How can I sneak into the school at night?
If I stand in front of it at night, it says ‘the school is closed’ and with the ladder from the field I can only get into Nicolette's office?
Very nice update. Finally, some real action. But why the mc turned into a pussy near the end of the mom route?!
Also, there is a problem if the father wasn't home. and you'll need him to be there for multiple days.
Who the absolute fuck puts save protection on a porn game. I do not want to play this endless clicking between areas game with additional grind. Garbage and ignored
I also got that bug where saves stop working. Grinded through a couple of the main quests and saved at the school. Then reloaded the game and that save loaded in Mias room at midnight. Kendras quest, which was previously completed per the update, was no longer completed. Every save from then on loaded back in Mias room for some reason. Undid about 30 minutes of progress...