
Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
In the wild west of Us,America if someone was found guilty of raping or taking advantage of weaker sex, they were given a trial and employed a punishment known as calfing; a young calf (usually a cow but sometimes goat or a lamb was used) the offending individual was pants and underwear were removed where then his member was giving to the animal to be suck as if was teat (for set amount of time and this was repeated over a set amount of days), this most often lead to infection and loss of member.

If people are "insert adjective" enough to believe in someone blindly or ignores someones M.O (taking advantage of a weaker individual physically or mentally repeatedly) for any sort of gain, they deserve to lose a member and well calfing seems to work.

I very much doubt an update is in the works or will appear (no matter who is or not "helping" Rainces) until some unknown finical amount (to the subs or the public at large) is reached.

Until there is some negative (fiscal, account locks or a requirement to provide proof of work accomplished to collect any funds) impact to developers from supporters and facilitators of such who act in this manner they will continue to do so, simply due too the impunity these developers afford as of currently.

Historically speaking towns that ordained such responses to these crimes had lower crime rates over all.

# Same valid reasoning here... Creators should be supported only when creating... Of course their pace should be respected (some room for breaks, time for reflection,...) but yeah there should be some form of control to avoid any kind of abuse or deception. It's not about who pays what but about honest interaction/conduct.
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Active Member
Sep 29, 2022
Não é disso que se trata...

# I don't think so. He's just pointing out that as long as RAInces is handsomely paid, we won't get any update (same old RA bs)... We're all hoping it to be different this time but can we be sure of that...? I don't see anything wrong with his reasoning... Just stating a fear most of us have....

RA hasn't done enough to get trust back. For now same old, same old - teaser and then vanishing. But yeah, we still hope... (At least I do)
No, that's really a completely irrelevant discussion to get hysterical about the money that guy took on PATREON or somewhere else, HERE where you didn't pay anything. It's one thing to get angry for the unfulfilled promises made here and another to be interested in the latops who buy them with the money you don't give him anyway. Anyway in RAINCES return message it was mentioned that he is giving up the job he had and his dedication to this game only, now even if we don't believe him (based on his history) one thing is pretty sure he will need money so it will maintain some flow of game development, the only problem is if it will make it as a ZIP with small and even irrelevant updates or if it will have interesting developments.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
No, that's really a completely irrelevant discussion to get hysterical about the money that guy took on PATREON or somewhere else, HERE where you didn't pay anything. It's one thing to get angry for the unfulfilled promises made here and another to be interested in the latops who buy them with the money you don't give him anyway. Anyway in RAINCES return message it was mentioned that he is giving up the job he had and his dedication to this game only, now even if we don't believe him (based on his history) one thing is pretty sure he will need money so it will maintain some flow of game development, the only problem is if it will make it as a ZIP with small and even irrelevant updates or if it will have interesting developments.
Não concordo...

# Although irrelevant to fans and even supporters (who cares what devs do with their money), what is the message he's trying to convey here? I read: "More milking bs from RA...?!". You may find fault with the way he puts it but I'll admit there's some validity to his unease:

- how is this any different from other RAInces teasers/milking strategies?
( why would he waste so much time and effort on a demo when he already "has" a full update almost ready to come out? )

We're on the same boat here, don't get me wrong. We're both confident he'll deliver this time. ( I'm not on the RA bashing team, yet :ROFLMAO: ). But I do get his point.

So yeah a bit off track, probably not very eloquent but his mistrust makes sense (RA bad track record). And I simply don't agree the issue right now is whether we'll get "normal" or micro updates but rather whether we'll get them at all .
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Oct 26, 2022
In the wild west of Us,America if someone was found guilty of raping or taking advantage of weaker sex, they were given a trial and employed a punishment known as calfing; a young calf (usually a cow but sometimes goat or a lamb was used)
Congratulation! You've lost your mind.


Active Member
Sep 29, 2022
Não concordo...

So yeah a bit off track, probably not very eloquent but his mistrust makes sense (RA bad track record). And I simply don't agree the issue right now is whether we'll get "normal" or micro updates but rather whether we'll get them at all .
A possible clue is this ... 1693240147310.png


New Member
Aug 24, 2018
I downloaded this game yesterday and then downloaded the incest fix mod and after copying it into my game folder, my laptop hung and I had to force shut down my laptop. Turns out my hdd died probably bcoz of some malware of smthn from the file, I had to replace my hdd and all my data is gone. Fortunately, nothing important was there in it, just wanted to warn you guys. I have been using this site for 5+ years, and this is the first time such a thing happened.
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Active Member
Dec 19, 2019
Congratulation! You've lost your mind.
Maybe, but my problems might be fixable with medication not sure if his can be as I do not know his medical history.

RAinces has two large problems

1; his lack of communication, if it was to be rated it would be poor to low fair or 1 star out of 5 stars.
2; his communication when he does communicate, full of lies, half truths and veiled promises of if, ands, buts.

He really needs to higher someone to do PR for him, because frankly he is not very good at it.

If its a time splicing is a problem then hiring someone would fix this, but I don't believe this to be the case as some of his comments are flat out lies.

Even if he wrote a script and ran it by someone before posting it as a response this would stop 90% of his miscommunication that is conveyed.

A possible clue is this ... View attachment 2885458
Other people who worked with him have said similar things but never out right stated concrete reasons of why.
This is the first public display of colab failure I have seen involving RAinces with statement of why.
He has a lot of turn over in his "team" whether or not there are valid reasons for this has always been kept between the two parties behind the closed doors of closets forever to be lost to space and time.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
A possible clue is this ... View attachment 2885458
If this is what gets OGRey to finally start putting out their version of the game, awesome. Of all the people working on versions of the game, OGRey seemed to have the closest match to what I hoped BBS would be. We know they were doing some renders for Rainces, although their assistance may have been far more than that. Plus OGRey seemed to be holding back on their progress for their game. I think they implied before they wouldn't put out their game if Rainces was actively working on theirs.

And then with both OGRey and Zip putting out versions, Rainces might be forced to actually step up their game. To not only put out updates, but to put out updates that actually take the story somewhere. Rainces is insanely focused on the snail's pace of corruption though. They're fairly sex (especially incest) avoidant in a way that goes above and beyond wanting to build tension or not give away all of the "good stuff" too early. I just don't see Rainces changing in that regard, especially given that this demo implied a corruption path just starting for Liza when we're well beyond the "just fuck her already" stage. We could be years away from some fans getting what they really want out of the game, although of course I'm sure there are those that would be happy if it stayed just the way it is.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
If this is what gets OGRey to finally start putting out their version of the game, awesome. Of all the people working on versions of the game, OGRey seemed to have the closest match to what I hoped BBS would be. We know they were doing some renders for Rainces, although their assistance may have been far more than that. Plus OGRey seemed to be holding back on their progress for their game. I think they implied before they wouldn't put out their game if Rainces was actively working on theirs.

And then with both OGRey and Zip putting out versions, Rainces might be forced to actually step up their game. To not only put out updates, but to put out updates that actually take the story somewhere. Rainces is insanely focused on the snail's pace of corruption though. They're fairly sex (especially incest) avoidant in a way that goes above and beyond wanting to build tension or not give away all of the "good stuff" too early. I just don't see Rainces changing in that regard, especially given that this demo implied a corruption path just starting for Liza when we're well beyond the "just fuck her already" stage. We could be years away from some fans getting what they really want out of the game, although of course I'm sure there are those that would be happy if it stayed just the way it is.
Estamos sempre à volta do mesmo.

# Years go by and we're still revolving around same old... :ROFLMAO: Our luck...
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2017

BTW, i believe it used to be just over $1k last week.
+$300 In a week, with no comunication, or special, super, duper, game progress plan?? :p
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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
Calma malta...

# Let's take a deep breath, people... He's still a few months to release it. And I really believe he will so let's not throw in the towel yet...


Active Member
Jun 13, 2022
Fire burns
Water wets
Rainces is a s****y Dev.

It's as clear as day

People should learn to let go of the past and move on. Dude was serious in the first months back in 2017, but slowly showed his true nature, disappearing for + 1 year a few times. Let this game sink. There are several other projects out there which are more worthy of your time.
3.10 star(s) 98 Votes