So it's been a bit since our last feedback poll so I figured I'd pop it up here. As always answer as you want, and honestly is always the best. We had a lot of fun making this update for sure!
1. Overall how did you like the update? Were you satisfied with it? Why? Why not?
I liked the idea of a yatch with a lot of girls, excellent renderd as always, but too much male characters for me. Also the focus on main girls regarding teasing is less because there are too many characters.
2. How did you like the sexy scenes this time around?
The girls amazing, maybe not too much for Christine and I am missing Jessica.
3. Do you play multiple times to see everything? Or do you just run through the update once and wait? (I always say this but there can be a surprising amount of variation... for example based on previous choices it is possible to miss certain scenes entirely. Which apparently happened to a few people.)
I play multiple times but because there are a loooot of decisions its hard to find all the images, do in some cases I just gave up.
4. What was your favorite part of the update?
Christine and the short scenes with Jessica. I felt that we lost precious timw with the other males, but thats my opinion haha.
5. Least favorite?
Males and the redhead girl. Sorry, I can't remember her name right now.
6. Did you feel like the dialog and interactions were natural?
Yes, all the dialogs in this game are amazing, thats a strong point.
7. If you are a vanilla fan, do you also play the NTR routes to check them out? The same question but reversed for those who prefer to play the NTR side of things story.
I play the ntr path just to see what happen, but it's not my thing.
8. Who is your favorite girl right now, and why?
Christine and Jessica. Because they are hooot, and also their personality XD
9. Any additional comments?
I can't make an opinion for others, but I would prefer much more interaction with girls and less anothe male characters on screen besides mc.
10. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
If I tell you I will have to kill you