- Oct 4, 2017
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- 2,601
Here is the thing. This is the second version of devs. game.Jesus lmao. All I can see is a synopsis that could be resumed in "the themes of this game are not the ones I'm used to and the context and story behind the characters and their H-scenes aren't my cup of tea". Which is fine in itself, but the way you explained and detailed it ain't really constructive and comes off really whiney.
Also the fact you skipped through the second half kinda removes credibility behind what you're trying to say. Especially that you didn't even get to understand the pregnant woman used the same drug mentioned by other characters to induce a state of extremely high subjectivity/control over Damian's girlfriend lol. And many other really important details that you skipped on and would've explained questions that you have or made you able to understand better why some stuff is happening the way they do.
Who said he didn't want some form of NTR here or there?
Who said he wanted to redeem Lily or make her a love interest or do that in a quick way? I think the backstabber friend plot gives a nice amount of tension to the story and makes it less predictable and a lot of outcomes can come off from that.
Also yeah a BJ can have you quite spent if it doesn't take you 2mins to cum lol. It's called pacing, so that you don't blow all the excitement of escalations of sex scenes in one go and build up the tension to make the next ones even hotter.
Then why would it be bad to have multiple protagonist? I think it's well executed and it's a breath of fresh air vs the other games.
Same goes for the models Traitos made, that's totally subjective of course but personally I love them because they are not the typical bimbos with mega tits that look like bad boob jobs with blowup doll lips and shit lmao.
They also have very distinct looks and personality between themselves and it's a good challenge to take on as a dev and so far he's been pulling it off pretty well imo.
Also yeah you can't change the names because in the end no character is really the MC, it tells the story of multiple characters that are all impacted by the main overarching plots while also living their own subplots that sometimes intersect and goes further than "wow, MC has a really huge PENNE, I gotta have me some of that hehe" lol.
Also never heard of a guy and girl living collocation while having a platonic relationship and having their own relationships on each of their sides? Also it is explained more in detail as to why they live together but you probably skipped it anyway.
Also Abigail did continue insisted on the blowjob because she doesn't know at all he's gay and she desperately needs the job and is too scared to lose the opportunity so she goes all in literally lol. Ain't really hard to grasp. And the fact that the guy is secretly gay and stuck in a similar reversed situation as her makes it all the more complex and interesting.
Also you make all kinds of weird assumptions like "Like that will somehow reduce the NTR right?" when talking about the reveal that the director that Abi sucks is gay. I would be surprised if that even came to mind of Traitos when building that scene and I didn't even started to conceive it as a possibility before reading your stuff lol. Also since no one is really the MC because there are none, how could it annoy you as NTR, since you're not really supposed to self-insert in any character specifically? Hence why you don't changes any names and follow multiple characters closely.
I think that not only you came at this game with a bad angle while also not actually reading it throughout; but also it's deals in theme and has a presentation that isn't your cup of tea. And that is fine, you have the right to your own opinions and tastes, but you can't really blame the dev for those things and even less critique it the way you did as I described in the beginning.
Anyways, on that note, have a good one bud.
And try to keep it constructive next time, because just complaining about not getting it and not liking stuff *isn't* constructive.
How can it be a credible review if he starts by saying he skipped half the game? lol
And call it a "sacrifice" please...
But hey, if the themes of the game doesn't seem like your thing I can understand that, sure. Fair enough.
I didnt touched the first version since from the comments here it was to much fucked up from a plot point where even he himself realised it and changed it.
So I waited to try his second version out which I did.
What you need to know is that the focus was to be some sort of Dark setting where MC "heals" the LI through the story...romantic and sexually.
His earlier version but also this new one should have this type of setting, thats what he said in his last comments. That was my last knowledge of what the dev. was planning and with that sentiment I tried the game out.
So that the game now has multiple protagonist is kinda odd, but I still rolled with it to see how it will end.
Most people tend to personalizes themself as the MC, even if the story tells them not to.
Or why do you think harem players wont touch a NTR story even if it was told from the female perspective ?
And I said that I "stopped it in the middle and skipped through the dialogs", but I still finished it and I got most of the plot what was needed to know. Everything what is important is in there, or at least for me to decide If I should continue playing it when new patch arrives or not. Or how do you think I know about it what happend there to the end ?
I mean if you think it removes credibility, then its up to you. But I explained how the story I experienced in detail. Im sorry if you dont see it that way.
I already had a guess that THE Drug played some role with his GF and Miranda (Its heavily mentioned during Lily and Principal talk and the Black guy conversation with the coworker of MC), but I also said that I dont even cared from that point because the novel lost my interest earlier. Except your into NTR which im not and Im glad I ignored it.
The same with the Abi and MC living in the same House. Remember when I said its confusing in the beginning ?
Well, what I wanted to say is that things like these should be explained earlier because people can and will misunderstand things pretty easy from that point on if they arnt explained properelly. And if you have question over question like me (which arnt plot related questions by the way) but simple character behaviour or simple situations, it tend to stack up with other problems the game have and lose interest to the game.
The dev. himself. That was the whole backlash in the first version. If you read some previous comments you will see.Who said he didn't want some form of NTR here or there?
When I saw the BJ part I checked the updated Developer Notes about NTR if he changed his mind or what or why was the reason for the BJ scene. (You know, because when he decided to make a new version of the game because people didnt liked the NTR stuff, why would he still have scenes with NTR in it ?)
So I find out its still in there but It was my mistake since I didnt checked it before, since he updated it. And I already was playing it. Personally I dont mind it ONLY if its done in a good way. However in this version its not.
Thats why I commented "Like that will somehow reduce the NTR right?"
The thing that she is forced to do it, the thing that she is crying, the think that the principal is gay are all (probably) there to make her more innocent to the readers eyes. So even if she does these things we shouldnt criticize her because of that.
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We know that later she will be a LI for the MC (expect even that was changed) so when player see this it will influence not only their behaviour to this LI, but also to the game itself.
So even when she has a clearly save route not to do it, she still insists to do it, despite she showed just 2 renders ago she really hate doing it. Its moronic and from what I read I didnt get Abi as a moronic character.
I know that she dont know that the principal is gay but her on insiting it because its "hard to grasp" is purely for the NTR.
And thats not really the problem that there is NTR, its how poorly the NTR is done.
Like I already said, this was the whole problem like it was in the previous version. Aka have "healing sex" with rape victims type of BS. But sadly even with these tropes it wont reduce the NTR. Its just that and people who dont like it (people like me), wont like it.
And if Lily is a LI at all, it will be almost impossible to redeem her from how I see it. Its was just my personal view. And if the plot goes into more fucked up shit (which lets be clear it will since its a Dark setting) which will force Abi to do more fucked up shit and other LI, you kinda will have a hard time to redeem her.
You may find it interesting, thats all cool and I personal dont really mind it but that was not the debate. The "debate" (if you wanna call it that) was that I just dont see how the dev. can change the whole narrativeto to "redeem" her, expect without coming out cheap.(of course if she is a LI at all).
I agree that the models is always a personal taste. For me these are the typical models from Honey Select you find one some sharing sites. Which I dont mind and If I should be honest, I prefer Models from Honest Selcet.
However, these are not good looking ones.
Yes, like I said its personal taste but like I also said, if they the story dont interests me, has stuff I dont like (NTR) and also dont have attractive models I will lose interest in the game. I didnt blamed the dev. for it. I know how hard it is to come up with good looking ones, even harder when you want to be original. Its just that.
Oh, and the BJ scene. You may compare it to pacing and Im not the guy who necessarily wants a the whole package. But first impressions mater and like we saw I already have other problems with the game. If the sex scenes (or in this case) the behavior were more "masculine", it could have persuade some people to keep reading it.
The issue is how it was done if the game wants me to say that is THIS guy who we will see upcoming sex scenes. (Because lets be real, it will)
Expect the "MC" is not just some side character in a novel where he will act more in a beta/cuck mentality, I dont see how this "MC" can even satisfy a single woman after a single BJ. And in a porn game where "healing" will be done to some point with banging you probably see my concerns.
I dont bash the dev. for what he is doing because its not like he is lying. At least I didnt get the vibe of it.
He also has the right TAGs now. Its his personal viewpoint what he thinks NTR is or not.
I just came back to try his new version out because his idea were interesting but after playing I just didnt liked it.
I get that you like the game, but for people who thought it would continuing with the "Harem end" type of Plot and without any NTR, its just not the game for me or the type of people.
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