Okay, I heard you. I don't know really why so much negativity in this way, because to me this model seems better (but there's a matter of personal preference, I guess). And in the previous update, no one complained about it, although there was a short phone sex scene with Selina.
Nevertheless, I can try to add her makeup, so it began to resemble the old model but nonetheless remained current. But understand if I once again begin to change her appearance, it will be too often. I'm sure too many people won't like it.
In General, I understood the problem and will see what I can do about it.
wow well ekhm, i wasn't prepared for that kind of positivity, shit i was expecting kind of fuck you some random guy and deal with it. ok i maybe ranted a little bit there (after so much stuff done to us like NTR on every corner, abandon games, mods on this forum etc) and im sorry if that was to much, but i just was tired and felt like my girl (and i take very seriously my girls if im invested) was taken away from me, she looks at least for me like a entirely different woman, can't help it. i would be very and eternally grateful if you could look into that, i just can't play like that. i love the game but im there for her. yeah im weird

i just love my redheads
i didnt even notice..lol..but now that i've looked at the comparison pics..i'm laughing that such teeny tiny changes can evoke such insanity

i guess he'll be stopping his massive patreon payments to you(thats sarcasm...only us freeloading pirates whine this much here..patreons do to you personally there

well mister i see you from time to time here and there, you look kind of like a smart egg but im not sure anymore to be honest with every next post i see from you... you try to much for that rank and it start to show, like you know everyone and everything.
uno. here my friend at least this time you are wrong, im a fucking whining supporter a little one but still (to many games with very uncertain future but i just can't do nothing for all hard work)
duo. another BS, do you laugh at anyone who have different opinion to yours allrighty one or just because you don't understand and that's your defence system? free of charge tip, it doesn't work makes you look weak and vulnerable pumpkin.
tre. another wrong assumption, dude i see you are on the roll here, i really hope you don't do that with everyone.. no i won't stop my support, game is to good for that, the reaction from the dev was totally different from what i have anticipated and even if i couldn't play because my girl would not come back i can't force myself to stop support the guy.
Ease on the sarcasm, it's not healthy and if you don't have enough experience it could backfire.
ok that was my last free tip.
have a nice one