BTW, update for the masses
I was gonna ask how much stuff is impacted by negative morality because it never felt like there was all that much. As if Avalon had the idea that it could be used for a ton of stuff without having a bunch of concepts ready to go.
Though I respect that changing things this much would be hugely difficult and would theoretically violate the idea of this being a continuation/completion of the original game rather than a radical reimagining, I sometimes idly wonder if it would be better served replaced by a "lewdness" system whereby the more you do particularly racy/saucy stuff with Cream the more adventurous or aggressive she gets, giving you alternate scenes. There are a few instances of things like this that seem to depend mostly on Sonic's stats and RWC but it would be interesting to see it pressed further as a way to unlock some extra kinky content.
Well, this game is already a pretty significant "reimagining", considering where it started from! If anything, it's a continuation of what FuzzyBunny23 started, and FB23 had already changed a number of things and declared his intention to greatly tone down, if not eliminate entirely, much of the harsher rape/non-con stuff, especially that directed at the younger characters like Cream and Tails. So the game was already headed off in a different direction from whatever Av had in mind, anyway. (And is
definitely going in a different direction than what his more recent Sonic and BSC-themed artwork has been going in...
But yeah, considering that there are only a bare handful of morality-level checks as it is, and that it's only checking for negative "yield to the Dark Side" things, it's probably not all that useful.
As for the "lewdness" suggestion of Cream getting more adventurous or aggressive, we do have some of that in the game already. One of the things I've been doing recently with the new / expanded scenes is trying to "multi-path" them so that what Cream does, or is willing to do, can change based on what she's
already done with you previously. (The Sonic/Amy/Cream threesome, for example, plays out differently depending on whether she's already deep-throated you once before.) I absolutely agree that there should be more of it, though!