
Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018

So I wanted to make this next update stand out, and whilst I struggled to think of what to write, specifically, I merely hoped that the results would speak for themselves in place of many words..

SS 1.png SS 2.png SS 3.png

This is version [0.1801] of Battletits unity. Yes that is correct..
First preliminary version of the full game.

Now, as you might expect from the first update, only the most rudimentary of systems (on top of what has already been released -- barring the now deprecated character creator/older and buggier version which was dropped in favour of this one, a more high fidelity, high quality one with much greater output potential) are currently available, with all other things post pending, or integration pending, etc, and some things aren't quite.. Polished? Smooth as of yet.. Etc..

Things like the battlesystem, dialogue system, and all other things are currently in the process of being properly intergrated, as are actual customisation options -- different faces, hairs, body sliders, body colors, etc.

From personal experience laying the groundworks for something usually feels like the most time consuming, so hopefully things will happen much more expediently from now on as well -- now that it feels like I got the majority of the framework out the way at least.

My plan going forward is thus, from the versions perspective;

- BASE version of the game will be the most limited in terms of features, but also the version that will be publicly available to everyone.

- CORE version of the game will include all features of BASE but with the addition of extra customization, custom colors instead of palette pickers, no race locked customization options, clothing color picker, and other extra features unavailable to the player in BASE, and overall more content in general.

- SUBSCRIBER version contains all features of the previous two, PLUS exclusive cheatmenus, lots of god mode stuff, basically you can do whatever and however you want because you can just turn into god at a moments notice. More sandboxy feel because of this; win losing battles with a press, get ridiculous amount of gold with a click, spawn in items into your inventory, etc.. Of course, this being all optional, all of it being player choice.

I'm also looking for whatever feedback you'd like to provide, particularly on some Animated ground tiles -- when zoomed out they appear almost.. Headache or Seizure inducing? I'm wondering if I might've overdone it with the grass in particular.. You'll see what I mean heheh

On the map labelled 'Test Map' I provided an actual comparison too, so you can see it for yourselves in action that way as well.

And as previously stated, the content that has already been released has also been included, with a few additional fixes, features etc (namely the color picker menu for subscribers), I dont really have a changelog for it in all honesty because.. Well, this is like the first version of the FULL game, not just 'Battletits Interactive' anymore lol, so I dont think a changelog is really applicable here.. I'll do changelogs that feature changes from THIS version in future, that makes sense to me lol otherwise too much shit to list in one sitting

And as always, I look forward to the opportunity to provide more content for you in the future, especially in light of this!! It is a very exciting, and nerve wracking time and I hope you enjoy what you experience. Thanks for playing :)


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018

Download -

So this update brings with it a fundamental new change; a new working prototype of the character creation screen, which for the time being features color changes only. In future, I hope to bring it up to speed to previous releases, but with the added streamlining, stability and everything generally working as it should.

Things are still quite rough round the edges for the moment, but in time comes polish, and with polish comes SHINE. With the introduction of the color kit, I'll be putting in eyes, hair, faces, etc.. These things are already on the table, but have yet to be fully implemented. As you can see bewbs and vagine are also in (in early, primitive form), as will the other types of genitalia, and these things shall come in time.

Looking forward to be able to present the varnished gem in my mind finally to all some time soon..!

Changelog -
- Added Character Creation (Color only for the time being)
- Modelled bewbs and vagine
- Changed torso midtones a little, but in future I've had the idea of having swappable torso midtones in case some characters have a pudgier/more supple midriff/belly or even six pack, etc, I really want to create as much functionality and personalisation for the player as much as Possible without creating too many problems on my end

Elephant in the room, in case you were wondering, NO area collision is not yet in, natural area transitions are not yet in, everything must be attended to in its own time, but for now things are still underway.. The only structure that is really in is also the ancient temple, the village is more of a.. Couple piles of sand in the middle of a basin.. Lol.. Rest assured, all these things will be added in time. Sayonara!
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Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018
Hello everyone & UPDATE ++ Sorry for the long wait!


Just to address the lateness of this update, and the upendedness of the radio silence.. It's been almost two months since I last made an update and you all deserve some explanation for this.

There was a brief period of tumultuousness internally following the latest update, Progress was moving far slower than I Would have anticipated and I was really suffering with a sort of writers block or just needed some sort of break.. For some reason I was finding it very hard to stay focused and steady so I picked up a little side gig to tide me over. It wasn't so bad honestly, but having to manage my time more efficiently proved a little too difficult especially as what is still a somewhat early stage of development so, in layman's terms, I had to go through some issues/resolve them in order to release this update. I'd rather not go into too many details but it unfortunately was NOT an efficient process, but I've come out the other side stronger, I can genuinely promise you that. I also managed to resolve my issues both inside and outside of the development box so hopefully things can start looking up a bit more from this point forward.. You can never tell what's around the next corner, but at least I am more in control of myself from this journey of mine :)

The update itself is rather big, it's a hefty update, that brings a lot of improvements, deprecations and a few changes. Please read the changelog for the full lowdown and watch the video for anything else. As always, I hope you enjoy and again sorry for the delay -- I wanted to release something last month but I never found the right opportunity to do so. But what's done is done!

18.09.2022 - 0.png 18.09.2022 - 1.png 18.09.2022 - 2.png 18.09.2022 - 3.png 18.09.2022 - 4.png 18.09.2022 - 5.png 18.09.2022 - 6.png


0.1917 Changelog

This is actually a rather chunky update as far as progress is concerned (as you'd probably hope for 1.6 months of radio silence) but the features implemented I hope will have made it worthy of the wait.

- Changed the in game menu in world/character scenes.. Menu can be accessed, options menu, etc, etc.
- I've added a world map instead of just the boring old level select tab.. It's very cool and fresh looking! Check it out!
- Zoom is in/back in if it wasn't already.. Seems to be working okay as far as I can tell. Just scroll the mouse wheel etc. Nothing to it.
- Frivolously went towards further improving the appearance of the character model, namely including some funky armpits on the torso etc etc. I don't know if it is perceptible right now, but if it is then great! I just really wanted to add some nice funky armpits/better looking torso lol
- Further to the above several other things have been added to the character to appear more 'fleshed out' and less jagged overall.. Some missing Midtones have finally been added, as have some other things to make the overall picture more whole. Obviously there are things that are still missing (such as Eyes, hair, mouth, etc) but these will be added over time in future updates.
- Added some better flow to animations, they should now look a bit better/mildly less jarring, the majority anyway. The arms still sit limply by the characters sides, this is not intentional, I just haven't gotten around to animating them yet.
- I'm not sure if this was in before (?) but player shadows should now be visible
- Area transitions now visible on the map and usable. Check for blue/gray transparent regions on the map. You can't miss them if you head towards the passes in each map, they'll lead you onto the world map or some levels intentionally lead into other areas//loop.*This is especially important because the level pick UI has been deprecated (read below)
- Area collision is IN (for the most part)
- Objects should now be placed over/under the player (perspective wise) properly, as opposed to previously.. So visual glitches IE player appearing on top of/below areas they shouldn't should now no longer occur but this isn't fully comprehensive so don't go in expecting 100% at the moment.
- All areas have received a significant coat of paint and finish, especially since tilesets have been deprecated in favour of sprite shapes (read more below)
- (a few) primitive map shadows are now in, bask in the glorious shade that I manually crafted!
- Loading screen spinning thingy sped up a bit

# probably some other fixes changes I'm glossing over but aren't currently memorable to me at the moment.. There was quite a lot, but the main hurdle was implementing the animations for a time until I managed to do so efficiently I basically had to create an animation player suite and play the animations on top of one another, but this also means I have a primitive UI canvas that can play animations for map characters.. Could be useful in the near future ;)

- Tilesets have been deprecated in favour of sprite shapes, which have proven to be far easier to implement and use and create with only a minor amount of difference in terms of visibility.. In fact, I believe sprite shapes offer FAR more potential in world building than tilesets alone, and now I potentially have access to both tools which is pretty groovy
- East/west Animations are no longer mirrored on the x axis, meaning that left is now left right is now right as opposed to it being inverted previously. This should be (currently) impercetible to the player as there is nothing yet exclusive to the right or left side, but it is important to carry this out sooner rather than later as I do intend to implement this in the near future.
- The.. Level testing UI that allowed the player to warp between zones has been deprecated in favour of a WORLD MAP system (That's right WORLD MAP) that the player can traverse and choose which area they want to enter from there etc. It's very cool, but obviously as of right now there isn't much to explore.. Lol
- Can't think of many other things, but if you find any let me know LOL
- Map animations, IE water, grass blowing etc.. The sprite shape tool doesn't allow for this, unfortunately. I'll think of a way to combat this if the lack of animations on map is really causing visual fidelity to fall below acceptable levels. I'll also include WAY more shadows with the sprite shape tool now that I know it's possible.

Known Issues:
- Some areas have yet to include collision/layering with the player. This will be rectified in later updates.
- Some visual issues still with the character model, these will be rectified on the next upcoming update/s
- Some animations are still incomplete/quality inconsistent etc. Still very much WIP.

As To the more sexy/sweet stuff -- Cumming soon ;) I really just wanted to make things a little more comprehensive to start off with before propelling into other areas again. My primary mission at the moment is integration and connection of all features currently developed and that I wish to include in the final product. As it is, I had to have a bit of a sort out of the game folder because there are some things which are just not useful in there/won't be used/need to be redone.

Looking forward, things may be looking optimistic. I just hope we're on the right track

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Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018

Loading Screen Gif.gif

Changelog 0.1918

- Cleaned up a few loose edges on the Character, should appear more smooth now.
- Improved Character Fidelity/animation quality should appear more fluid and consistent between eachother etc
- Changed The hips a little bit from the front more to include a proper snatch && a little bit more detail and pernache!
Now there's a *REAL* camel hoof to deal with, and a bigger platform for any other genitals (ETC)
(Just a note, still very much WIP still got things to add)
- Fixed a few Issues where the player appeared on top/below of places they weren't really supposed to. Nothing too fancy, but it's a start
- Collision for The Ancient Temple.. Temple should now be functioning properly

Yes.. Now we're at a relatively stable position in development, hopefully updates can come a bit more frequently now as opposed to before.. Now the main targets are integration of things that have already been done//cleaning up what is already in at the moment.

It's all integral to the main process, and the things I have learnt have really helped in helping to expedite things at a slightly more expedient pace (hopefully, I never like speaking too soon!)

Among other things there's a new loading screen in the works which I just HAD to show off. Gone is the old primitive loading screen, now we got something funky and new! Still a WIP -- some details need a little bit of extra pernache, but what's in now should give a decent impression of what you can expect the final product to be.

I felt like doing gifs instead of screenshots because gifs have a bit more action and liveliness too them, and I feel like I don't do enough of them!
Loading Screen Gif.gif Game 2.gif Game 1.gif World Map ETC.gif Character Creation Gif.gif Character Creation Gif 2.gif

Till next time.


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018
I'm glad that you asked! I actually have one for today too!! --




Added face, eyes, pupils, irises, sclera, eye highlights, eyebrows, mouth, all colorable.
Variants/switching of ((ETC)) down the line.
At the moment Eyeliner/Eye Outlines are exclusive with eachother, and for the time being Eye Outlines IS Eyeliner, etc.

I want to add functioning breasts next -- and usable lips + hair..
Just make it so that the player has something to DO with the character they create..
Also, further integration of all available systems, but for now Hair and Boobs will take priority for me going forward, I believe that those two are necessary steps to take before plunging into the depths of depravity ;)

And just generally expand upon and develop further from what I've already incorporated.

Revamping/ensuring the Custom Color Picker and Regular Color Picker work in tandem for this update was definitely the longest and most arduous part and took the longest amount of time -- I also had to overhaul them both slightly behind the scenes which was probably the longest part, so from here hopefully things are more happy sailing, but honestly who can say, just gotta take it as it comes!

Changelog 0.19193

- Added an actual Face -- eyes, (consisting of Pupils, iris', scleras, eye Highlights) nose, mouth, etc -- all of which can be colored
- Custom Color Picker now indicates what Color is currently selected in a text based banner
- selecting a color on the color picker will now correspond with it's identical counterpart on the custom color picker (skin switches to skin, eye to eye, etc)

See ya for the next round!
Jul 21, 2017
I'm glad that you asked! I actually have one for today too!! --


View attachment 2093329



Added face, eyes, pupils, irises, sclera, eye highlights, eyebrows, mouth, all colorable.
Variants/switching of ((ETC)) down the line.
At the moment Eyeliner/Eye Outlines are exclusive with eachother, and for the time being Eye Outlines IS Eyeliner, etc.

I want to add functioning breasts next -- and usable lips + hair..
Just make it so that the player has something to DO with the character they create..
Also, further integration of all available systems, but for now Hair and Boobs will take priority for me going forward, I believe that those two are necessary steps to take before plunging into the depths of depravity ;)

And just generally expand upon and develop further from what I've already incorporated.

Revamping/ensuring the Custom Color Picker and Regular Color Picker work in tandem for this update was definitely the longest and most arduous part and took the longest amount of time -- I also had to overhaul them both slightly behind the scenes which was probably the longest part, so from here hopefully things are more happy sailing, but honestly who can say, just gotta take it as it comes!

Changelog 0.19193

- Added an actual Face -- eyes, (consisting of Pupils, iris', scleras, eye Highlights) nose, mouth, etc -- all of which can be colored
- Custom Color Picker now indicates what Color is currently selected in a text based banner
- selecting a color on the color picker will now correspond with it's identical counterpart on the custom color picker (skin switches to skin, eye to eye, etc)

See ya for the next round!
I also wanted to know if you would consider releasing v0.3.0.56b non-demo so that the public could play the other modes besides story and dungeon. Ik it's just 6$ but I figured y not ask. what's the worst that could happen you say no(all respect intended)


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018
I also wanted to know if you would consider releasing v0.3.0.56b non-demo so that the public could play the other modes besides story and dungeon. Ik it's just 6$ but I figured y not ask. what's the worst that could happen you say no(all respect intended)
That's not a bad suggestion. I think when the time comes it would be prudent to do so, certainly. I would want to be a little bit further along on the development of the unity version first, but aye I don't see a problem with doing something like this when I feel the time is right to do so
Jul 21, 2017
That's not a bad suggestion. I think when the time comes it would be prudent to do so, certainly. I would want to be a little bit further along on the development of the unity version first, but aye I don't see a problem with doing something like this when I feel the time is right to do so
Thank you for at least considering it not alot of dev's would


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018

And I know it's a little late, feels almost random now, but still, hope everyone had a good halloween!

0.png 1.png 2.png 3.png 5.png 6.png 7.png 8.png 9.png 10.png 11.png

And of course, a new update for you!

It's rather large and incorporates many things that I wanted to add for a while, namely map/world sex etc.. Yes you read that right lol but also hair and other stuff like that


- *Performed Numerous fixes in the Character Creation Studio -- Basically, I had either unconciously overlooked the fact that many problems were occuring with colors/race selection and I simply overlooked them.
These issues have since been rectified, and the studio should now be working as intended and with more stability. Apologies for the inconvenience.*
- Added/Redesigned Race Selection and Occuring color Changes. Should be more consistent with what you might already visualise, and the races are more DISTINCT with eachother. Down the line, this will be more than just
cosmetic colors etc, but with various other visual additions as well as different stats when these have been integrated with the current systems.

- Animated water (in spriteshape form) is back, -- The water should be moving, etc, it's just a slightly different take on the water
I had already done before. As far as I'm concerned, tiles can be nearly fully deprecated wherever necessary for the time being.
(Might not be noticable but the changes have been made regardless)
- Tidied up some code behind the scenes + added some new stuff.. Shouldn't be noticable on screen but behind the scenes things should be progressing with more fluidity.
- Added Hair to Character, currently only one. Colourable in game, etc.
- Added a more dynamic background to each level than JUST pure blackness, IE, now you can see the sky/horizon, surrounding areas etc OUTSIDE of area transitions/game boundaries..
In some areas I feel it's an improvement although I'm not entirely sold on it. Some of it just definitely needs a touch up.
- Changed the default eyes to be a little less striking and more visually soothing (lol), note that down the line I do intend to incorporate part switching that was also in the previous
versions but I have yet to integrate it. Probably on the way in the next few updates or so.
- Changed the world map visual style a little bit to look more *distinct*
- Changed the edges of most default grasses to appear more.. Grasslike
- Fully Incorporated Race Select with the new color Nodes (hair, eyes, lips, skin, ETC)

- Numerous other changes, fixes QoL improvements that I sort of glazed over in the moment, everything should just be a bit better overall.. *Optimistic Remark*


- Added a new interactive object ( and a new map !) in a level called 'Tentacle Valley' which is accessible from the world map. (Start Players in this area (???))
- To 'INTERACT' with a tentacle, walk up to it and press E and it'll ensnare the character and.. well.. ;)
- To stop animation simply walk away from the plant/tentacle/tendril thingy.

(At the moment there is only ONE animation, but there will be more to choose from down the line when I add and incorporate them, as well as potentially functions for speed, etc.)

Known Issues:
- At the moment, Switching race doesn't automatically change all eye colours within the eye color color node selection.
For the time being, this is an unintentional exploit and a fix is currently underway and was EXACERBATED by ***:
- 'Draenei' Hair colors (and some others) are a little bit lacklustre at the moment (namely because hair selection #1 is identical to most other races) so I'll spruce them up down the line when I'm no longer dealing with ***.
Elf is currently the standard I wish to work for for all races, Elf is DEFINITELY the most fleshed out, so if you wanna try a more visually dynamic race for customisation give them a shot!

***Behind the scenes, I encountered a few issues regarding some disk/file corruptions. Fortunately, there was a fix but it did set me back on time.

Next I want to incorporate breasts (again) that are visible from all angles. I don't have much to add, this update kinda speaks for itself in my opinion - there's still a lot to be done but things are beginning to come into focus. Hopefully we can all come out the other side a little bit lighter than when we came in, in the best possible way!

Godspeed you!
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Reactions: ElderScroll6


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018
Will the game allow us to choose the character's gender in the future?
Yes, that is indeed planned, I've outlined before in a post made a while ago that I wanted to include such possibilities for the player, albeit -- I want to do so under certain conditions, IE -- the player has the choice whether to see a percentage of male/females in the world based upon choices outlined in a certain options menu. Such an undertaking is theoretically possible, but it will take some time, and I've prioritized implementing other systems first, and for the time being only female/femme body types will be available until I feel comfortable enough developing more.


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018
So, I'd been deliberating upon this for some time, but now I believe is the right time to finalize this act; All versions of the RPGMAKER MV version of Battletits will now be fully free and available to the public from this day forth! This should give you a fairly decent idea of the sort of thing you may expect when going into the new version (currently WIP and being developed in UNITY), with a few added bells and whistles of course, but more importantly -- I don't really feel the need, necessity nor desire to fully gate-keep my nest like a golden goose in it's lair, hatching out a few things here and there that may never be played or purveyed.. Besides, I've made it no secret that I fully intended to work on the Unity version over the RPGMAKER one, and in light of that, it really was only a matter of time before I released all versions of the latter to be available freely. So now it's onto your heads!
Battletits FREE FOR ALL (BANNER).png
1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png 5.png 6.png 7.png 8.png

The patented [FREE FOR ALL] Version is the standard [+] version of the game, which subsequently was rather loaded with cheats and trainers, so please use these at your own discretion! If you're just looking for the version of the game with all the features but with no extra things like cheats/trainers then you should look to playing the STANDARD version of the game (not the DEMO), this was the one that has all of the features of [+] but without the god mode, money madness stuff etc.

Following from this development I also intend to release another Video/DL update for the Unity version, which, frankly, feels like my most Frivolous to date -- including soundscapes and more intricately designed additions, from visual, auditory and interactive perspectives, so if you're still checking in on the updates for that then please do stay tuned for the near future!

Bon voyage for now!


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018
HAPPY NEW YEAR // NEW UPDATE! [Battletits Unity 0.245]

_0.png 0.png 1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png 5.png 6.png 7.png 8.png 9.png 10.png 11.png 12.png 13.png 14.png 15.png 16.png 17.png 18.png 19.png 20.png 21.png

(In the video there is an fps of 30.. I'd like to reiterate that this is the max frame rate provided by the screen recorder I use (OBS) NOT the frame rate of the game which, in my testing reached levels of 100 - 200 fps, but the game .exe itself should more than likely use your screen refresh rate unless you have less than 4 GB of memory to spare, during testing the game was never using little more than 2GB but even so.)

Under the hood, between this update and the last the game went through a LOT of developmental changes from a design perspective.. A lot of things now have been given a workover under the hood, so to speak and that's not even detracting from the Audio-visual implements that have been changed/added since the last public release.

This is huge update over the last version, and (whilst I wanted the numbers to reflect it) I hope that when you see the video and do get around to playing through it that you will see why.

Changelog -

Some of the few additions & Changes that immediately come to mind;
Additions -
*THE LONG AWAITED HIGHLIGHTS (Many are still unfinished/WIP ATM)
*interactive NPCS & Interaction Menus (With said NPCs)
*Can interact with NPC's via interaction menu (primitive version for now, EXAMINE and Talk/Gossip)
Only at the moment.
*Sound scapes, music and Atmospheric noise
*New Graphical and Audiovisual Additions
*Numerous Behind the scenes bug fixing and optimisations
*Slight Improvement on visual fidelity
*Nipples and other new additions
*New Camera & Zoom Mechanics enhanced ETC
*Animation and Movement changes

And a few other things I will have undoubtedly missed.

After all that's said and done it took a lot longer than initially expected because there was a lot of *Background* stuff that needed to be done under the hood -- the way in which the game loads the sprites to be used etc, I wanted to do it in such a way that was as memory efficient as possible whilst still being *FAST* to for the user's pc to load. Suffice to say, this took some time and reworks of script.

Obviously there are still things that are WIP, still missing certain things like different ears for different races etc and just part swap in general (which will be more intricately developed down the line, for a start I just wanted a better, more improved and more STABLE base to work with, which is what I have right now), as well as clothes, but for now this feels like a fairly stable base for further development.

Till next time! Enjoy.
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Feb 12, 2020
HAPPY NEW YEAR // NEW UPDATE! [Battletits Unity 0.245]

Video Link 2

View attachment 2281460 View attachment 2281461 View attachment 2281462 View attachment 2281463 View attachment 2281464 View attachment 2281465 View attachment 2281466 View attachment 2281467 View attachment 2281468 View attachment 2281469 View attachment 2281470 View attachment 2281471 View attachment 2281473 View attachment 2281474 View attachment 2281475 View attachment 2281476 View attachment 2281477 View attachment 2281478 View attachment 2281479 View attachment 2281480 View attachment 2281481 View attachment 2281482 View attachment 2281483
Battletits [Unity] [0.245] Download

(In the video there is an fps of 30.. I'd like to reiterate that this is the max frame rate provided by the screen recorder I use (OBS) NOT the frame rate of the game which, in my testing reached levels of 100 - 200 fps, but the game .exe itself should more than likely use your screen refresh rate unless you have less than 4 GB of memory to spare, during testing the game was never using little more than 2GB but even so.)

Under the hood, between this update and the last the game went through a LOT of developmental changes from a design perspective.. A lot of things now have been given a workover under the hood, so to speak and that's not even detracting from the Audio-visual implements that have been changed/added since the last public release.

This is huge update over the last version, and (whilst I wanted the numbers to reflect it) I hope that when you see the video and do get around to playing through it that you will see why.

Changelog -

Some of the few additions & Changes that immediately come to mind;
Additions -
*THE LONG AWAITED HIGHLIGHTS (Many are still unfinished/WIP ATM)
*interactive NPCS & Interaction Menus (With said NPCs)
*Can interact with NPC's via interaction menu (primitive version for now, EXAMINE and Talk/Gossip)
Only at the moment.
*Sound scapes, music and Atmospheric noise
*New Graphical and Audiovisual Additions
*Numerous Behind the scenes bug fixing and optimisations
*Slight Improvement on visual fidelity
*Nipples and other new additions
*New Camera & Zoom Mechanics enhanced ETC
*Animation and Movement changes

And a few other things I will have undoubtedly missed.

After all that's said and done it took a lot longer than initially expected because there was a lot of *Background* stuff that needed to be done under the hood -- the way in which the game loads the sprites to be used etc, I wanted to do it in such a way that was as memory efficient as possible whilst still being *FAST* to for the user's pc to load. Suffice to say, this took some time and reworks of script.

Obviously there are still things that are WIP, still missing certain things like different ears for different races etc and just part swap in general (which will be more intricately developed down the line, for a start I just wanted a better, more improved and more STABLE base to work with, which is what I have right now), as well as clothes, but for now this feels like a fairly stable base for further development.

Till next time! Enjoy.
It's encouraging to see how the game is coming along. It's uncommon to find games with highly detailed controllable characters and sex scene, most rpg makers for example, have simple pixel gameplay and then high-detail sex scenes that can be viewed as videos, gifs, or images. Good luck with your upcoming project.


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018
It's encouraging to see how the game is coming along. It's uncommon to find games with highly detailed controllable characters and sex scene, most rpg makers for example, have simple pixel gameplay and then high-detail sex scenes that can be viewed as videos, gifs, or images. Good luck with your upcoming project.
To be honest, I wanted to go the simpler road a few times simply because I knew how easy it would be to implement compared to what my vision was -- but that would have incessantly betrayed my vision or what I really wanted to accomplish when I set out developing.

have simple pixel gameplay and then high-detail sex scenes that can be viewed as videos, gifs, or images.
Ideally, I want to bridge the gap between these two. I got tired of seeing games with more shallow Gameplay and wanted to be a bit more ambitious.. Unfortunately, I've found it's very difficult to make an all-around comprehensively fleshed out experience, and few games do manage to achieve that in my opinion, but alas.


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018
Battletits [0.255]

0.png 0.5.png 1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png 5.png 6.png

Battletits Unity Update [0.2.55]

Along with this update is an important rather wordy announcement.. To save you some heavy reading, I'm going to keep this update abnormally brief & short since there will be words/heavy reading in the other announcement aplenty, and it certainly pertains to this and future updates for Battletits [Unity] Etc..

Link here

Changelog 0.2.55
  • - Visual Overhaul/Fidelity Update on all Areas (ETC)
  • - More trees in the forest
  • - Clouds/cloud cover etc
  • - Improved Grass (/More detailed)/unique, etc
  • - Slight sleekness upgrade in Left/Right facing Animation transition
  • - Doubled Zoom Values (faster zoom in/out)
Good Hustle.
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Reactions: JOSHUAs9


Game Developer
Nov 5, 2018
I have news!

(And I suppose This could be either good or bad depending upon your outlook on my repertoire of works)

The good:

I've received the greenlight from a prominent 3D modeller and animator ( ) to use their models in a game that will be developed by yours truly!

Development is really taking off, I've been feeling really confident lately as it has a more reasonable scope than my more amibitious project of the prospective RPG game; 'Battletits' (Which visually may not be as impressive, I grant you, but from a technical stand point it is VERY intricate) so I feel very comfortable and happy to continue with this little project!

The Meh:

The development of Battletits [Unity] will most likely be taking a more thorough backseat role in my development schedule as I believe I have reached a skill/development impasse. The primary issue, is I feel that my skills/abilities gained working with Unity/development in general should be more proficient and well rounded before proceeding much further.

Some of what you've already seen has been.. Somewhat Haphazardly cobbled together and if I want to be thorough, some of it will most likely need a little bit more attention further down the road when my skills/abilities working with Unity have been more thoroughly furnished.

To further elaborate, I believe it would be imprudent to further proceed in areas that, for the time being, I believe I would have a great deal of discomfort traversing with my current level of ability -- and after which MAYBE even having to scrap it all and starting afresh.. Again.. Which I'm EXTREMELY not keen on, and frankly, I'm sure, nobody else is either. So, I'm hoping with the scope of the 3D project being much more reasonable, I can fully develop my skills working with that so that I can start working on Battletits again down the line with a clearer vision, and more sense of purpose and ability.

I hope this message finds everyone well.

Thanks for your time! Peace.
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