It is, but I wouldn't necessarily call it good. I mean your own niece betrays you for Silver and then bangs him in your home. She never speaks to you again. Even though you end up with Jess she still maintains loyalty to Christine, but has to accept her friend being brainwashed by Silver.
There's also a part that makes no sense where Silver eventually cheats with Jess. I discovered this can go two ways. One Christine is so far gone she accepts him cheating and just remains his slut. The other she at least finally dumps him, but goes back home to her mom.
Thanks, I preffer personaly the route Christine stays with her Uncle too and not betrays him, but sometimes i like cheat paths too, like in Anna's exciting affection i love how she unfaithfull, but here in Babysitter I wish there were more paths, like Christine maybe ended dating Josh, or Christine and Jessica live together, but somehow I dislike the NTR paths, Not that they bad done, they very well done, but it hurts to see a relative end in a bad choice of life and become a lost cause. Althought the NTR Robert route, would have been fun if there was a second ending, like if the Uncle been always understanding and let her free to see Robert, but warned her still for what Robert is, that in end Cops bust in Roberts place and arrest both and find a large stash of drugs and Robert end in jail for years and Christine go back her Uncle after been short periode in jail herself. But I know won't happen since they finished developing this VN.