plz look back in fourm i already answered that but here you are again quest 10 is the last main quest in game right now all you can do is work girls quest or side quest after the main oneAFTER QUEST 10 WHAT SHOULD I DO ? PLEASE HELP
bruh i already realize that this game have 2 different version v.1.1 and v0.15 , i just played version v1.1 that this forum cant help my problem i think lol xD , so many many bugs in there reallyplz look back in fourm i already answered that but here you are again quest 10 is the last main quest in game right now all you can do is work girls quest or side quest after the main one
im so sorry if its annoying but as u know id love this game since i saw the main character and also at the stories begin . I know im not good for english speaker but i appriciate for all ur help , thanks chiefplz look back in fourm i already answered that but here you are again quest 10 is the last main quest in game right now all you can do is work girls quest or side quest after the main one so sorry if its annoying but as u know id love this game since i saw the main character and also at the stories begin . I know im not good for english speaker but i appriciate for all ur help , thanks chief
v 1.5.2 is a old releases of the game and was the way used to look and play but with bgr 1.1-3 it is the new game and is the way the game is going to be moving forwardbruh i already realize that this game have 2 different version v.1.1 and v0.15 , i just played version v1.1 that this forum cant help my problem i think lol xD , so many many bugs in there really
okay thanks for everythings bruhv 1.5.2 is a old releases of the game and was the way used to look and play but with bgr 1.1-3 it is the new game and is the way the game is going to be moving forward
Nothing, the funeral is not implemented.
Try the remake of Bastard Girls, this version is abandoned.
Too bad this version was abandoned.. I really do not like the remake.Nothing, the funeral is not implemented.
Try the remake of Bastard Girls, this version is abandoned.
Never.When new update?
someone knows how to do or how long it takes the teacher Olivia to get back after she says she doesn't want to see you anymore.alguien sabe como hacer o cuanto tiempo tarda la profesora olivia en regresar despues de que dice que ya no quiere verte