Tried doing a render with Quinn and seperated everything like you said. Quinn ended up taking about 4.5 hours, I didn't finish the rest as the room alone was already at 4 and had probably another 2-3 to go. Might be the lighting I do that makes it go slower, got some new stuff I want to try out.I've been experimenting with rendering the background and the characters separately, and this would be a perfect place to do so. Light the characters as you want them lit, and they can pop really well. It also helps with render times, because the separate renders are simpler, and more likely to be GPU rendered.
Example - the top one was all rendered together, and CPU rendered. It took 15-20 hours (it's the mirrored bits on the wall!) The bottom one was rendered in three passes (the room, Sage and MC, and Quinn and the bondage horse), and assembled in GIMP. (It's a little more complicated than that, but not much, and of course I turned on the DOF). Doing it this way, I was able to light the characters enough to really make them pop without washing out the room. Rendering time was about 2-3 hours, and it added maybe 20-30 minutes of my active time.
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This is the one I did using the canvases the way I have been for a few weeks now, it took about 6 hours and maybe 15 minutes to combine everything in photoshop. Also for some reason depth of field is never very strong for my renders, not sure what I'm doing wrong.