While the ambitious ideas of having a many branching paths for the females with their plots seems promising, the game falls short still. I have no way of knowing if and when I am missing scenes. There are still ridiculous misspellings and grammar errors. When doing the supermarket job, I have absolutely no clue what is going on.
What I do like however, is the amount of potential this game holds! With some detailed explanations and a better UI, the game could really shine. The character models' are beautiful. There's a nice variety of things to invest in and explore. And they check out most the popular fetishes\genres. :heartcoveredeyes:
If only they would update more frequently, and I don't mean that by releasing more versions... Even simply sharing more updates about the game's progress would really increase the hype and and confidence of their supporters. I for one, would definitely support them if they would've not neglected their patrons and gave more attention to their page..