Shit, man. When I finish this, most likely will be because of these messages of support. Truly, thank you. Because I was starting to believe there was no potential at all. I was thinking to myself that what I was writing was at the very least decent or tolerable, people have come and said that is pretty meh and I can understand and respect the opinions of others. I know I'm not an expert in English nor do I claim I am. So I was pondering if it was meant to be or if I should continue and finish it, but oh man, it doesn't matter if is only you, now I know it's totally worth it to reach the end.
I'm taking notes of what you said and it's not that far away of what I already know. I failed with some transitions between plot and videos, I kind of like it at some points but in others they just don't look good, and I should go back and work on them a little bit.
Even when I said that this isn't much of a game and it's only a story, I have seen many comments criticizing the lack of interaction in this "game"; I have never said, not even once, that this is a game. However maybe I should just add options. Then again maybe I can just wait to finish this my way and just add interactions in the next project.
I'm going to take this opportunity to just say this, might as well: There are so, so, so, so many games, wonderful games by the way, where you "are" the main protagonist and you end up fucking every.single.girl; some of them barely minutes after you meet them. I don't want to do that (or at least not without some context or reason behind it yet to be explained). Still a lot and I do mean 'A lot' of whatever plot you can come up with outside of that is NTR for tons of people. If "they" don't fuck them all, then they don't like it. I dig that. I like that too. Though I dislike when the protagonist has a big dick and that is the sole reason why girls accept to be fucked by him. It bores me to hell. Yet I wouldn't say "this is shit just for that" because in the end some characters might be interesting, the plot might be interesting, the scenes are hot, the girls are hot, and many, many other factors. I'm not trying to be edgy either, doing something different because it ain't new or innovative, simply put I'm aware of what I'm doing here. Not calling on other games either, just using this as an example.
That aside, what appears to be sub plots are actually connected to the main scheme of things without any plot twist. You can guess what might come up next even. I'm okay with that.
And to end this message, hopefully people besides you read it... this is not a big planned story I've been thinking or wanting to write for years, actually is being written along the way most of the time. This might sound like "now I know why is shit" and that would be even my own opinion. Despite that I do have a grasp on what's going to happen, how it might end and why I began writing this:
We all live our lives without caring much about others. Because, let's be honest, we don't and shouldn't care much about them. If we can help, we try; if we can't or don't want to then we move on. But if one day you're happily sitting in your front lawn and your drunk neighbor, who drinks heavily but you never said anything to him because if he dies of liver cancer that's his business, rams his car into yours causing major damages all around. Your insurance does not want to pay, your neighbor can't pay or won't pay and besides he's in prison already; you either have to buy a new car or repair the damages, now you need to take the bus to work, you need to get up earlier, arrive home late. Buying groceries might be a pain without your car. Many other things happen because of that small accident that you didn't have control over in the first place. You're moody, you're tired, you're frustrated. You might hurt others, your girlfriend, friends, family with words you don't mean to say. And this might go on months after the incident. Sure some can say welp, shit happens. Others just can't.
Maybe I should have just given an example of someone eating a bat on the other side of the world and here we all are now almost two years later.
That's my train of thought while I write this VN. Sometimes people we don't even know make bad decisions and they end up hurting us. This might be too profound for a fap not-game but yeah that's the mind set I was when I started this and I should just roll with it until the end. Even when I'm not in that mind set anymore.
Maybe my next true-game can be a dating simulator with interesting characters and without a complicated plot. Although I don't even believe this is complicated to understand.
New drug on the streets = free fucks, eventually. Some might resist it, though. Maybe. Probably.
Yayyy! Just the fact you're saying that this alone motivated you to try to continue your project to the end makes me so happy! Not only because I could inspire someone to do so while making them happy but also because I'm genuinely hype for more! x)
And yes you'll always have people that aren't interested or don't like your stuff and that's just par for the course. Try to focus on people that appreciate it for what it is because that's your people. That's exactly the thing in fact, by keeping it true to YOUR vision and what YOU want out of it, inevitably you will attract and find your people. People that have the same tastes as you. Even if you are more niche in certain aspect, you will find the following that is there for these specific kind of things that there is so few that actually fills that need. And usually, those devs that take that path and stick to it long enough end up being the ones that gets the most known for that exact same reason. By being genuine, passionate, dedicated and stand out from the masses. You're not taking the easy route by making exactly by the letter what's the most trendy sure (and I get it why some people do, not trying to offend anyone),but usually by the end of it, the path you chose is the most rewarding if you don't give up and pour your heart into it. And never forget the silent majority out there. For each negative comment there's always 10 times more people that actually appreciate your work, just they don't take the time to say it. People that are dissatisfied are always the loudest and most prone to take the time to complain. But of course, doesn't mean you can't make errors or have flaws in your projects though. And constructive criticism is always worth considering and at the very least to be read. But you're already doing great on that side so just continue doing it

I mean so far it's a KVN, which yes is still considered a genre of game technically but yes it's the least interactive types. But hey at least it's not in RPGM HAHAHA! So sorry to anyone doing an RPGM game out there btw. I don't mean to offend anyone. There's some RPGM games that are balls to the walls amazing. Just, there is very few, since it requires a lot more thought to be put in to actually make it interesting and worth it to be done in that engine instead of other ones haha. But I digress lol. So yeah, even if it's not interactive, that is something that can change later on! Maybe do your main story line and then see how much work it would be to add branching path let's say. And then if you don't feel like it then just don't! And maybe do that for your next project instead like you said. Not being overly ambitious, especially with your first game is always an extremely good idea. Or at least focus on completing what you have in mind and *then* think about what you can add to it after the fact. But yeah, the next challenge after that can be branching paths for the next game and then after that, if you get there one day, you can even try to tackle a sandbox type game! Which is the next step in term of interactivity and depth of gameplay. Those are my favorite type tbh, but I never blame anyone for not dipping their toe into that since it does seem like a lot of work, especially code wise haha.
But yeah, focus on the basics always. "Don't bite more than you can chew" is always an extremely valuable saying. Take your time essentially and don't spread yourself too thin. ^^
And yes exactly, I agree all along the line of your paragraph where you took the opportunity to give your personal opinions. I totally get everything that you mean and think exactly alike, I really do. In fact, the more I read your replies the more I have the impression of talking to myself it's insane hahaha. We seem to be on a same page in terms or tastes and mentality haha.
Oh yeah, all the sub plots I noticed then got all interconnected in the "spider web" I mentioned haha. But still, there is many layers and very different things happening to various characters who learn about the overarching plot in different manners or affected by it in various ways. Which makes it very interesting imo. And it was well executed too. It was all in a shotgun shot (one big burst) but still, I don't feel like it was rushed or not earned since it was well written and presented. And I still wanna see what happens next very much which means you did good! And even if I see where it'll be going next (which I think I do haha), like you said is still very fine because what I have in mind is stuff that can lead to very interesting (and hot) situations when we get in the details of who, when, where and how!
Hey no worries there is nothing wrong with something written on the fly. And like I said before, you can always rewrite or add to certain sections of the story. And polish it as much as you want or don't want. Also we're always our worst critics haha. So don't beat yourself down too much. Write with your intuition also, not just your brain! c:
Ah yes, I totally catch our drift. I sincerely do. And you are right, people often don't realize the impact people have on others. And even less of the possible ramifications of the "butterfly effect" that it may set in motion. And the example of "the person eating a bat and now here we are", is a very good one. And all my favorite games here (ex: those in my signature kek) in fact not only have amazing sex scenes, visuals, bgm, environments, interactivity and etc, compared to most...but on top of all of that they tackle very heavy/dark/complex subjects/traumas, that are not easy to talk about and even less be explained and layed out in good taste and in a truthful manner. Because it ads a whole lot of depth to the characters and to the story and makes the characters and the relationships feel way more real and the story much more engaging. And, because of that it makes the sex scenes all the more exciting, rewarding, personal and/or hot. Yes there might be some people that don't like that stuff or can't relate or just don't understand it. And they have all the rights to feel that way. But that ain't our problem. And I'm glad to see you're more and more determined to stick to your vision. Never stifle your creativity and inspirations for someone else. Make the game (yes I still call it a game because it technically is) for yourself first and foremost, always.
And sure, if the next one you wanna do is completely different or even let say, much more simple, then that's your prerogative and no one can stop you. Never force yourself to do something you don't feel like doing. Because that's when bad games are made the large majority of the time. You can easily feel it when there's no soul in it. And yours is chuck full of it. From the big picture to the small details like Damian in the background being all sad he dropped the basketball hahahaha! <3
LOL, I mean yeah, if you *really* wanna boil it down as much as possible hahahaha! That would be it. xD
EDIT: In fact the drug makes me feel it's highly inspired by Scopolamine but with a bit more of an aphrodisiac effect haha! If anyone don't know about it, look it up. It's super fascinating and scary lol.