OK, so my take on the current state of things.
So, one thing that bothered me about this update was that as pointed out it was fairly linear. And it really bothered me that (as far as I can tell) that a decision made a couple of updates ago decides if Christine works for Mr. Silver or goes to the gym. The whole conversation over lunch thing with Jess and Christine seemed to have no influence whatsoever on this decision, although I need to look over the code to make sure. So you were pretty much just along for the ride on this one. Same for the Sonya thing. Instakill is not cool unless you are playing first person shooters or something...
I agree with the comment that there should have been another option with Sonya, rather than her running to her husband and you getting killed. This might have been an opportunity for a third fork, i.e. if you treated her badly, yeah husband. If she was having second thoughts about your encounter (i.e. higher love/friend stat), then she's on the fence, because she's felt like she's been cheated on for a while, but could never prove it, and has been neglected at home/sex only occasionally or very robotic, hence she doesn't mind your dalliance, as she thinks of it as a moment of weakness only on her part. And of course the 'well you didn't fuck so she wants your help' that is in the game now.
I do like that T4boo is choosing not to revise the older story elements with each update, and is just focusing on advancing the story. I find it rather frustrating when old saves are broken for little gain, and so far I've had pretty good luck using my older saves in Babysitter, Steamier Mod variances aside (I just use the console to 'put things back' in this case until I get the next Steamy mod ready for prime time).
Finally, in the last episode, you and Christine were starting to hang out and develop a deeper relationship. I very much enjoyed her morning kitchen visits, and things seemed to be going in a very positive direction. In short, You, Jessica, and Christine were having fun together, and it was fun. In this update though, Christine is pretty much a victim throughout the episode. Her choices were made episodes ago, and she's just going through the motions. And she's already getting backed into a corner with Mr. Silver, and the laundromat guy (I really should look up his name) well it would appear that he's a pimp, based on the conversations in this episode. Yeah maybe he's a nice guy but everything he mentioned screamed 'pimp recruiting ho' to me.
Even the Jessica bathroom scene seemed forced to me, and as far as I could tell, staying to chat with Christine instead didn't have any payback that I could see.
And while you could choose to be a 'saint' in this update, let's face it that was a very boring path. It's like T4boo wants you to just be a lecherous uncle that leads Christine to ruin, rather than the 'more fun path' where Christine really likes you and is slowly figuring out just how much she likes you...
There are enough games already where the main female characters are slowly corrupted into becoming sex toys. I'd rather this not be one of them. I like it when this game is fun and playful, and this episode didn't seem very fun and playful. Yeah that approach may be unrealistic, but up to this point that's what I've been wanting out of this game. I don't want the female characters to be mindless sex toys. But I do want them to fall for the Uncle/MC of course, and I want that to feel like a torrid affair and not a manipulation fest.
One other thing that I wouldn't mind at this point is if the MC could focus on one character from this point forward. I.E. he decides to chase Sonya, Jessica, or Christine, and the game decisions play into that: i.e. 'It's date time, do you: go out with Christine, go out with Jessica, or go out with Sonja', with said opportunities playing into how well you are doing with each character.
While I wouldn't mind a 'harem' ending, I'm not sure that's quite in the cards with this story. A tryst or two maybe... but in the end I think the MC should end up with one of them, and with the other two being 'just friends' at this point (and maybe occasional friends with benefits, for more trysts if you 'nuanced' your playthrough just right). That would be three clear and distinct paths that I'd very much be on board with, and would incidentally add some replayability, i.e. 'I want to pursue Jessica this play through'.
As for Mr. Silver and the laundromat dude - fuck them, they can go get their own bitches. Jessica, Christine, and Sonya are for the MC only! And between those three competing for the MC's attention, there is plenty of 'conflict' to go around already (once those three start seriously considering the MC as a potential love interest, and start working towards winning him over), without introducing cock blocking as well.
Oh, and yes I want to see Jessica banging Josh... and I mean in that order (Jessica wants it, she just doesn't want Josh to know she really wants it). On the webcam of course!