
Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
By the way, the story with Chad is indicative. It best shows that the game will not be like AL. Chad is introduced at the beginning of the story as MС's worst enemy, who bullied and beat MС. But now Chad is almost a martyr. He was hiding his feelings for Troy, pretending for the sake of status. It sounds hypocritical, of course, but you can understand.
I'm sure something similar is waiting for us with Patrick. Who just loved and cared about his daughter.
Quinn who wants girls to get a free education.
Tybalt who loves Jill and is ready to do anything for love. And Burke is just tired of domestic quarrels.
I just don't believe in anyone's dark ending. DPC smoothes the corners as much as possible.


Active Member
Mar 14, 2020

This week I worked on several different tasks.

I've added art, code, and writing to Rooster/Chats and updated the design of the game menus (Save/Load/Preferences, etc.) to a more modern look that I intend to keep across season 1/2 and season 3 binaries.

I've written more of the missing scenes and posed static renders and a couple of SFW animations for them.

Here is the updated checklist of what's left to do:

Writing tasks that remain:
  • Two scenes of medium length
  • Code for one mini-game
  • Code for previously on Being a DIK screens
  • Code for episode end credits and screens
  • Adding Bios for all events (I always leave this task to last)
Art tasks that remain:
  • Possibly a few SFW (safe for work) animations
  • Render time for the final animation queue, currently 40 animations waiting to render
  • Static renders for four scenes
  • Render time for those static renders
  • GUI elements for one mini-game
Audio tasks that remain:
  • Implementing sound effects for a few scenes
  • Implementing music for a few scenes
(I intend to work on everything above next week and should complete a lot. I will also start playtesting next week.)

Other tasks that remain:
  • Polishing the dialogue and code
  • Playtesting
  • Thorough testing of transferring saves between Season 2 and Season 3 (Steam and Patreon).
  • Double-checking variables
  • Quality control of renders/animations
  • Fixing bugs that I find while testing

The episode is now bigger than episode 7 in almost every regard, and I feel that I'm getting close to having a complete episode that I can polish and test.

I don't say this often enough, but thanks for your continued support!

I'm looking forward to rewarding your patience with one hell of a season finale that will have you talking circles for months to come.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake
>one hell of a season finale
>fucking Bella.

It has been written. Bella shall be fucked balls deep this update lol


Sep 7, 2021
Although I'm really hoping you're correct in your theory, I don't think that's gonna be Elena. Unless there's some kind of deal before this scene with JB, I believe this is Josy. There was a conversation at the pool of the HOTs between her and MC about a stocking fetish of some sort. I would LOVE for that to be Elena though.
It isn't Elena, look at the boobs. They are way to big to be Elenas but for Josy, together with the skintone and "tiny" hands... Therefore my guess is Josy.

obsessed with chad right . . . Obsession required too much emotional involvement which is basic requirement of love. :cautious: If you have doubt chapter 7.... sage face when chad show up . . . ?
The face of Sage at the HOT party is enough for me to doubt every word she said to MC. Eventhough she turned her head to Mels room after.
DPS got that emotion in Sage her eyes so damn well. To say it in Dutch.. "Het spreekt boekdelen"
Can't come up for a proper translation since its a saying, maybe a fellow dutchie can help out :p


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2018
By the way, the story with Chad is indicative. It best shows that the game will not be like AL. Chad is introduced at the beginning of the story as MС's worst enemy, who bullied and beat MС. But now Chad is almost a martyr. He was hiding his feelings for Troy, pretending for the sake of status. It sounds hypocritical, of course, but you can understand.
I'm sure something similar is waiting for us with Patrick. Who just loved and cared about his daughter.
Quinn who wants girls to get a free education.
Tybalt who loves Jill and is ready to do anything for love. And Burke is just tired of domestic quarrels.
I just don't believe in anyone's dark ending. DPC smoothes the corners as much as possible.
I'm under the impression that in the beginning, Chad had to maintain appearances. What I mean by that is as the President of the Jocks, he has a reputation of being a macho alpha male with aggressive tendencies. Rumors started spreading as soon as MC started talking to Sage, as evidenced by Jacob later on when MC comes to the DIK mansion for a place to stay so Chad had to confront him or lose credibility. Also, in Psychology class we learned that males who are hiding their sexual orientation tend to lash out with violence more often. Once he lost the Presidential title and he was removed from the toxic masculine environment of the alpha house, he cooled off and was able to become more comfortable with things.

Quinn is a more complicated situation than just wanting the girls to get a free education. Based on the flashbacks of her childhood, she was raised in an environment where she needed to do whatever she had to for survival. That sort of environment sometimes turns a person into a manipulator. She's using the restaurant to cover her drug ring that she has going. She's also in the process of reaching the redemptive arc of her story as well.

I fail to see any redemptive qualities of Tybalt. He's just a spoiled little rich kid with an unfounded superiority complex. He also isn't really in love with Jill... he's obsessed. Like a guy in a relationship with the mentality of "If I can't have her, nobody can".


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
By the way, the story with Chad is indicative. It best shows that the game will not be like AL. Chad is introduced at the beginning of the story as MС's worst enemy, who bullied and beat MС. But now Chad is almost a martyr. He was hiding his feelings for Troy, pretending for the sake of status. It sounds hypocritical, of course, but you can understand.
I'm sure something similar is waiting for us with Patrick. Who just loved and cared about his daughter.
Quinn who wants girls to get a free education.
Tybalt who loves Jill and is ready to do anything for love. And Burke is just tired of domestic quarrels.
I just don't believe in anyone's dark ending. DPC smoothes the corners as much as possible.
If AL had been a longer game even Leah would have had her background, a dysfunctional family, sexual abuse, shocking drama....


Jan 20, 2018
People keep saying that, but he has absolutely no incentive to do it. Anyway, we'll wait. We'll complain, but we'll wait (this game's already been going for almost three years anyway, what's another bunch of years gonna hurt?)
The incentive should be people like me, i.e. people who do not participate in Patreon model, and buy the game only on releases on Steam.

If his dev time stretches on even more, rational consumer behaviour theory dictates that more people to switch to my model, rather than Patron model.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2018
The incentive should be people like me, i.e. people who do not participate in Patreon model, and buy the game only on releases on Steam.

If his dev time stretches on even more, rational consumer behaviour theory dictates that more people to switch to my model, rather than Patron model.
I'm not too familiar with Steam but don't you have to wait for an entire season to be completed before being able to get it on Steam? That seems like the wait would be even more tedious.


Jan 13, 2020
I'm not too familiar with Steam but don't you have to wait for an entire season to be completed before being able to get it on Steam? That seems like the wait would be even more tedious.
For BaD so far yes but Steam have the option Early Access but as it would be a dlc (or a dlc of dlc for season3) i'm not sure it would work
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Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
The incentive should be people like me, i.e. people who do not participate in Patreon model, and buy the game only on releases on Steam.

If his dev time stretches on even more, rational consumer behaviour theory dictates that more people to switch to my model, rather than Patron model.
I'm not too familiar with Steam but don't you have to wait for an entire season to be completed before being able to get it on Steam? That seems like the wait would be even more tedious.
If Icstor could maintain his Patreon base for years while doing nothing, DPC who consistently delivers high quality and high quantity releases shouldn't have any problem.

Many of his Patreon's are probably on the $1 tier all year round and just go to the $5 tier each time an update is released. That's $20 a year for two very substantial releases (or $10 per episode).

Is it worth it? That's up to them. But $20 a year isn't going to break most people's bank.

It's obviously cheaper buying it from Steam, at $14 a season ($3.50 an episode), but then you have to wait 2 years between releases instead of 6 months.

DPC is very driven, but he's also very rigid. He picks up on some minor suggestions, but he's not about to change how he operates when he's pulling in, at a bare minimum, $270K a year (assuming every single Patron is opting for the cheapest option - which they aren't, and discounting any Steam sales - he's surely clearing $300K).

So no, he doesn't have any incentive to compromise what he wants to deliver by reducing content, or hiring others (which would significantly eat into his bottom line).

Plenty of other great games here are taking just as long, or longer, to deliver less. Of course there are others that are releasing more frequently, but it's not even worth comparing the quantity or quality of those releases.

Personally I believe DPC is doing a phenomenal job. I believe he has a vision, and he is consistently delivering on that vision. If he could deliver the exact same product in a shorter time, and it doesn't cost him more money, and it doesn't result in his wife having an affair due to neglect, and it doesn't result in him dying prematurely, I'm sure he would.

But if he has to compromise on the product, or lose revenue, or it results in depravation of family time, or it drives him to an early grave, I'm happy to wait for however long it takes for the next episode and given the consistent rise in his patron count, I think most of his supporters are happy to wait too.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2018
If Icstor.....

We don't talk about "He who shall not be named".

could maintain his Patreon base for years while doing nothing, DPC who consistently delivers high quality and high quantity releases shouldn't have any problem.

Many of his Patreon's are probably on the $1 tier all year round and just go to the $5 tier each time an update is released. That's $20 a year for two very substantial releases (or $10 per episode).

Is it worth it? That's up to them. But $20 a year isn't going to break most people's bank.

It's obviously cheaper buying it from Steam, at $14 a season ($3.50 an episode), but then you have to wait 2 years between releases instead of 6 months.

DPC is very driven, but he's also very rigid. He picks up on some minor suggestions, but he's not about to change how he operates when he's pulling in, at a bare minimum, $270K a year (assuming every single Patron is opting for the cheapest option - which they aren't, and discounting any Steam sales - he's surely clearing $300K).

So no, he doesn't have any incentive to compromise what he wants to deliver by reducing content, or hiring others (which would significantly eat into his bottom line).

Plenty of other great games here are taking just as long, or longer, to deliver less. Of course there are others that are releasing more frequently, but it's not even worth comparing the quantity or quality of those releases.

Personally I believe DPC is doing a phenomenal job. I believe he has a vision, and he is consistently delivering on that vision. If he could deliver the exact same product in a shorter time, and it doesn't cost him more money, and it doesn't result in his wife having an affair due to neglect, and it doesn't result in him dying prematurely, I'm sure he would.

But if he has to compromise on the product, or lose revenue, or it results in depravation of family time, or it drives him to an early grave, I'm happy to wait for however long it takes for the next episode and given the consistent rise in his patron count, I think most of his supporters are happy to wait too.
DPC is one of the very few devs that I don't bitch about how long it takes to release an update. The reason being pretty much exactly how you explained it. Unlike a lot of other devs, if you're waiting longer than usual for a release from DPC, chances are it's going to be worth it. He hasn't (to my knowledge) came up with some shitty "my grandpa's son's uncle's brother's mom died last night from covid-73 so I won't be releasing the update for another 6 months due to mental stress" excuses like I've seen on other Patreon posts.


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
It isn't Elena, look at the boobs. They are way to big to be Elenas but for Josy, together with the skintone and "tiny" hands... Therefore my guess is Josy.
I also think it will be Josy will be. Right before Maya and the MC had sex in EP7, Maya said that the MC should get his birthday present. But well, not from her.:unsure::love:
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Active Member
Apr 30, 2017
I hope DPC scales down after launching Ep8 and Season 2 on Steam with Ep9 and does a few more shorter episodes with less dev time.

He can't keep scaling up and up and up for every episode, it's unsustainable as it is, time wise. There's a reason art and game studios hire more people as their games tend to get bigger, and since he is unwilling to do any of that, he needs to keep scale consistent.
Everyone hates waiting. But really, DPC is an artist and we are his patrons in the truest sense of the words. He isn't producing content, hes producing his craft, unrivaled in his field. The organic nature of his efforts, his drive and passion are what makes his games so good. I'd rather never get closure and this game run for years, than ruin it by trying to force the schedule into some kind of arbitrary schedule.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2021
View attachment 1447007

We don't talk about "He who shall not be named".

DPC is one of the very few devs that I don't bitch about how long it takes to release an update. The reason being pretty much exactly how you explained it. Unlike a lot of other devs, if you're waiting longer than usual for a release from DPC, chances are it's going to be worth it. He hasn't (to my knowledge) came up with some shitty "my grandpa's son's uncle's brother's mom died last night from covid-73 so I won't be releasing the update for another 6 months due to mental stress" excuses like I've seen on other Patreon posts.
I won't bitch either if i have to wait 6 month or more because each update have a lot of good quality content.
Lately i have played so many games with very short updates or bad quality content.
Ok, if the game is just a fap game with no real story, it's not a big issue, but if a good game is getting published with very short bits, it destroys all the quality of it.
I'm sick and tired to play an update that is already finished before i start to remember what it's all about and who is who!!!
But many devs take this route because it can insure them more visibility in the forums and calm their patrons.
There are even case where it's clear that the update is only existing to advertise for other services in Patreon.
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