For people wondering about the adult content, I probably missed some, played as a male paladin and tried to find everything I could.
First area Outskirt - your able to meet a goblin prostitute and have sex for 100 gold, she only did a bj for me but in the image folder there is a sex scene with her as well.
Second area Scarlet vale - This one had nothing for me outside of being able to meet an elf named Naya and a witch named Scylla
Third area Frozen hills - In this you can try to seduce Scylla but she reveals herself to be a futa and will only sleep with futas. The elf on the other hand has a handjob scene and anal scene at the end also once you reach the end
and if you don't forgive the elf for it the romance seemingly ends.
Outside of that there is a Lillith statue in each area that gives you a physical enhancement each time you pay a tribute to it, first gives a bigger penis, second makes the MC ripped and gives +2 str and lastly the third time allows the MC to sleep with Lillith which kills you if you fail the will check and if you make it you get the biggest of all human penises with endless sex stamina.