This is my first game, and I can't express how much I appreciate your interest. I have read all the comments. Thank you for your feedback; it will help me improve future versions of BallPsy.
Regarding the mini-games, I am currently working on a patch that will offer an alternative until I figure out something more permanent for future versions of BallPsy. It will be out in a few hours.
As for the Trojan issue, Windows Defender is good, but at the same time, it's not perfect. It is falsely flagging the executable as malware. I did some reading (skimmed), and there may be a way for me to submit the executable to Microsoft so it wouldn't be flagged as a Trojan. People who are getting Trojan warnings, please edit your comments and include your Windows version (Win10 or Win11 will suffice). Thank you.
I got the warning but just allowed it in Windows10, no biggie not the first time and surely won't be the last.
As far as the mini games I'm not usually a fan but they weren't difficult or time consuming, still being optional would be nice.
My main request is the ability to name saves, with different routes it will be helpful going forward. Example so far I have two saves one with Julia/Lena and one with Mia/Grace. Overall I enjoyed the game, decent story, good renders, and animations are really good. Keep up the good work!
One other thing, I had previously asked if render count included animations, and after playing it seems obvious that it did. I don't know about anyone else but I usually look at render count to determine how long it will take to play an update so you may consider listing only still render count but this is just my opinion and not a big deal.