
Impatiently waiting for the next update
Oct 8, 2017
Hi everyone :)
Sorry for my engilsh :(
Almost all esterday evening i spent on finding any solution for Carol ana Sasha bug, but console commands doesnt work. So i start to check rpy files and variables, so i find out why it doesnt work properly, as many peaple bellow write, where is a bug then you earn affection and it counting in variable "Carol" but for event game checking variable "Carol_points". The reason why my console command doesnt wark was becose there was a mistake in massage, the say what i need to change variable "Carol_point" not "Carol_points", Also i find out that you need "Carol_points" only to trigger first date event, after that game will watch true "Sasha" variable so you will need to get 300+ affection with Carol to trigger roof event and pizza event and after them study event.

So i find two solution for this problem
First one with console as a massage early.
1.Go to the game folder */renpy/common/
2.Find file 00console.rpy and open it with "NotePad" or something like that
3.Press Ctrl + F and write "config.console" and find "config.console = False" and change it on "config.console = True"
4. Save file and open the game
5. Press Shift + O to open console and write
Carol_points = 300
*300 - is value of affection, to run event for date you need 200+, for roof(pool) event 300+
6. For event in pizza you need to change "Sasha_points" also, after a couple small events you have a chance to see Carol or Sasha in kitchen on the evening.
7. After that everythink will work properly

Second solution is to chanche rpy files, after that game will check right variable, so:
1. Go to game folder */game
2. Find file CarolEventos.rpy and open it with "NotePad"
3. Press Ctrl + F and write "Carol_points"
4. you will find the two places there it is
4.1 First is "if Carol_points <= 199:" change it on "if Carol <= 199:"
4.2 Secon is "if Carol_points >= 200:" change it on "if Carol >= 200:"
5. Save file and close, now Carol will wark properly, but we also need to change Sasha rpy files.
6. Lets find SashaEventoCocina.rpy open it and find all places there writen "Sasha_points" and change it on "Sasha"

I hope some one will find that usefull :)
Good Job, Dimss99. I found it useful


Jan 4, 2018
When Olivia's questline start, it is important not to go to the Temple of Brotherhood after the attack. Wait the end of this questline and after you can return to the temple.
Before that, don't finish the Leonora's questline (stop after you meet her in the toilet) -> go to beach bar and speak with Olivia -> go to the temple (ask about sending the package)-> finish Leonora's questline -> finish the Olivia's questline -> go to the temple after the attack

Maybe the dev can change that in the walkthrough?
Sorry for my bad english


Active Member
Sep 24, 2017
Hola que paso con el juego ya no veo tanto interes y es muy buen juego ,me gustaria ver mas y cuando digo mas es con todas las chicas :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:pag: openedeyewink: porfa si no me pongo triste:Se siente mal hombre:

hello friends what I wanted to say is keep improving the game
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Active Member
Apr 6, 2018
From what I understand one of the team members who does the translations was hospitalized. No update yet in Discord.


Active Member
May 20, 2017
Have patience.
Are you kidding?
I have patience but on the other hand I absolutely understand others who don't have any more.

And to be fair, this what they said: "We think we could have it for 10 to 15 days at most (15 as the maximum and do not think it is so long)"
So the second part of the stuff in the parenthesis is clearley didn't happened, and just remember, the 15th day is tomorrow... So lets see. :p

Haremm lover

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2017
Are you kidding?
I have patience but on the other hand I absolutely understand others who don't have any more.

And to be fair, this what they said: "We think we could have it for 10 to 15 days at most (15 as the maximum and do not think it is so long)"
So the second part of the stuff in the parenthesis is clearley didn't happened, and just remember, the 15th day is tomorrow... So lets see. :p
See I didn't want to upset you the fact is that they will release it when they think it is ready even if takes another month more so there's no point in discussing this again and again. So we can just wait but the good thing is it is not abandoned as Teacher's pets. Let's hope for the best.
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