Engaged Member
Sep 28, 2021
Milking, hmm.

I started a new game 2 days ago, I played the first couple of episodes on Thursday, took a few hours to play, then yesterday I played up to just after the mansion getting trashed and their first visit to the old people's home, I think the end of episode 5, start of episode 6. I started playing around midday and didn't stop, except for a couple of breaks to eat, until 1am in the morning, so it basically took 13 hours to play though 3 and a bit episodes and that's without mini games and I'm still nowhere near starting season 3 yet, which I think is Episode 9.

I've played many 'finished' mainstream games that haven't taken that long to play through, this game has given me plenty of hours of laughs and tears and has pulled a few heart strings along the way, it's probably the only game on this website where the length of time between updates has never really been a problem for me, because I know when it does drop I will probably have hours of fun playing it.


Sep 30, 2020
Milking, hmm.

I started a new game 2 days ago, I played the first couple of episodes on Thursday, took a few hours to play, then yesterday I played up to just after the mansion getting trashed and their first visit to the old people's home, I think the end of episode 5, start of episode 6. I started playing around midday and didn't stop, except for a couple of breaks to eat, until 1am in the morning, so it basically took 13 hours to play though 3 and a bit episodes and that's without mini games and I'm still nowhere near starting season 3 yet, which I think is Episode 9.

I've played many 'finished' mainstream games that haven't taken that long to play through, this game has given me plenty of hours of laughs and tears and has pulled a few heart strings along the way, it's probably the only game on this website where the length of time between updates has never really been a problem for me, because I know when it does drop I will probably have hours of fun playing it.
I feel you, that game gets you hooked, the kind of game you take a day off when the new episode is out

But once you're finished you're gonna go through the agonizing wait like all of us :KEK:
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Engaged Member
Sep 28, 2021
I feel you, that game gets you hooked, the kind of game you take a day off when the new episode is out

But once you're finished you're gonna live the agonizing wait like all of us :KEK:
Like said, I started a new game, played through it a number of times already, this isn't my first run-through, but the point was that it still takes hours to get through the game.


Sep 30, 2020
Like said, I started a new game, played through it a number of times already, this isn't my first run-through, but the point was that it still takes hours to get through the game.
My bad, thought it was your first playthrough, I envy those who discovered the game recently :LOL:


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
Milking, hmm.

I started a new game 2 days ago, I played the first couple of episodes on Thursday, took a few hours to play, then yesterday I played up to just after the mansion getting trashed and their first visit to the old people's home, I think the end of episode 5, start of episode 6. I started playing around midday and didn't stop, except for a couple of breaks to eat, until 1am in the morning, so it basically took 13 hours to play though 3 and a bit episodes and that's without mini games and I'm still nowhere near starting season 3 yet, which I think is Episode 9.

I've played many 'finished' mainstream games that haven't taken that long to play through, this game has given me plenty of hours of laughs and tears and has pulled a few heart strings along the way, it's probably the only game on this website where the length of time between updates has never really been a problem for me, because I know when it does drop I will probably have hours of fun playing it.
Yeah, sometimes, after finishing yet another playthrough, I feel so milked that I can barely contain the urge to find that nasty milker, wherever he is hiding, and scream right in his face: “Shut up, bitch, and take my money!"


Sep 22, 2020
I'm not sure, but it looks like cheap sheets from the MC's house...If that's the case, then the final scene will be the scene in the MC's house, as DPС indirectly mentioned.
When did DPC hinted episode will end at MC's house?

I think that is probably the most accurate take. You'd have to be have so many PCs with 4090s and churn out 75,000+ renders just for one episode. Dude is insane.
You cannot do such a huge project alone without being a little crazy or like Johnny Silverhand likes to put it "fucked in the head"
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Jun 29, 2018
Just because he is actually doing more work doesn't mean he isn't milking it. If he cut some unnessary filler, reduced the amount and length of animations he could be back to 6 months per update. If the game ends at episode 20 he could be done in 5 years and then lose his BADIK money but if he adds in some filler and makes animations longer and slightly better he can add 5 years on to the game and have an extra 5 years of all that BADIK money before he has to create a new game that may halve his monthly income.

I'm not trying to bash the guy because I and 99% of the world would do the same thing if we were in his position. If you are making an entertainment product that needs to have an end at some point and it is currently making 10k a month why end it in 5 years and create something new that could make 2k a month when you can drag each episode out to double the time. I'm sure everyone would rather have 10k a month for 10 years rather than 10k for 5 years and then possibly 2k a month for 5 years or even have to go back to a full time job.
He's kinda an egotistical nob but he's not a scammer or a milker his Patreon seem fine with the time taken and they're the ones that matter not us pirates and fuck even most pirates on here seem to love him. He also adds more workload not less, scammers don't tend to do that. The problem is more how Patreon development works (especially successful ones) combined with peoples belief that giving creators a completely free reign and no limits automatically = better game. Devs have little risk of running out of $$$ so release isn't an urgency as their life and dev are funded and secure so compared to most indie devs there's no real pressure to get it done. Which is why so many porn games take 5+ years to make and get bigger and bigger in scope (there are games from when I joined F95 that still are not done). A dev has little reason to focus or reign themselves in so they can adopt I do what i want with my baby and it's done when it's done attitudes. Thing is that doesn't necessarily mean a better game is made, anyone that's seen a kickstarter clusterfuck happen can vouch that focus and limits are not remotely bad things even for talented creators. Time will tell if DPC or BAD goes completely off the rails, hopefully not.

Stuff like DnG in AVNs is an example of this. Does a college game really need a fucking fantasy or space segment? Does it make the game better compared to if work had gone into the actual meat of a VN it's plot and chars? I'd say no but the devs dick got hard at the idea of creating fantasy or space shenanigans so here you are. Any desire, impulse or idea a dev has is getting done. It's how you end up with stuff like DnG or a dev working on two games and wanting to do 32 parts.

Could DPC finish this game faster? 100%. Will he? FUCK NO he literally has free reign to make what he wants how he wants. The time will take longer and longer between updates and this doesn't look like it'll be finished until 2027 at the earliest. Patreon dev has upsides and downsides, the fact is the free reign given to devs by it will often equal long dev times. That kind of is what it is because the only people that could make a dev do it quicker are his patrons but DPC's Patreon usually looks like a 24/7 DPC suck off session so....
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May 8, 2023
You guys are just misinterpreting the meaning of the word milker.
Who's a milker? It's a dude who intentionally extracts money from his fans while providing content of much lower quality. Is DPC a milker? No. All of his episodes are of high quality and are the benchmark for the AVN genre. His games have inspired a huge number of artists and developers, and he is the one they are trying to emulate.
If he's not a milker, who is? How does one feel about his recent actions and words?
This is a guy who is really bored of making regular AVN. With each new episode he wants to bring something new and different, how much it is justified is a separate question. I don't think he does it intentionally. His approach is that he tries something new, says to himself "wow, that looks cool" and adds it to the game. He doesn't worry about deadlines because he's confident in his financial well-being. Clearly, this approach without any control will bite him in the ass sooner or later. Probably as soon as his financial well-being deteriorates, he will reconsider his approach to development, optimizing the process. 13,000 patrons is more than enough to produce an episode once a year.
He's obviously not a milker, he's just a guy who writes a book without an editor or producer. With mistakes, obvious bad pacing and how successful this book will be time will tell.


May 8, 2023
When did DPC hinted episode will end at MC's house?
He mentioned creating a new environment. And it was probably Nil's house. Or some other place with cheap sheets( maybe a tent?).
Either way, the scene at Nil's house won't be exclusive to Sage's path.

Melissa fan

Sep 23, 2019
That not milking tho, you agree that he is working right? He is making unnecessary shits like sfw animations, 60fps animations, etc. Just because things ain't going our ways or we ain't getting the update faster. Doesn't mean he is milking, if he wasn't working and wasn't producing quality contents. I would say that he was milking.
definition of milking
to get as much money or information out of someone or something as possible, often in an unfair or dishonest way:

He is trying to get as much money out of this game as possible by adding in stuff that delays each episode. The animations were good as they were but by making them 60fps it will take longer to do animations and will delay each episode and the end of the game and therefore getting extra money for the extra months or year it will take to finish.

Ps- His cult will support his next game, no matter how bad it is. :Kappa:
Maybe or maybe not. Saints Row had a lot of fans but the 2022 reboot failed. GTA Online is one of the biggest games in the world and a lot of players will defend all of Rockstar Games terrible and greedy practices but Red Dead Online made by the same company failed.

With DPC I see a guy who wants to put out more content, in what ever form, than what was in the previous episode.
That is why I have never said that he is milking the game before when I have seen other saying. When an episode take an extra few months because it has more content then I think he just has a lot of ideas for the episode and wants it to be bigger but when he increases animations to 60fps that adds no extra content but more of a delay to the episode then I think he is doing it just to prolong the game. It's already been 9 months and it sound like another month or two before the epsiode is out. If he didn't make any animations 60fps the episode could even be ready now.

He is dragging it out to develop more content
60fps animations does not add a single bit of new content.

When he banked half a $mill for Season 1 on steam and then between $3 and $15mill for Season 2, it removed money entirely from his decision making process.
The most watched streamer on Twitch was XQC. He probably made more money in a year than DPC will in his entire life. XQC will have enough money to last his life, his kids lives and his grandkids lives but he still left the biggest streaming platform as their number 1 streamer to go to Kick a newer streaming service that a lot of people hate and he did that for money. The guy has more money than he will ever need yet still moved for more money.

If DPC made $100 million from the game it does not mean money is removed from his decision making process. Why hasn't he reduced the prices on his patreon? Why does it cost $40 Australian to get access to the game the day it releases? Why hasn't he reduced the cost so it is $10 to get access to the game the day it releases?

It doesn't matter how much money someone has. When money is flowing in by the thousands each month 99.9% of people will want to keep that going as long as possible. Even if he has $100 million what make you think he doesn't want to bump that up to $200 million one day. The more money he has means the more opportunities his kids will have to do or own whatever they want.

He's kinda an egotistical nob but he's not a scammer or a milker his Patreon seem fine with the time taken and they're the ones that matter not us pirates and fuck even most pirates on here seem to love him. He also adds more workload not less, scammers don't tend to do that.
I agree that he is not a scammer. He delivers the product people pay for.
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Active Member
Apr 3, 2020
I think that DND game scenes were fun. Sure, they add nothing of values. I play games for fun rather than only for plot and drama. It was hot to see Jill as an elf and hopefully we get to fuck her in that form someday. Also, I would love if Mc goes from bard to some higher like demonking/God of war lmfao. It was really fun to kill the burke/Caleb in the last DND. Tho, it true that his takes alot of time from the game but, I don't mind if Dpc add them Also, it foreshadowed that Sage and Mc will die because of Quinn:Kappa:

Melissa fan

Sep 23, 2019
You guys are just misinterpreting the meaning of the word milker.
Who's a milker? It's a dude who intentionally extracts money from his fans while providing content of much lower quality.
You could be misinterpreting the meaning of the word. If you look up the definition of milking it is to get as much money or information out of someone or something as possible, often in an unfair or dishonest way.

He could make the best AVN in history but if he prolongs episodes by adding in filler or 60fps animations so that episodes take longer to make and makes the ending take a year longer to release then he is milking his game and supporters for a year of extra money.
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Active Member
Apr 3, 2020
You could be misinterpreting the meaning of the word. If you look up the definition of milking it is to get as much money or information out of someone or something as possible, often in an unfair or dishonest way.

He could make the best AVN in history but if he prolongs episodes by adding in filler or 60fps animations so that episodes take longer to make and makes the ending take a year longer to release then he is milking his game and supporters for a year of extra money.
Say whatever you wanna say but I don't think he is delaying the updates for the money when there are literal Dev who get away with posting 500/1000 renders after 5/6 months. Those games doesn't have any free roam/pack quest/good quality animations/decent music/crazy level branching/etc. Sometimes they are even done by a company/group yet they produce less contents than a man who is doing everything by himself. I have been playing this games since episode 1 and there were alot of different games at that time which is now abandoned or still stuck at and some are making excuses or something like they are sick/handicapped. Many games here doesn't even have animations lol. I personally think it a dick move to call someone a milker since he want/trying his game to be in top quality in every aspects. :BootyTime:
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