
Dec 18, 2017
The way I see it, Balsamique has three choices in regards to updating BtD:

1. Stop creating content for BtD altogether and disappoint all the fans.
2. Make more content for Dune, but only what he likes, and disappoint some of the fans.
3. Try to cater to everyone by forcing himself to create stuff, that he isn't into.

What would you do, if you were an artist in a similar situation? This isn't a pointed question. I don't think there is an obvious answer, but I know I would chose option 2.

The simplest thing I think for Balsamique (or any dev) to do would be to have a poll on the thread of their game and let people vote, then take the highest voted option and add it to an update. For example:
Option A: More Jessica and Paul content.
Option B: the next thing that people voted on.
Option C: the next thing that people voted on.

However, judging by the amount of responses that Balsamique got on behind the dune compared to his other lesser known game, (In my opinion) it does seem like he only continued to create content for behind the dune in an effort to continue milking it for $$. While I would love for him and other's to create more Jessica and Paul content, the arrogance he has shown to fans who supported him for years is very unprofessional. I don't know about anyone else, but as soon as he started ignoring a good porion of requests which his subscriners made and put out less requested content (judging this by the posts on this and other forums) he lost my sub.
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Textwall Jackson
Game Developer
Dec 11, 2018
The simplest thing I think for Balsamique (or any dev) to do would be to have a poll on the thread of their game and let people vote, then take the highest voted option and add it to an update. For example:
Option A: More Jessica and Paul content.
Option B: the next thing that people voted on.
Option C: the next thing that people voted on.

However, judging by the amount of responses that Balsamique got on behind the dune compared to his other lesser known game, (In my opinion) it does seem like he only continued to create content for behind the dune in an effort to continue milking it for $$. While I would love for him and other's to create more Jessica and Paul content, the arrogance he has shown to fans who supported him for years is very unprofessional. I don't know about anyone else, but as soon as he started ignoring a good porion of requests which his subscriners made and put out less requested content (judging this by the posts on this and other forums) he lost my sub.
That is not what I asked. We already know what the result of such a poll would be - more Paul + Jessica, more incest (with Alia too, but to a lesser degree). That is what people have been asking for the most since the very beginning. Not just on here.

Imagine a different situation. YOU have created a game. Let's say for example, you don't like rape all that much and you don't understand the appeal. But you're not super bothered by it meither, as long as it doesn't go too far. And you include a little bit of rape in the beginning of your game, because it makes sense in the story. But - oh no! You happen to live in a parallell universe, where rape is a super popular fetish and people are asking you to include more and ever more gratuitous rape scenes in the game.
Would you cave to popular demand or would you continue to develop the game how you like it? Or would you just move on to a different project?

Regarding the milking Dune for $$$, I can't rule it out. I can't look into Balsamique's head. But I know that many artists are fickle, and they don't like working on a single project for too long. So they jump between different projects or at least they have side projects, that they work on from time to time. Balsa seems to be like that. He started Vega Hunters before BtD (the first one) was even finished and then he worked on both of them. And then he had a number of side projects, most of which never went anywhere. One of those side projects grew into Horror in Hongdae. And now BtD is one of several side projects that he works on when he isn't in the mood for HiH.
I have never seen any arrogance from him. He has for the most part simply ignored all the various requests that have to do with incest. Every once in a while he used to explain that he's uncomfortable with the subject and again every once in while he included some incest content despite of that. I would accept the argument, that he wasn't firm enough and strung people along (possibly for $$$). But I'd rather have a little incest content in my favourite artstyle and with my favourite characters rather than none, so I'm not complaining.

Insomnimaniac Games

Degenerate Handholder
Game Developer
May 25, 2017
Imagine a different situation. YOU have created a game. Let's say for example, you don't like rape all that much and you don't understand the appeal. But you're not super bothered by it meither, as long as it doesn't go too far. And you include a little bit of rape in the beginning of your game, because it makes sense in the story. But - oh no! You happen to live in a parallell universe, where rape is a super popular fetish and people are asking you to include more and ever more gratuitous rape scenes in the game.
Would you cave to popular demand or would you continue to develop the game how you like it? Or would you just move on to a different project?
This argument doesn't make sense to me. It would be one thing if he just didn't add Jessica content at all, but that's not what he's doing. His fans ask for more Jessica x Paul content. So what does he do? He adds in Jessica x anyone BUT Paul. He's done it multiple times. Now, it's his game and he can do what he wants with it, but it's hard not to think that he does this out of spite.


Textwall Jackson
Game Developer
Dec 11, 2018
This argument doesn't make sense to me. It would be one thing if he just didn't add Jessica content at all, but that's not what he's doing. His fans ask for more Jessica x Paul content. So what does he do? He adds in Jessica x anyone BUT Paul. He's done it multiple times. Now, it's his game and he can do what he wants with it, but it's hard not to think that he does this out of spite.
Oooooooh, I just had a lighbulb moment. I've heard all the components of your argument before, but it never fully clicked for me. I think I get it now. It's not the denying of incest content by itself that is the insult and it also isn't the NTR-adjacent stuff by itself. But doing the former at first and getting people all invested in that pairing and then not just withholding it but replacing it with the latter - that's what makes so many people salty.

Ok, makes sense. But I still tend to believe that the insult is unintentional. He clearly has a pretty casual attitude about depicting sharing/swinging/etc and a myriad of fetishes in a superficial way.
I think his thought process goes something like this:
"Jessica is the most popular character. I don't want to do any more Jessica x Paul, like everyone tells me to, so I will compromise and give them Jessica x someone else. Better than nothing."
I am projecting here of course, since that would be my way of thinking. But it makes sense, right? And I prefer not to assume malice.


Jun 9, 2017
It's not the denying of incest content by itself that is the insult and it also isn't the NTR-adjacent stuff by itself. But doing the former at first and getting people all invested in that pairing and then not just withholding it but replacing it with the latter - that's what makes so many people salty.
Can't speak for everyone here, but I've always asumed this was the general consensous, yeah.


Textwall Jackson
Game Developer
Dec 11, 2018
Erhmm... where is th' save file location for Behind The Dune Exe version?
BtD generates its savefile in the following location:
C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\[NUMBERSTRING]\localhost\[etc]\BehindTheDune.exe
example filepath:
C:\Users\GUEST\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\U9GFX3FV\localhost\Users\GUEST\Downloads\BehindTheDune_v2.35.7.exe
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Err0r 0ne

Sep 23, 2017
BtD generates its savefile in the following location:
C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\[NUMBERSTRING]\localhost\[etc]\BehindTheDune.exe
example filepath:
C:\Users\GUEST\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\U9GFX3FV\localhost\Users\GUEST\Downloads\BehindTheDune_v2.35.7.exe
Thank you.
No wonder I can't found.


Dec 18, 2017
That is not what I asked. We already know what the result of such a poll would be - more Paul + Jessica, more incest (with Alia too, but to a lesser degree). That is what people have been asking for the most since the very beginning. Not just on here.

Imagine a different situation. YOU have created a game. Let's say for example, you don't like rape all that much and you don't understand the appeal. But you're not super bothered by it meither, as long as it doesn't go too far. And you include a little bit of rape in the beginning of your game, because it makes sense in the story. But - oh no! You happen to live in a parallell universe, where rape is a super popular fetish and people are asking you to include more and ever more gratuitous rape scenes in the game.
Would you cave to popular demand or would you continue to develop the game how you like it? Or would you just move on to a different project?

Regarding the milking Dune for $$$, I can't rule it out. I can't look into Balsamique's head. But I know that many artists are fickle, and they don't like working on a single project for too long. So they jump between different projects or at least they have side projects, that they work on from time to time. Balsa seems to be like that. He started Vega Hunters before BtD (the first one) was even finished and then he worked on both of them. And then he had a number of side projects, most of which never went anywhere. One of those side projects grew into Horror in Hongdae. And now BtD is one of several side projects that he works on when he isn't in the mood for HiH.
I have never seen any arrogance from him. He has for the most part simply ignored all the various requests that have to do with incest. Every once in a while he used to explain that he's uncomfortable with the subject and again every once in while he included some incest content despite of that. I would accept the argument, that he wasn't firm enough and strung people along (possibly for $$$). But I'd rather have a little incest content in my favourite artstyle and with my favourite characters rather than none, so I'm not complaining.
Sorry, I jumped a little ahead and didn't answer you.

If I was in Balsamique's shoes, I would probably have done something like this:
"I am not comfortable with this or this, don't ask it will not be in this game, if that's what you want look elsewhere. I don't care what you offer, I am not doing it."
and put that sentence or something similar near the top of the thread or before the description of the game. The problem that Balsamique has created is that it was in the game from the start as far as i remember and I do not recall any comments on his patreon where he said he did not like incest. Does he have a discord where he mentioned that? Maybe on another forum? It is also possible that he may have put it somewhere here and I missed it.

By "arrogance" I was referring to when he asked for ideas for the game, my response as well as others had to do with Jessica and Paul. I get that some people might not be into that, but when his response was to do only Jessica content and ask again, then add Jessica and Paul content, later asking again, where content with only Jessica was added I took that as arrogant. My point of view is that he didn't mind it in the past, and when asked randomly would tease Jessica and Paul content in hopes of either keeping his subscribers or getting more subscribers.

Combine that with the amount of responses to BTD versus his other games, an argument could be made that BTD is his most popular game that generates more revenue versus others.

I could be completely wrong here and this could be more so due to my supporting devs in games over the years that failed and either didn't listen to their subscribers or marked their game as abandoned, only to come back with another game do so again.


Textwall Jackson
Game Developer
Dec 11, 2018
If I was in Balsamique's shoes, I would probably have done something like this:
"I am not comfortable with this or this, don't ask it will not be in this game, if that's what you want look elsewhere. I don't care what you offer, I am not doing it."
and put that sentence or something similar near the top of the thread or before the description of the game. The problem that Balsamique has created is that it was in the game from the start as far as i remember and I do not recall any comments on his patreon where he said he did not like incest. Does he have a discord where he mentioned that? Maybe on another forum? It is also possible that he may have put it somewhere here and I missed it.
That would indeed have been the best way to handle it. A big announcement of some sort. Balsa only ever mentioned his stance on the topic in the comments of his patreon posts and on his discord, where most people don't look, and then invalidating those statements afterwards by making more incest content anyways.

By "arrogance" I was referring to when he asked for ideas for the game, my response as well as others had to do with Jessica and Paul. I get that some people might not be into that, but when his response was to do only Jessica content and ask again, then add Jessica and Paul content, later asking again, where content with only Jessica was added I took that as arrogant. My point of view is that he didn't mind it in the past, and when asked randomly would tease Jessica and Paul content in hopes of either keeping his subscribers or getting more subscribers.
My guess, is that he's ok with some light, casual incest. A bit of playful taboo-breaking. Perhaps even an occasional incestuous fuckbuddy. But once it gets into the territory of a serious relationship and more, it icks him out. Different people draw the lines at different points. He is once again teasing a little bit of incest in his newest game, but is drawing no attention to it whatsoever, so I don't think it's just bait to string along the incest-lovers among his fans.
The earlier point still stands though. He should have communicated his stance more visibly and more clearly.

Insomnimaniac Games

Degenerate Handholder
Game Developer
May 25, 2017
That would indeed have been the best way to handle it. A big announcement of some sort. Balsa only ever mentioned his stance on the topic in the comments of his patreon posts and on his discord, where most people don't look, and then invalidating those statements afterwards by making more incest content anyways.
He invalidated those statements when he made the literal first scene in game incest. It's such a weird juxtaposition, if he REALLY didn't like incest, why make it the very first scene? Balsa's a weird dude.


Textwall Jackson
Game Developer
Dec 11, 2018
He invalidated those statements when he made the literal first scene in game incest. It's such a weird juxtaposition, if he REALLY didn't like incest, why make it the very first scene? Balsa's a weird dude.
I guess he's not completely against it. He seems to like a little sprinkling of everything in his games. A little bit of incest here, a little shit nugget there, a bit of loli, a titfuck scene, some piss, some rape, some choking, nipple-fucking etc. A smorgasbord of fetishes. But never too much of any one thing.
He certainly is a weird dude. But I consider that a postive thing. Mostly.


Nov 16, 2020
hi! a numbskull degenerate here just wanna ask how to unlock the "gangbong" scene in the gallery? i just finished the game but sadly didn't get to that scene, anyways anyone willing to point me to the right direction would be appreciated thanks.


Aug 17, 2020
hi! a numbskull degenerate here just wanna ask how to unlock the "gangbong" scene in the gallery? i just finished the game but sadly didn't get to that scene, anyways anyone willing to point me to the right direction would be appreciated thanks.
Use the plant to terraform Dune
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