Strange update, everybody seemed to be acting out of character for fan service reasons.
I'm not sure what's to come for this game. Piling on extra girls and having an event like the yacht seem like it's right out of the DMD delay tactic playbook. Granted, that might not be the case at all, but it's what's typically done in p-tron games when the author has reached a point where they don't know what to do next. I hope this is just a temporary diversion to break things up a bit and there's more story progression to come in future updates. There's such huge potential here, I'd hate for it to collapse.
Not a diversion at all, it's all according to plan and story. And what do you mean out of character? Okay sure, Christine might of been the only one that was...less reserved, I mean, not long ago was she insecure, naive, inexperienced, shy and all that, and now she's having sex on a public place, regardless of the path. Granted that with MC she was first hesitant because it indeed is a public place and anybody could accidentally catch them, but seeing the wanting and lust for her in MC's eyes made her want it as much as he does, that's completely normal for a couple that is in love and passionate and lustful of each other, so not really out of character. Besides, she has become more confident and all, with MC at least, she feels safe with him, trusts him, loves him, wants him, so is it REALLY that much out of character? No, not really.
Was MC out of character? No, just playing a role being it is a "cover operation" to bust Paul in act of infidelity so that Sonya can get a nice settlement and alimony when she divorces him. Same thing applies to Sonya.
Jess? She's her usual self, although she has a lot on her mind so she's not AS open and careless as normal, which is understandable when you consider recent events.
Paul, Mr. Silver, Robert and the fourth guy? Not out of character, all just creepy scumbags, the usual.
Julia the same skank as ever.
The new girl? Well she is a new girl, can't really say if she's out of character. She's crazy, that's for sure, slutty too, but I like her better than Julia by far, she may be slutty, but she's not a whore like Julia, haha.