This is probably the only VN I took a long break from just because of the quality of the writing.
It's competent, but not meaningful. All the characters feel paper thin, but somehow stretched out.
What works in this game is the girls being attractive. Can't deny that. The render work and the animations are great. I didn't encounter any bugs, and despite my grumpiness about the characters, the plot pacing is decent enough to keep you going.
However, I will harp about the quality of the character writing. There's a lot of it here that doesn't like it brings anything to the table. There's no pop to it. None of the characters feel uniquely like a person. They're more of an archetype and that's it.
While the pacing is there, the plot points themselves aren't really... theres's notihng the MC can't handle, because the MC is just that good. This is a weird complaint, I know, but I mean like the conflicts barely *feel* like an issue.
Also, the MC comes off as skeevy more than anything. It's one thing to check someone out and make a move, it's another for the MC to constantly say stuff like "We'll see about next time, hehehe" without any sense of self awareness.
A good example is The Headmaster, from The Headmaster, who definitely is a skeevy creepo, but the entire game is self-aware so it's funny as hell as opposed to feeling gross.
That's sort of the last emotion I'd expect to feel from a porn heavy adult game.
Anyways, if you get past the beginning and enjoy it, the rest of the game is similar.