
New Member
Dec 11, 2019
Hola a mí en versión Windows me ocurre un problema que no se cómo solucionarlo porque los iconos de interacción no me aparecen los iconos para moverme por el mapa si alguien me puede ayudar lo agradezco


New Member
Sep 21, 2021
Hola a mí en versión Windows me ocurre un problema que no se cómo solucionarlo porque los iconos de interacción no me aparecen los iconos para moverme por el mapa si alguien me puede ayudar lo agradezco
Yo estuve jugando con ese mismo problema pero el problema en realidad no son los iconos sino cuando vayas a querer avanzar en algunas historias de personajes y no puedas.


Active Member
Jun 14, 2018
This always stands still but no one gives a new task.

Updates are coming, but nothing has yet been done about the HINT-SYSTEM. Not knowing where to go and what the fuck to do. That Quest window is pretty asshole made, it doesn’t tell you what’s new and where.
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Apr 25, 2021
I've built the resort, got all the membershipcards, had the Alexia/tv-studio event. Is there anything else to accomplish atm? Can you get the fourth girl on the slave-menu or the third coach? Or open the Lunaris school? Or proceed on the cemetary?

ana sucubbus

Sep 27, 2018
I'm kinda stuck, I need to do the quest5: Deliver some supplies to the white raven tavern.
I cant find them, if they inside the GY its not let me get inside, I'm getting this massage: "I have no reason to go there".
So what should I do ?


Jun 16, 2020
I'm kinda stuck, I need to do the quest5: Deliver some supplies to the white raven tavern.
I cant find them, if they inside the GY its not let me get inside, I'm getting this massage: "I have no reason to go there".
So what should I do ?
You overwritten the cemetery entry files with a mod base on the old version of the game that had no entry coded in.

ana sucubbus

Sep 27, 2018
You overwritten the cemetery entry files with a mod base on the old version of the game that had no entry coded in.
So the mod screw this up, thx for the tip :)
I know that something was wrong duo to the mod but I wasn't sure.
So reinstall the game will not help, I need to play the game from the start and there is an updated mod ?
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Jun 16, 2020
So the mod screw this up, thx for the tip :)
I know that something was wrong duo to the mod but I wasn't sure.
So reinstall the game will not help, I need to play the game from the start and there is an updated mod ?
The 9th post has the 00console.rar that i use, open console in game shift+o

Comida = Food
Fuerza = Muscle
Estudio = Study
Energia = Energy cell
Dinero = Money
Pop = Popularity
Rep = Reputation
labia = Speaks
BuenM = Good master

Baterias = (Batteries)
Carretilla = (Wheel Barrow)
Cemento = (Cement)
Clavos = (Screw)
Linterna = (Lantern)
Madera = (Wood)
Pala = (Shovel)
Pica = (Peak Tool)
Pintura = (Paint Tank)
Refacciones = (Spare Parts)
Taladro = (Drill)
Tela = (Cloth)
Vidrio = (Glass)

LVSo = 30
HPSo =

LVRe =
HPRe =

1. (Balloons) Globo = xx
2. (Chocolates) Chocolate = xx
3. (Roses) Rosas = xx
4. (Stuffed Dog) Peluche = xx
5. (Teddy Bear) Oso = xx
6. (Makeup) Maquillaje = xx
7. (Perfume) Perfume = xx
8. (Bracelet) Brazalete = xx
9. (Necklace) Collar = xx
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ana sucubbus

Sep 27, 2018
The 9th post has the 00console.rar that i use, open console in game shift+o

Comida = Food
Fuerza = Muscle
Estudio = Study
Energia = Energy cell
Dinero = Money
Pop = Popularity
Rep = Reputation
labia = Speaks
BuenM = Good master

Baterias = (Batteries)
Carretilla = (Wheel Barrow)
Cemento = (Cement)
Clavos = (Screw)
Linterna = (Lantern)
Madera = (Wood)
Pala = (Shovel)
Pica = (Peak Tool)
Pintura = (Paint Tank)
Refacciones = (Spare Parts)
Taladro = (Drill)
Tela = (Cloth)
Vidrio = (Glass)

LVSo = 30
HPSo =

LVRe =
HPRe =

1. (Balloons) Globo = xx
2. (Chocolates) Chocolate = xx
3. (Roses) Rosas = xx
4. (Stuffed Dog) Peluche = xx
5. (Teddy Bear) Oso = xx
6. (Makeup) Maquillaje = xx
7. (Perfume) Perfume = xx
8. (Bracelet) Brazalete = xx
9. (Necklace) Collar = xx


Jun 16, 2020
I've built the resort, got all the membershipcards, had the Alexia/tv-studio event. Is there anything else to accomplish atm? Can you get the fourth girl on the slave-menu or the third coach? Or open the Lunaris school? Or proceed on the cemetary?
No, technically you meet the fourth girl in the slave menu but no further progression with her or the cemetery atm. Actually I first thought the Remake would give the players the option to choose which school to go to but the story kinda follows the original giving you a reason to stay at Solaris. Lunaris isn't on the map but the map could always be updated later.
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Apr 25, 2021
No, technically you meet the fourth girl in the slave menu but no further progression with her or the cemetery atm. Actually I first thought the Remake would give the players the option to choose which school to go to but the story kinda follows the original giving you a reason to stay at Solaris. Lunaris isn't on the map but the map could always be updated later.
Yeah, I thought that was probably her. Perhaps the next "boss" to defeat.
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