Ok so just played it and wrote my opinions and thoughts as I went along. There is a lot so uh...sorry if it's too much haha. But the devs I did that with their games were really happy to have a lot of data to work with so far so, I won't be shy about it haha.
The cold open method was actually good with a fitting music choice too. Probably won't necessarily be popular with a lot of people but still, it's bold, unusual and it was pulled off well so far so, kudos! Also not a lot of people put music in their games right away and some don't at all so that's great.
Really funny that Damian is one letter away from my actual name and that the first girl is named Abigail which always has been a go-to/favorite name for me when I have to name a female character haha. It's just so cute. <3
Btw love the lil freckle on her upper lip it's a small touch but it makes all the difference~ <3
And the premise is pretty bold right away and the way you wrote her thought going in the shower shows very well how it feels to struggle with severe anxiety. I do and I have a feeling that you do to from what I'm seeing in there and with our convos. So yeah, that struck a cord with me and will with a lot of people. Also people make mistake and have to accept the consequences and learn from it and it's good to have the perspective of someone that did a mistake and their thoughts and how she deals with it. We've all been through these kinds of feelings to some various degree and it really humanises her. We're only human and it's normal to make mistakes and some are more excusable than others and it's never a simply black/white. There's always many factors to consider. And of course we can be in the wrong in a very obvious way sometimes but it's still a good thing to see why and how it happened, what could explain certain actions, even if it doesn't excuse those. Basically...communication people. Single most important thing in any kind of relationship whatsoever...
Whew...As you can see the intro struck a cord with me. ^^"
Which means, good writing. c:
Also the hard shift to some lewdness in what would be considered a sensible scene didn't bother me like it might with some people. In fact, I freakin relate to that. I can get horny at the worst possible times sometimes where even me I'm like "dud wtf is wrong with you haha". But that's just being human and I'm sure more people are like that than they're some who are able to admit so haha.
Btw the animations totally took me by surprise! I didn't expect any and even less so early in the developpement! They actually look pretty good too! So yeah, great job damn! And there's multiple ones for that first scene too! Really blew me away haha!
Also the SFX touch to go with it is nice and the choices of SFX loop are pretty decent too! But you should either make them less loud vs the music (or just equalize all the audio for that matter) or put it on the voice track/channel so we can lower it ourselves independently. Cuz when it started it just blasted my hears hahahaha! Since the music was much lower haha.
Ok I have one VERY superficial thing that bothers me xD. And it's the tighty whities on Damian hahahaha. It's always been a huge turn off for me haha. But then again I don't think we'll be seeing them constantly and it is very superficial as I said so take it as you will hahaha. (And if imma be honest they even straight up look like panties xD. I have a feeling that's actually what was used in the editor but then again I can be wrong haha.
Oh also there's sometimes what looks like the beard texture/layer that clips through the face right under Damian's left eye in some renders? Or is it something else?
Sneaky evesdropping emo purple head détected! UwU
Oh, have to point out that the transition from Damian to Spider was pretty abrupt and the location he was in didn't seem to make sense much with where Damian seemed to be and his reaction before and after. :0
I like the premise of the plot surrounding Damian's work. And also all the characters so far a really neat a varied in personality and looks. Even in terms of vibe regarding their possible backgrounds from what I'm feeling from them. Nice job! And having their company be small like that makes it more personal so that's good. Or well offices and it's staff I guess since they alluded to a bigger company overall but you get the gist lol. And uh...mommy Dominique peeked my interest quite a lot uwu hehe~ (ngl the other too, especially Julie hehe.)
Spotted a mistake that makes for a confusing retelling of Miranda's story, right after the pretty nice reveal of Valentine's job (nice one and good writing it was done very organically!), where she says "...,what I actually didn't do was not lock my front door...". For it to make sense in the way she's explaining things would be to says "...,what I actually did do was not lock my door...".
Btw that plot twist and new theme brung to the table caught me so off guard holy fuck. Nice choice of BGM too. Loved how you pulled a fast one like that. Nice. (I also dig a lot these kinds of themes hehehe).
(ok starting from now imma write stuff as it happens as I play. I was doing that with the other comments above but did't want to make it seem like they were just pure reaction but this'll make the process easier hahaha)
Jesus, Morrison, that scene...right after the other one. Damn, this game is getting intense and everything is well pulled off so far. Loving it!
Ok, now it's one intense event/reveal or one plot twist after the other. Dang dude hahaha! Sick. You're establishing a lot of pretty good sub-plots early on. Good going!
Oh, that scene with Liliane talking to Hunter has a filter that doesn't look too good imo and also doesn't seem to work very well to begin with. There's a ton of artifacts and it seems to sometime kinda refresh in a manner that is very obvious. :0
Ok you're just gonna keep these twists coming aren't ya? hahaha. dope.
Biggins uwu <3 hehe. Nice touch :3
Man and now you go and make the characters even more likeable, deeper and 3 dimensional. All the while making the situation even more complex and a struggle for...everyone in so many ways...there's so many layers to everyone's situation now, wow.
Dude, you got this, this game will be great if you continue with the same passion and stick to your vision for sure. I'm not even done playing and I can say that right away! Jeez.
And somehow you managed to make me laugh during an already really emotionally conflicting scene hahahaha! Dude, I swear...
And you go into very heavy and dark subjects too. And so far everything is approached with taste and not diminished. They feel taken very seriously and you seem to have a good grasp on them, that's good. It's subjects that need to be talked about too and it doesn't feel shoehorned in neither. I appreciate that.
The way everything is tied too. Nice spider web there haha. Oh but uh the sentence "This sounds bad enough" it says that it's Hakeem that says it but I fell like you intended it to be a reply of Ellen?
LMAO just saw what happened in the background with Damian hahahaha! It's the little things.
But man the plot is getting better and better! Btw there's a few sentence that I totally get the point you wanna get accross but that I could help you out making it even more sense and/or use more appropriate words for the things you're trying to say/explain/etc. Just offering, no biggy if you're not interested!
Dang the more I get to see different angles of Julie the more I want to pound her hahaha!
Oh shit, Dom...oops x'D.
Ah, the effect you used before was used again at the end of the scene with Miranda and Valentine and again there it looks even worse with the same issues too. No offence, just pointing it out! :0
And done!
Ok, you're definitely on an amazing start. Really great base you built there for sure! Great plot, good writing, looks pretty decent regarding the style, quality of renders and textures and I trust you will polish all these things over time. Also you animations are really good already so that's a big bonus. Very appropriate and good choices of BGMs. And as I said before all the girls have a nice variety of looks and personalities that also a majority of them have something special that makes them stand out from other games. Only other complaint I could add would be maybe that the color palette, hues and filters generally used makes the game overall look a bit too saturated in terms of all the colors come out. But hey, then again that's very subjective and it's not a major issue at all.
So yeah, I'm hooked and really hyped to see what's next!
