that the yacht part isn't over.
I liked the "purity" of Christine, when almost everything around her screams: Be dirty (topless Julia and so on). I liked how she has shown her development in that scene (she wasn't uncomfortable, but still disliked it). You guys did a great job with that.
2. How did you like the sexy scenes this time around?
While there was plenty of scenes, I only liked (to a certain degree) the scene between uncle and Christine. I know that this was more lust and fucking than making love (like the first time of both). But the angle was bad (penetration was not really visible) and the complete scene was very short.
I know that it was more of a quickie given the time both had. But to choose the finisher was not great even if Christine gave her first BJ. I didn't like that I was kind of forced to watch the other sex scenes. When I compare them to the MC/Christine scene it was like a slap in the face because the side characters got more time/scene/quality/dialogue than MC/Christine.
If there sex scenes (between side chars) planned in future updates please give atleast the option to skip them.
3. Do you play multiple times to see everything? Or do you just run through the update once and wait? (I always say this but there can be a surprising amount of variation... for example based on previous choices it is possible to miss certain scenes entirely. Which apparently happened to a few people.)
No, I don't play multiple times, because at the moment I only focus on the MC/Christine route. I'm not interested in NTR, so these route fall of the table. Maybe I'll play the game again (when it's finished) with harem route. But when I play a game I like than I will focus only on the MC.
I know, that I will miss a lot scenes from other routes, but that doesn't bother me.
4. What was your favorite part of the update?
The daydream after punching Silver. The end of both them were great. Ironic... The sharks are getting eaten by sharks.. There is always a bigger fish I would say

It was hilarious. Sadly it was only a daydream...
5. Least favorite?
The forced watching of the sex scenes between side chars. I don't like Julia (only a whore in my eyes) with no personality... She sucks and is annoying.
I don't like the daughter of Silver... She seems kind of misplaced in the last two updates. I can't see what value she'll have in future updates. She seems to be a bitchy slut who can make your life quite a disaster. Because of that I avoid her as the MC...
"Honorable" metions: Silver, Paul, Robert.
6. Did you feel like the dialog and interactions were natural?
There were almost no mispellings and errors. Very good. The dialogues were natural for me and seemed to be in character (in the view of the personality). Quality as alsways...
7. If you are a vanilla fan, do you also play the NTR routes to check them out? The same question but reversed for those who prefer to play the NTR side of things story.
I answered that with question 3
8. Who is your favorite girl right now, and why?
As always Christine. Great development... But will see how the relationship between MC and her will blossom and what hardship they'll face. Very excited to see more them in future updates.
9. Any additional comments?
I hope that the yacht will be over in the next update and that it won't take the complete update. Try to avoid chliffhangers if it is possible. Almost every developer uses it for their games and it's kind of tiring to always see them...
But keep up with that good work.