VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Become a Rock Star [v1.01] [Mr Jet]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful story with depth and a reason for getting emotionally invested one way or another in literally every character. This is normally not that much my style of game, as I prefer sandbox games that have a lot of "missions" to accomplish, but this is beautifully told thus far and I am intrigued and looking forward to the continuation.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This is probably the only VN I took a long break from just because of the quality of the writing.

    It's competent, but not meaningful. All the characters feel paper thin, but somehow stretched out.

    What works in this game is the girls being attractive. Can't deny that. The render work and the animations are great. I didn't encounter any bugs, and despite my grumpiness about the characters, the plot pacing is decent enough to keep you going.

    However, I will harp about the quality of the character writing. There's a lot of it here that doesn't like it brings anything to the table. There's no pop to it. None of the characters feel uniquely like a person. They're more of an archetype and that's it.

    While the pacing is there, the plot points themselves aren't really... theres's notihng the MC can't handle, because the MC is just that good. This is a weird complaint, I know, but I mean like the conflicts barely *feel* like an issue.

    Also, the MC comes off as skeevy more than anything. It's one thing to check someone out and make a move, it's another for the MC to constantly say stuff like "We'll see about next time, hehehe" without any sense of self awareness.

    A good example is The Headmaster, from The Headmaster, who definitely is a skeevy creepo, but the entire game is self-aware so it's funny as hell as opposed to feeling gross.

    That's sort of the last emotion I'd expect to feel from a porn heavy adult game.

    Anyways, if you get past the beginning and enjoy it, the rest of the game is similar.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game definitely love the design of all the characters (male and female) none of them look off or disproportionate, plot is quite exciting, sex scene are great, background music was not bad, hopefully updates will keep coming. One more thing, idk hope y'all do it but y'all made me fall for Selina <3. Really looking forward for this game
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Im gonna be quick about this one:
    The story and the characters, for some reason i didnt like them very much, at some point the game was a skipfest for me i skipped a lot. I just got bored of the characters, i dont know why, maybe because the MC is so full of himself and some characters were to easy.

    The music is there but doesnt help at all. That thing at the end after the Hospital scene didnt make sense, 2 grls left after learned they been cheated and next day like nothing happened.

    For the good:
    The girls are really hot, most of them, not Jane for me. Still some dev went a little farther to make girls look better that this specially the groin area, but overall this might be one of the best, some girls even look good for a real human female standard.
    Sex scenes i think they are pretty good, maybe to pasionate even with people who you just got aquainted with, but they are good nonetheless. No many lesbian stuff, but even those sceens are pretty decent in the directionand the camera shots and stuff. Kisses are a little too much but better that than pother stuf that some devs do. Animations are quite good also so the visual department is a 8.5 out of 10.

    Thats my opinion.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I debated playing this game for a while, but I ran out of other things to try so here we are. I wish I had other things to do.

    I have seen comparison to other games in the reviews and I have to ask, are we all playing the same games? This game... the characters are so shallow and so bad... I initially liked the concept of moving out and leaving the family but the MC soon started acting just like all the other entitled a-holes out there. A cocky douche who is just not worth scraping off the bottom of your boots. There is nothing to like about him. I mean, being a bartender is NOT an easy job and you just don't pick it up in a couple hours training. But of course, super douche picks it up in no time.

    The dialogue is mediocre and there are silly problems throughout the game. One of the first choices you have to make is if your are going to continue to look at your neighbor across the way. If you stop looking and don't get caught, the next time you look the girl acts as if you did get caught. When I looked at the code, there was no check in there at all! So what was the point of the option. The game is filled with this kind of stuff.

    The story is fine, but the dialogue and the women that faun all over the MC just make it hard to view.

    Well... Despite some of the coding issues/choices, the dev is talented. I mean, artistically, the game is really good. The renders are great and there are a lot of them. They have clearly taken the time to put together a good looking production. I saw very few render errors. The framing was good and the lighting was well staged. It really is a good looking production.

    Also the 'content' was well done and there seems to be a really good mix of it and the story.

    The setting were all really good too. There were a number of locations I had never seen before; that could just be because of they way they were staged, but regardless, it was nicely done.

    I did play it again a second time and changed the MC's name to "Super Douche" and that at least made it humorous, but this game is a walking contradiction. On one hand you have bad characters and horrible dialogue and on the other, you have beautiful images and great scenery. Just don't expect to get involved in the characters.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2062965

    one of the best games I have ever played, the characters look great, the story is really gripping, choices seem to really matter, and man does sticking you dick in everything have consequences, brilliant all around, and I can not wait for the game to update.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent character models throughout. Very similar to Acting Lessons and the Elsaverse games building a nice slow romance up while telling a good story. Still in the middle of playing this one but nothing has let me down yet.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Great renders and visuel, great sex scenes but ...

    Poor dialogue, poor scenario ... and for a music related story, fucking repetitive poor music ! Come on, when they rehearse or play their gig, there could have been some really original music playing (e.g. Melody game, which is fucking boring but at least as some nice music) ...

    Still Good, but sometime a pain. At least some stuff happens after 0.7.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    For me, it is a really excelent game, with a lot of options of relationship with a lot of girls and a cool story... Good graphics, good scenes os sex... excelent job guys!!! I am waiting for the final release with great expectation!!!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually do not leave reviews, but this game just gave too much pleasure and impression to be silent. This is a real masterpiece, one of the best that I was lucky to play. This game can compete for the first place in my heart with "Being a Dik" and "Milfy city". Thanks for the ability to change the transparency of the background for the text, for the gallery and a lot of space to save. Many creators in vain do not pay their attention to the settings panel. And here I put 5 out of 5. There are a lot of really beautiful, realistic, sexy characters. For characters 5 out of 5. For 3D graphics in sex scenes 5 out of 5. For the interesting plot 5 out of 5. Thank you very much for this cool game. I am sure it was created by the most talented, the most creative, the best masters of their craft. I'm just burning with desire to see the sequel. If I had the opportunity, I would not spare the money, for such a sweet pleasure.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A refreshing and enjoyable first playthrough! The theme, the characters and the universe were all beautifully realised. It has it's faults, a lot of romance paths lead to dead-ends. Hopefully, as the game matures those paths will be fleshed out...but I totally enjoyed playing it!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I Really enjoyed this even though it could have been so much more better if they had focused on improving the story cuz the premise had a lot of potential. Thus instead of polishing the story they prioritised more on introducing a new girl for the MC to plough. Still no complaints there since all the girls that we meet are insanely hot it was so difficult to choose a girl sometimes as just when I decide that I'll make a girl mine they introduce another hottie thus more dilemma for me. Sex animations are really gorgeous & is definitely 1 of the best I've ever seen. I was a lil disappointed with the story but overall it was a fun ride indeed
    Finally the game is completed & am glad to see my fav girls Jane & Selina got the happy endings they deserve
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid game. Overall I liked the experience.

    Good choices for the love interest appearances in general. Only major complaints are not too much variety in body types and the main character looks kinda skeezy to me, but at least he's not bland. They are capable of looking like people and have emotions so that makes it very solid in my book.

    Strong difference in personalities which I appreciate. Gives you something to latch onto. Only complaint is you keep taunting me with lovely characters of color and they either A) are one night stands or B) destined only for my friend. You have like 10 love interests. Can one of them be non European?

    Story overall is fine. There's nothing wrong with a rich kid background, just seems a bit too easy for the MC to get the help they need, but hey, it works as a vehicle to tell this specific story.

    Overall very solid. Only complaints center around personal opinion and nothing objectively wrong. Highly reccomend.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Mediocre game
    I dont like VN at all, but that doesnt put weight on my opinion here for sure. I bother rating the game , because I really do appreciate the effort of the author.
    1. Dialogues! Dialogues! Dialogues!
    "Hey , is that the same Barry we crashed his party last week"... Seriously? You assume we dont know who Barry is and moreover the characters dont know who Barry is neither, even though they had a blast at his house?
    Man, your dialogues are for retards and are such a TURN OFF.
    Be smart! Think what we might think! You are very very far from that.

    2. Characters and shallow relationships. So many girls, so many names. Nothing intersting and unique happening with them. Everything is super predictable. Its like you wanted to fill this game with pussies and fuck all the meat. clickable. No soul.

    3. The polot is very...nothing is happening.No drama. No loss. No tears. No jelousy...except some lousy ex-gf showing up in the middle of the story.Nothing. Again - no soul.

    4.No choises, no different paths. Literally visual novel. VNs are simple set of renders telling a story. In your case MC doesnt participate. Whats worse with lame dialogues.

    5. Stop using the "Hand behind the neck" pose !!!! Guys, come on!!!! Or the pose with hand on the top of the head.
    As soon as i see such a pose in the game , its all clear to me how much effort the author puts in his work. Almost nothing. What , you are all after the easy money in Patreon? Really?

    1. Renders - I dont know if thats a Pro actually. Its just mediocre job. The lighting is ok though.
    2. A lot of content. I admit that. Alot of work in 10000 lines of lame dialogue , ready-to-find poses and pre-set lighting for renders. But still the effort in all this content is alot , worths appreciation. No sarcasm here.
    3. There is something in this game that makes you keep clicking, even though its super boring and ..mediocre. I really dont know what is it...may the plot... I caught myself in spending time to read the dialogues between the band members and the father.

    Again , alot of effort worths appreciation went into the wrong direction of building up content amount. Alot of polishing needed. Still the game is clickable.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Become a Rock Star v0.90 review

    I liked:
    - great graphics and animations
    - hot women and I mean HOT, all of them made me wish for a harem path especially Rosa, Emma, Nicole and Catherine, and even an incest patch because of Julia and Rachel, but since non of those seemed possible, Jane is enough for me.
    - hot sex scenes coupled with dirty talk
    - the story is good
    - the player can choose whether to have a sexual or romantic relationship with the other female characters
    - well written dialogues
    - I like how the story between the MC and Jane and how their relationship evolved
    - I like the story and relationship between the MC and Emma as well and how they matured through time

    I did not like:
    - there are times that the MC is so cocky and thinks and acts like a douche

    Hoping for more updates to come. 5 stars for me.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Yeah man I don't know whether to give this game 1 or 5 stars, frankly but right now I'm going with the latter because anything that can inflict this amount of emotional pain on me and get me to want to replay it in an attempt to avoid said pain deserves praise-as much as I want to pout and hate/want to change how the plot itself goes.
    I guess I'm an idiot because you're told repeatedly by the MC/others that you'll face consequences for dating multiple girls at once but I hoped there'd be at least some chance to work shit out with them once it was out in the open but you're not given the opportunity-they just break up with you-no remotely 'harem' ending insofar as I've found.
    That'd be my only real complaint. While I applaud the realism of it all-and the realness of the plot in general-it really, really sucks to go through said scenes so when/if you play be ready for them if you try to go for all the girls in one playthrough. You will lose almost everyone if not everyone at a certain point. The attached walkthrough mod will encourage you to go after everyone so be aware of said fact beforehand. Heavily recommend reading the guide beforehand instead and reading through the end of it to avoid said drama as I should've done because it really hits you in the feels when the girls find out you've been cheating on them-as you/I possibly deserve in such cases. In any case the plot is good/tracks both logically and emotionally moreso than most other VNs and that can't be ignored.
    All that being said the animations are all goddamn amazing-every girl is hot as hell hence the temptation to go for everyone and as i mentioned the plot is pretty damn good for a VN, so I can't rate it lower than 4 stars in good conscience but if you're looking for a happy harem game you will not find it here. Choose wisely or lose it all.
    Should also add you're essentially, initially, forced to be with a girl who, if you don't avoid literally all others, you will have to break up with at some point. This is tested/proven after several playthroughs
    Edit: Fuck it-can't in good conscience give this less than 5 stars. While it's not directly indicated you lose almost all of the girls by pursuing all of them it is at least hinted at and every path is at least justified if not enjoyable to pursue if you want one girl over the others. But you will have to choose. That is the virtue and/or the vice of this game. Be it cruel or comforting this machine arrives, unerringly, at the truth. That's what it does
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I'll start off by saying that initially, I enjoyed the game. However, several hours in and by in-game Day 3-4, my interest in the game and how noticeable the lack of depth exists within the game and it's characters becomes noticeable and ruins a bit of the game for me in retrospect.

    The renders and animations are very nice. Let's get that out of the way. If you want to see the MC bang lots of attractively rendered women, this game is for you. The UI isnt bad, and the font chosen is great, and having the option to easily name your saves is nice. The presentation is there, but that's all I can really say.

    I'm just disappointed is all.

    The overarching story and premise sounds pretty nice. You're a guy who is the blacksheep of the family and rather than joining in your father's white collared business, you choose to go out on your own to start a band. Your father is insistent that you follow in his footsteps and even tries to interfere with your plans, but ultimately it's up to the MC with what happens.
    It's not exactly the most unique and outlandish thing thing in the world, but it's pretty interesting all things considered.
    Thats the premise and initial outline. But how things play out is...quite frankly a bit boring.

    It starts off with your father giving you a place to stay, and you're basically given an ultimatum: move out, on your own, and if you can't make this dream of forming a band and being a successful musician work without asking for any help from your father or your family, you come back to his company and take up the family business.

    Of course thats what you do. But it all kind of just happens...very quickly and with no problem? MC already has a job lined up for being a bartender, and your friend with you in your band(former schoolmate?) happened to find someone to join your band. You need a vocalist and you need a...guitarist?
    Those two characters are kind of just pulled out of your friends ass.
    There really isn't a huge challenge to overcome here, which is unfortunate. You'd expect with a story like this that there would be some sort of challenges and difficulties for the MC to overcome, but the way the story and plot is set up there aren't really any apparent challenges in place.
    I mean, your father gave you one of his flats, you already have a place to practice music, your friend magically finds two characters who can join the band are an immediate fit.
    There really isn't much for me to talk on here, and I wish there was.
    There isn't any tension building or anything gripping to the story. The game seems like it will make your father a villain to overcome in the story, but that issue is quickly resolved with a polite/impolite conversation a few hours in.
    So you'd think, maybe the game will just turn into a slice of life? And perhaps the real depth with be with the characters you meet along the way?
    Not really.

    All the external characters you meet within the game are almost exclusively female and only exist for you to fuck them. No, I'm not kidding.
    If there was one way I could describe playing through the game and interacting with the side characters, I would describe it as "A SFM porn gallery with extra steps".

    The characters themselves have very little backstory, nothing complex or intriguing about their personality, and are soley there for you to fuck them.

    You can boil down each female side character to a few things: Their profession and a physical appearance that conforms to whatever basic trope or stereotype their character is supposed to be.

    You don't get to learn about their interests or hobbies, what their likes and dislikes are. It's not even explicitly mentioned or even suggested. The only character I can actually think of that has something that separates them from the rest is the vocalist from the band, and it's not very substantial. She's studying to be a designer. That's it. I'm not sure what kind of designer she want's to be, just that she's going to school to be one. I think that alone speaks volumes for what every other character is like.

    It's kind of how most of the game has been. In-between this bland going through the motions of building a band, which doesn't seem to involve much effort from the MC at all as his band members seem to be doing everything for him as well as his dad, in your free time you get to go around and meet lots of women and fuck them after talking to them a few times!

    I want to be clear. I don't think this applies to one of the first women you meet. You basically end up peeping on her naked from across the street and you kind of end up going over to her place for a stranger fuck. Quite the ridiculous situation indeed, but I think it fulfills a fetish and fantasy, and given that it's a video game I think its okay. This is something that happens within the first, I want to say 30 minutes to an hour of the game? You can get an idea of what her character is from her actions, and while the idea of motioning some random stranger from across the street to come over and fuck doesn't make sense in real life, it's a video game so I think its fine. It also caters to the horny players who want to see some sexiness early in the game. Gives them an idea for what to expect.
    Anyways, I think it fits for this kind of character. It fulfills a fantasy. It sates a fetish. Its fine as a standalone example.

    But thats the thing. It would be fine If it wasn't for the fact that basically every other character is like this. It's just...extra steps.

    Its like a gallery with extra steps and useless choices. Perhaps that's harsh, but in retrospect it really feels that way.

    Encounters may play out like this: You meet a girl, MC is a pervy bastard, you talk. You meet them a second time, you do some perverted shit. Third time, you fuck.

    At first the game offers you choices of whether or not you would like to continue involving yourself with a certain character, but ultimately I dont think the choice really matters. I dont really see any consequences of saying no or yes to any of the choices available. At first, I was assuming that by saying no or yes, it might impact interpersonal relationships and how certain interactions between characters play out. That's what I was basing my choices around-- that assumption. However, going through the game it really doesn't feel like thats the case at all. It just starts to feel like those choices and decisions are just a way for the game to ask if you if you want to see a sex scene with this character or not. If you say no, nothing happens. If you say yes, you get a scene in your gallery.
    Perhaps there are some inner workings going on that the game just isn't notifying the player of. Perhaps my choices will have consequences later on? I'm not entirely sure if thats the case or not. So far it hasn't felt as though the choices I've made have had any.
    In fact the only time the game has hinted at potential consequences is when you are occasionally asked by one of the female side characters if you are in a relationship or not. If you are, you are given the option to say no. Whether or not that matters later on is beyond me. It just doesnt really make sense to say no unless you just don't want to see a scene with the character.

    There are also other things that really stuck out to me as well. The game pushes a relationship onto you with the lead vocalist EXTREMELY early. Basically forcing you to make a decision on whether or not you want to have a relationship with them. You still know very little about this character btw and haven't exactly interacted with them much and the only real connection you have is that you both want to be in a band and play music.

    Theres also an issue present throughout the game where the characters seemingly know things that the player doesn't know. Like you'll have a conversation in a coffee shop with one of the female characters that you took on a date after some spontaneous sex, but there really wasn't a conversation to begin with. Like after the coffee 'date' is over, it's like that was great! Lets go back to my place for some sex!
    But, it wasn't really a date. There's basically zero dialogue or interaction outside of the date itself. It's like if the conversation was focused on "Hey, look at us! We're on a date at a coffee shop!". And then the subject will suddenly change in order to progress the story.
    With the way the MC is progressing with these characters so quickly, you would think they must be having some engaging discussion amongst each other, but as the player we'll never know. It feels like the author had a shit ton of writing and dialogue prepared, but then just decided to cut it out and so the player is left guessing how things progressed. You're left to fill in the blanks for what must have transpired.

    It might sound like this is all very vague, but I'm honestly trying my best given what I have to work with here.
    The characters and dialogues and girls all seem to soley serve as a way to deliver information and act as a plot device to further the story and engage the MC in sex scenes with them.

    They are not characters, they are complicated mechanical fleshlights that require a few hours of fenagling before you can get them to operate properly.
    You're not secretly fucking your boss, you're secretly fucking an attractive female NPC labelled "My Boss".

    There are so many potential fetishes that are present in the game, but none of them are capitalised on because with how quickly things are rushed in the game all the sexual tension and suspense goes out the window. You may as well be fucking a character based exclusively on their appearance alone, with absolutely no concern with who or what relationship that character has to the MC.

    This really kills a lot of the enjoyment I have for the game. I already have several hours in the game already, and I can't say I'm eager to finish the rest of it. Become a Rock Star has already established these characters and let you progress with them to such a point that there really isn't a way to turn back the clock and fix these issues without rewriting everything and changing the pacing of the entire game.

    Also, whats with all the female NPCS calling the MC baby? They aren't even in a relationship with them, but it seems like every single one of them refers to the MC by that even if all they're doing is fucking with what seems like no strings attached. Though, given with how fast the game seems to progress with what Im assuming is a ton of offscreen dialogue, maybe the female characters are really just that intimate with the MC despite only talking a couple of times? Thatd be consistent with the pacing of the game at least.
    I dont know. Its just weird. I didnt mind too much the first time, but suddenly every other scene someone is saying it. Sticks out like a sore thumb. Even the MC says the same thing. It's like even the MC knows all the female characters are bimbos, so why bother calling them by their actual names. They're all the same anyways.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: 0.80
    This game deserves 5 star. clearly one of the best. renders&story is excellent. especially skins of the characters. i dont think i ever seen something like this before. shading is amazing.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: 0.80

    This is one of those games that if you don't give the story time to develop, you're going to be disappointed if you're as much into the stories of these games/VNs as you are the erotica. If I had reviewed this game earlier in the development cycle, I would have written this game off as a very paint-by-numbers bang-a-thon. That changes about halfway through where the conflicts and motivations become more interesting which results in a deeper investment into the story and characters.

    It starts out that the MC is a son of a rich and powerful businessman...who unsurprisingly does not want his son to become a rock star and wants him to follow in his footsteps in the business world. The father comes off as a controlling and unsympathetic character who tries to throw as many roadblocks as he can in MC's way. MC's brother is similar to the father, but his sister is supportive in his quest to become a rock star.

    MC's bandmates are old friend and drummer, Lisa the hot singer, and Jade the mysterious guitar player. The MC comes off as a decent guy and has multiple women throwing themselves at him even before he plays a gig. I don't know if there's risk involved with trying to KEEP all the women...I decided to settle on one that became serious rather than continuing to string along I'd hope there would be a bad end for trying to have serious relationships with multiple women.

    The primary issue with the game is that there isn't enough attention paid to the amount of work that goes into writing and performing music. Early on, MC and Lisa work through a song together. I would have liked to have seen more collaboration with the rest of the band on original songs. Instead you get "Rehearsal" and "after rehearsal." The secondary issue is that MC is probably a 7/10 but women throw themselves at him before he's ever played a gig.

    The visuals in this game are above average. All of the women are attractive (though a bit on the BTS side). The sex scenes and animations are above average.

    This is a very good (not great) adult game/VN. I'm happy that the story did develop into something a bit more than a cliché bang-a-thon.

    Graphics - 8/10
    Animations - 8/10
    Story - 8/10
    Characters - 7/10
    Fun - 8/10
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice story, nice characters, nice and various girls, sex scenes have a good 'staging'.
    Best played with a walkthrough mod, even if the 'harem end' doesn't exist, so it finally give a strange story.
    Grat work in any case.