
Feb 8, 2021
I suspect different people have different views as to 'rape-y stuff' . IMHO the icecream sequence, isn't as its an Aphrodisiac & since you need to get Cream to willingly take off her dress to start the event - its not as though Sonic rips it off & forces himself onto her

The only 'Rape-y(ish) thing I can see in this sequence is the part where you haven't taken her virginity up to this point
Yes, that's because the scene you quoted is from my recent rewrite of those scenes. The stuff from the previous versions was considerably rougher.

hilarious, imagine if you put that wit to work on the game making new scenes instead of changing scenes already in the game
Yes, and imagine if you kept in mind that I'm doing this on a strictly voluntary basis, on my own time. No one is paying me for this -- I don't even have a "buy me a coffee" page to accept tips -- and therefore, guess what? I really am under no obligation whatsoever to do anything with the game other than what I feel like doing with it.

But y'know what? If you really want a darker, rapey-er version of the game, there's nothing stopping you from putting your time and effort into writing one yourself. The source code for BSC is all there in the .ZIP file (assuming you download the PC or Mac version, that is; the Android build won't let me include the .RPY source files, Because Reasons :rolleyes: ); anyone who cares to do so can install the Ren'Py development environment on their computer, and modify the game to include whatever they want.

All I ask is that if anyone decides to "fork" the code and take the game in a different direction, that they change the splash screens to give it a different name (i.e. change "Betamix Edition" to "the Retardo Edit", or something) and change the references to "The BSC Dev Crew" to "Retardo and company" (or whatever), so that when (or if) you ever get around to releasing your version, it doesn't get confused with this one.

But of course... that would be work, wouldn't it. You'd have to learn Ren'py's scripting language, and some Python, in order to write game code; you'd have to make up some new splash screens in Photoshop or GIMP... you'd have to spend a whole lot of time writing dialogue and descriptions, and deciding under what conditions they get triggered, and tracing program execution paths backwards and forwards through a dozen different files of spaghetti code to make sure that what you added doesn't break something else... then, you'd have to learn how to build distribution packages in Renpy (and building for Android is not trivial), then upload them to some file hosts, submit your game to the F95 queue for acceptance... and after all of that, then you too can have your very own thread in which various randos pop in to complain about your version not scratching their particular itch, too! :p Doesn't that sound like fun?

Nah... it's so much easier to just whinge and complain about what other people are doing for free, isn't it.
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Feb 9, 2020
Yes, that's because the scene you quoted is from my recent rewrite of those scenes. The stuff from the previous versions was considerably rougher.
Managed to find an old copy of Fuzzybunny version to compare & yeah after seeing the 'original' text I have to agree that version is definitely 'rougher' & I would consider it 'Rapish'

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May 9, 2022
As for the rest of you guys -- I appreciate the support. :)
On that note, do you actually want any support? On the ren'py / code side? If you ever want an extra set of hands cleaning up the source I can do that. You can find me under this name in several of the larger renpy discords, like the official one, BadMustards (reddits), or Zeil Learnings


Aug 21, 2017
Haven't seen BSC for like a decade when it was on all those flash game porn sites. From your post up above I see that you're basically doing it out of pocket/as a fan project with no financial support from people who'd want to see this project go beyond what Avalon did.

Do you think you might change that in the future and make a ko-fi or Subscribestar or something? Cause unless you do the art for future scenes yourself it might start getting pricey if you comission art out of pocket.

Also on the art do you plan to keep the art similar to Avalons for future scenes to keep consistency or will you have a new art style for future scenes and eventually replace old art with the newer redraws to make everything look the same?

It'd be a lot more work and its easy for me to say this since I'm not doing anything, but I'd say to change the art style since Avalons work looks kinda dated and the weird schlub/beer belly Sonic is a really weird design choice on his end. Plus some of the faces they make really makes it look like they're breaking their bones to make those expressions.

IDK if you'd be fine with the ehtics/morality of it but if it's cheaper than ordering commissions you could always use AI art and train it with newer Sonic smut to get new scenes. Might be a massive departure in art but AbesDrawings makes pretty good Cream smut and I think hes even done a few drawings referencing BSC.

Good luck with this project and hope you have a good time or get what you want out of doing it.
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Feb 9, 2020
Haven't seen BSC for like a decade when it was on all those flash game porn sites. From your post up above I see that you're basically doing it out of pocket/as a fan project with no financial support from people who'd want to see this project go beyond what Avalon did......

....Good luck with this project and hope you have a good time or get what you want out of doing it.
Novilon will probably answer this himself when he has time but as a long time lurker of this game I do believe I can answer the fact that he has posted in the past
I've been putting together a list of which scenes are most in need of new or additional artwork, and have a couple of artists now who are willing to put in some work on that front.....

.....Itsonlyme has done a decent job of mimicking the current style so far, but I think we're going start making some changes, such as toning down or eliminating those heavy, cro-magnon-like eye ridges (which have always bugged a lot of people), and getting Sonic back to something a little more physically fit. (Avalon's more recent art has really gotten bad about "beer-gut Sonic", which is one reason I've been reluctant to use much of it.)
I believe he has mentioned something about payment schemes (like Patreon) before but I think he was just replying to someone else's post about it & not giving any reason for not having a thing. I also recall someone did mention that having such a thing would basically 'force' the developer to actually constantly updating/releasing versions, although this could've been on another thread & not from Novilon

EDIT: actually found the post - It was a reply to someone else
Schmuley Goldstein : Is there some kofi or patreon you have? I'd be happy to donate a little, if for no other reason than to say "thanks"

Novilon : ' Not at the moment -- never really occurred to me to set up anything like that, and somehow, I suspect Patreon wouldn't approve of a project like this anyway '


Feb 8, 2021
Haven't seen BSC for like a decade when it was on all those flash game porn sites. From your post up above I see that you're basically doing it out of pocket/as a fan project with no financial support from people who'd want to see this project go beyond what Avalon did.

Do you think you might change that in the future and make a ko-fi or Subscribestar or something? Cause unless you do the art for future scenes yourself it might start getting pricey if you comission art out of pocket.

Also on the art do you plan to keep the art similar to Avalons for future scenes to keep consistency or will you have a new art style for future scenes and eventually replace old art with the newer redraws to make everything look the same?

It'd be a lot more work and its easy for me to say this since I'm not doing anything, but I'd say to change the art style since Avalons work looks kinda dated and the weird schlub/beer belly Sonic is a really weird design choice on his end.
Yeah, Av's style has changed over the years, and arguably not for the better, especially when it comes to Sonic's "dad bod." I'm not overly fond of his current stuff myself, and will probably avoid using much more of it.

There are a couple of artists who've expressed willingness to work on the art, and in fact, some of their work is already in the game. Itsonlyme has done a decent job of mimicking Av's style, but they've also shown me a couple of sketches which are more of a "happy medium" that retains the general style while still being somewhat more "on-model", so I expect something like that is how we'll proceed.

The main problem with taking donations is the subject matter of the game itself. Most platforms are really wary of having anything "loli" associated with their services in any way, and won't make the "clearly non-human cartoon creatures" distinction that F95 has allowed this game to exist under. They're zero-tolerance, and all it takes is for one complaint to bring it to their attention and your account can be frozen and cancelled without warning or recourse. Frankly, it just doesn't seem worth tap-dancing on that particular land mine.

As for AI "art"? No. Frankly, most of what I've seen is creepy-looking, frequently has anatomical errors (extra fingers, joints in the wrong place, etc.), can't keep a character's proportions or coloration consistent from one image to the next... and that's not even getting into the ethical questions of it. (Which is a thorny debate I'd just as soon not wade into here.)

Plus, I'm pretty sure my current PC is incapable of running any of those AI image generators anyway. An AMD Phenom II X6 CPU and an nVidia GeForce GTX760 isn't exactly a graphics powerhouse these days. :cool:


New Member
Nov 25, 2020
The main problem with taking donations is the subject matter of the game itself. Most platforms are really wary of having anything "loli" associated with their services in any way, and won't make the "clearly non-human cartoon creatures" distinction that F95 has allowed this game to exist under. They're zero-tolerance, and all it takes is for one complaint to bring it to their attention and your account can be frozen and cancelled without warning or recourse. Frankly, it just doesn't seem worth tap-dancing on that particular land mine.
Have you considered accepting crypto? You can have it pretty much anonymously when using stuff like Bitcoin and Monero, especially if you are using a actual wallet and not a custodial wallet. The drawback is that it makes it pretty hard to do Patreon style stuff of tiers and monthly donations (though Monero is working on setting something like that up) but it would at least allow you to accept donations.


Feb 8, 2021
Have you considered accepting crypto? You can have it pretty much anonymously when using stuff like Bitcoin and Monero, especially if you are using a actual wallet and not a custodial wallet. The drawback is that it makes it pretty hard to do Patreon style stuff of tiers and monthly donations (though Monero is working on setting something like that up) but it would at least allow you to accept donations.
Honestly, I don't know the first thing about cryptocurrency. I've never even heard of "Monero" before. ("Bitcoin", I've at least heard of, but I know nothing about how one would actually go about having it or using it for anything.)
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Nov 25, 2020
There are guides out there which would help, but to make a long story short and keep it simple:

A custodial wallet is more like a bank. Things like Binance and Coindesk and Gemini, where you can buy crypto for regular cash in a much easier way, with better security and a better paper trail. But in those you don't actually "own" it because it all stays in the wallet of the company. This makes it easy to trade it for other types of crypto and lets you get interest on it if you invest but makes it a bit less safe.

A "real" wallet though is a actual address in the block chain you own and control directly. It is safer, more anonymous and of course you have full control of it. There is literally nothing stopping you from having your money on this one "real" wallet and using a custodial to just withdraw it. For Bitcoin that would be . You can still get crypto without using a custodial wallet in between but I have never done so and don't recommend unless you really know what you are doing.

In suma: Custodial for translating into real cash, blockchain for owning and receiving it.

The way it could work is you could set up so that you have your public address listed on here or at the end of your posts as a signature (much in the way some people have kofi links and subscribestar and patreon, except its a direct code to your wallet), and if anyone wants they can send that address some money. And you receive it on the other end and can then withdraw it for FIAT cash or just directly use it in places that already accept crypto.

As for , I mention it because it is a very stable and safe crypto that is one of the big boys. It's a lot safer and more private than Bitcoin, while also a bit more resilient to wild fluctuations in value, it's a favorite of people who actually need money to be kept private and it offers good security. They were also looking into having recurring payments as a wallet feature but not sure if it has been fully developed yet.

Always err on the side of caution, this is not financial advice, yada yada.


Jul 4, 2023
I never understood why Avalon's art "evolved" (poor choice of words) into that very shlubby dad bod style (similarly Cream seems to have picked up massive bulging eyes and a very sloped brow and skull as evident in some of the images like the one where she happily talks about watching TV with Sonic or where she pulls her dress up to reveal her panties). It's just so oddly unattractive and feels very much against the expectation that if Sonic was essentially an action hero that he would likely have to be pretty fit. At the same time while you never really saw his flaccid dick all that much in older art, Avalon's newer art has given him a tiny uncircumcised pecker that doesn't seem right when it's up against all the older art style stuff where he's sporting a massive boner.

I almost want to say that it's an evolution of the way he seems to hate his audience. Like he got so sick of people whinging about the game and its lack of progress that he decided to make all his Sonic art unsexy on purpose to put those people off. It's probably not that, but between the art evolution and his increasing "fuck you" attitude with all his really aggressively rapey scenes that seem designed to put off the audience or thumb his nose at everyone who he thinks doesn't care about him and only wants more babysitting

So I'd be all for this version of the game finding its own art style. Let's be realistic anyways: while Avalon came up with the idea for the game and the basic story, we're at a point where a lot of the content is no longer his. It's been built on the skeleton he made but so many scenes have been written to fill holes or re-done to fix issues and spackle over terrible grammar and syntax that that it feels like it's no longer the game he made but more of a tribute and evolution and should be able to be free of the shackles of how he structured everything to begin with. Besides, even before beer gut Sonic I was always ever so slightly put off by the oddity of Avalon's decision that the characters are like semi-realistic human bodies with Mobian heads on them, particularly so that it makes Cream have a legit pre-pubescent kid body. Finding a new design that can avoid some of the might be a positive.

Still I'm looking forward to seeing where the game goes from here.
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Mar 10, 2018
I never understood why Avalon's art "evolved" (poor choice of words) into that very shlubby dad bod style (similarly Cream seems to have picked up massive bulging eyes and a very sloped brow and skull as evident in some of the images like the one where she happily talks about watching TV with Sonic or where she pulls her dress up to reveal her panties). It's just so oddly unattractive and feels very much against the expectation that if Sonic was essentially an action hero that he would likely have to be pretty fit. At the same time while you never really saw his flaccid dick all that much in older art, Avalon's newer art has given him a tiny uncircumcised pecker that doesn't seem right when it's up against all the older art style stuff where he's sporting a massive boner.

I almost want to say that it's an evolution of the way he seems to hate his audience. Like he got so sick of people whinging about the game and its lack of progress that he decided to make all his Sonic art unsexy on purpose to put those people off. It's probably not that, but between the art evolution and his increasing "fuck you" attitude with all his really aggressively rapey scenes that seem designed to put off the audience or thumb his nose at everyone who he thinks doesn't care about him and only wants more babysitting

So I'd be all for this version of the game finding its own art style. Let's be realistic anyways: while Avalon came up with the idea for the game and the basic story, we're at a point where a lot of the content is no longer his. It's been built on the skeleton he made but so many scenes have been written to fill holes or re-done to fix issues and spackle over terrible grammar and syntax that that it feels like it's no longer the game he made but more of a tribute and evolution and should be able to be free of the shackles of how he structured everything to begin with. Besides, even before beer gut Sonic I was always ever so slightly put off by the oddity of Avalon's decision that the characters are like semi-realistic human bodies with Mobian heads on them, particularly so that it makes Cream have a legit pre-pubescent kid body. Finding a new design that can avoid some of the might be a positive.

Still I'm looking forward to seeing where the game goes from here.

But...I want loli Cream...heh, loli cream...


New Member
Nov 25, 2020
I am of the opinion the artstyle should emulate the original BSC as closely as possible. But I have to agree there seems to have been something of a downward turn on Avalon's style over the years. I like some of it, but some looks decidedly off.
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Jul 4, 2023
But...I want loli Cream...heh, loli cream...
You can still do loli cream because she's smaller and if you do it maybe more akin to the game/comics/anime artstyles. It's just something about VERY HUMAN BODIES + OBVIOUS SONIC CHARACTER HEADS that just kind of clashes a little bit and the very directly "actual human little girl style body" that is a little off-putting to me. Not enough to turn me away from the game (obviously) but it's just enough to give me a tiny bit of pause.


Dec 3, 2019
While we are on the subject, who remembers the very early entries of BSC where Cream was at a slight slant with two big teeth? Kind of like Timmy Turner from Fairly Odd Parents almost.
It was a bit creepy.
If anyone can find it, please post it. I want to both be horrified, and relieved that it no longer exists.
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