
Feb 15, 2023
Given Athena's incest fetish, I'm mildly surprised there wasn't an Athena/Sadie ending. Or at the very least, since Heidi was the polyamorous glue holding all the throuple+ dynamics together, an ASH ending.


Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
Val is supposed to be super smart, but when she ran her background check, she should have stopped once she began to piece to first hints together. she went further to satisfy her curiosity risking both MC's and his father's lives. even worse, when she revealed to MC that she knows everything, it's incredibly stupid. at the very least, it's a huge gamble. she pulls a "hey trust me bro", she plays with his life, his actual life and his life circumstances, and those of his father.
there should have been a choice there. fight then leave, flee asap, and listen/trust her.
just like there was a choice during Zenda's first date when she danced with the other guy and let him make moves on her in front of MC. it's obviously a test but choosing to leave her right there and then can also be made with confidence. refusing to be tested/played with, refusing to continue hanging out with a slut that goes for the first guy after just two minutes (even if it's "just" a test). Even if Zenda insults MC by comparing him to a scared child, it can be argued that she does it out of anger and frustration, trying to get back control of the situation, and doing the rejection instead of recognizing that she was rejected. :D

back to Val, if MC followed the rules, like he is supposed to, no matter what she claims, he would lose another year of school and would have to be put through all the process again, with his father. Ruining both their new lives. She is lucky that MC dumped all his emotional panic on Sadie before, and that helped him stay cool in that moment. though it would have made more sense, if MC did panic a bit and yelled at her that she just ruined his and his father's lives. she deserves some kind of consequences for the series of stupid choices she made. from MC's POV, it's the third person that knows his real name, and the second that knows his whole situation. it's not safe if even one person knows, but now three people know, it's definitely not safe anymore. thankfully for her, MC thinks with his dick and doesn't have post nut clarity xD

In her ending, she asked MC to wear dark clothes, and he puts on a light sweater xD and she doesn't notice or ask him to change... WTF ?
and Sam looked like she had Athena's face with Val's body :D i'm surprised she was not a choice. val's fans might rage over the idea of being forced to cheat on val xD
the proposal scene might have been a bit too mundane. after all those years apart, I would think MC would go for something big, or involve their kid in it somehow. he could also have popped the question for their reunion.

When MC gets the call from Caprio, there is an easy solution. record the call. then MC has evidence that Caprio will kill the Dean, he can tell him as much, which would prevent Caprio from killing the Dean. everybody with half a brain knows Caprio will want to kill the Dean no matter what with or without MC coming anyway. then send that recording to the Outfit to show them that Caprio is creating loose ends by himself, becoming a loose end himself for the Family. they should deal with him themselves if the cops manage to fail his arrest for kidnapping and all the other charges...

For Zenda, there is a single question that never got answered: why the hell did she choose to go to PCA ? she could have been accepted anywhere in the world, in the most prestigious academies/schools/universities...
Zenda's route was a good idea but it didn't feel as complete as the other routes. I think the idea was that she would be the strong woman behind her great man, but having her show her soft and romantic sides more openly and freely would have make it more interesting, and would enhance her moments rather than them being subdued. dropping subtle hints only made it like a long tease without any payoff in the end. She is also the only one that never gets a proposal scene :D she carries the whole relationship herself.

there is a small "bug" in chapter 4. if you are on val's and zenda's path, when they each want to spend a weekend with MC, if you choose to accept val over zenda but agree to focus on zenda afterwards, the ski weekend still happens. the code only checks if we are still on her path and there is no breakup flag. it should check if we also accepted val's weekend.
and, there is no breakup scene for zenda if we choose the other girls over her at the end, though i'm not sure it's possible to keep her that long, except for val. maybe with mora or sadie solo routes, it's possible ?

Given Athena's incest fetish, I'm mildly surprised there wasn't an Athena/Sadie ending. Or at the very least, since Heidi was the polyamorous glue holding all the throuple+ dynamics together, an ASH ending.
a kink or a fetish is not enough to build a relationship :) athena would only be open to the idea if heidi is there. sadie would pretty much accept anything though, so yeah an ASH ending should have been possible.

regarding Mora's endings

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she is opened to butt stuff to begin with, but in MASH, she has many other options and sources of pleasure, she could warm up to the idea over time after seeing sadie liking it so much. because MASH ending isn't that far in the future. she only just graduated.
her solo route shows the couple much further down the line, so spicing it up in the bedroom is something that will come up, especially when she basically has everything that she can hope for. her love, free from danger, getting their life back, going back to her hometown and away from the place she didn't like and was forced to live in, having an art gallery showcasing her work...

So after playing all ending I could say that the dev's favorites are Valeria & Sadie isn't it, the quality and contents of their solo scenes/endings doesn't compare to other LI. I just hope that the next game, we could finally see MC's mom and probably get some content with her too judging by the looks of her lips she looks like a hot milf.
Valeria for sure (it almost felt like the writer wanted to make a personal point on the topic of age gap), but going by number of lewd scenes, i would say Athena rather than Sadie. and Sadie's final scene ends a bit on a sour note, at least to me, even if it's open ended. MC wanted to check on his mom during the whole game, but he was not ready to get that call, have a talk, especially if it involves incest and having a kid with his cousin. Sadie gave his number without asking for his consent, even if she does it out of love and care to get him out of his comfort zone, and she kept him in the dark about the whole trip back home


Feb 18, 2023
Valeria for sure (it almost felt like the writer wanted to make a personal point on the topic of age gap), but going by number of lewd scenes, i would say Athena rather than Sadie. and Sadie's final scene ends a bit on a sour note, at least to me, even if it's open ended. MC wanted to check on his mom during the whole game, but he was not ready to get that call, have a talk, especially if it involves incest and having a kid with his cousin. Sadie gave his number without asking for his consent, even if she does it out of love and care to get him out of his comfort zone, and she kept him in the dark about the whole trip back home
Well, it's like quantity versus quality. Athena sure have lots of lewd scenes but it's short, though I like the beach and the dark cabin room it's so intimate and rare , so it's such a shame that it feels like a quickie in a dark alley compare to Sadie which has fewer lewd scenes but long and satisfying


Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
Well, it's like quantity versus quality. Athena sure have lots of lewd scenes but it's short, though I like the beach and the dark cabin room it's so intimate and rare , so it's such a shame that it feels like a quickie in a dark alley compare to Sadie which has fewer lewd scenes but long and satisfying
it's not just the quantity of lewd scenes though, like i said. Sadie's final scene didn't sit right with me. there are still lots of unresolved stuff there. also, there is some missing explanation : Sadie's job. it's not ideal once their kid is born. does she travel all alone afterwards while MC raises their kid alone too? or does she change/quit job? :) Athena solo route might lack a kid, but it feels more complete


Apr 8, 2024
the proposal scene might have been a bit too mundane. after all those years apart, I would think MC would go for something big, or involve their kid in it somehow. he could also have popped the question for their reunion.[/ISPOILER]
I thought that too, it was a bit weird. But a few seconds later I remembered it was the bar where they first met and Val took him home, so it had sentimental value, and I thought it was a good fit, even if it didn't seem that romantic to an outsider.
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Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
I thought that too, it was a bit weird. But a few seconds later I remembered it was the bar where they first met and Val took him home, so it had sentimental value, and I thought it was a good fit, even if it didn't seem that romantic to an outsider.
indeed, the location is appropriate, but MC just put the box on the table. no getting down on one knee, no build up, nothing. Nicole kinda ruins it a bit too, MC might felt forced to do it then instead of waiting for a better moment or it could be viewed as if Nicole reminded him. Val is not big on theatrics and does not seek attention, so it works/fits overall, but it felt a bit lacking compared to the other proposals where some stars needed to be aligned :D


Jul 8, 2022
I am getting a crash on startup from just the base game. I thought maybe it could be the mod but no. I uninstalled the game with mod. Then installed just the game still crashing after the opening right before the menu screen with start, load, options, ect.

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I seen a post about copying the renpy folder from another game to barewitness's folder that didn't work the game stoped launching at all. I tried both replacing the renpy folder and deleting the folder then coping the renpy folder from another game both did the same thing game stoped launching. If I spam click the game after launches with no changes fresh install from the op download I can get to the menu screen but before I can click start it crashes.

I found the problem I have my xbox controller hardwired for my headset to reach me. the controller was crashing the game.
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Oct 9, 2021
Just finished the game for the first time, and got the MASH ending.
I assumed that it would end with all of them pregnant, but only 2 of them were.
Is it possible to get them all pregnant (not sure I want to play through it again on the MASH path just to find out the answer is no.)


Feb 15, 2023
Just finished the game for the first time, and got the MASH ending.
I assumed that it would end with all of them pregnant, but only 2 of them were.
Is it possible to get them all pregnant (not sure I want to play through it again on the MASH path just to find out the answer is no.)
No you can only get Sadie and Heidi pregnant in the MASH ending.
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Aug 24, 2020
But no one can make an Android port With mod from Bare Witness [Ch. 5] Multi-Mod [Sancho1969]


Before Alice went to Wonderland, she had to fall.
Sep 6, 2017
But no one can make an Android port With mod from Bare Witness [Ch. 5] Multi-Mod [Sancho1969]
Sancho's Mods usually aren't Android compatible.
Last edited:


Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
Just finished the game for the first time, and got the MASH ending.
I assumed that it would end with all of them pregnant, but only 2 of them were.
Is it possible to get them all pregnant (not sure I want to play through it again on the MASH path just to find out the answer is no.)
there is very little variations in all endings. the most significant variation comes from you inducing Heidi's pregnancy fetish. and it doesn't affect MASH in particular. the variation in MASH is just the choice for anal.


Dec 5, 2023
I played episode 4 in January. I can't play the finale. Is there anyone who will add Turkish subtitles to this game?
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