
Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2018
I had this comment in my head for a year by now. But as you said, Maya's hating her for not getting a job could only be solve by her becoming a prostitute. So... in a certain way... Maya haters... hate her for not becoming a prostitute.

If this werent a porn site i will call it misoginy. Since it is, i call it tuesday.
And i am not even a feminist.
Sex work is only for certain people. not one of those people.
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Feb 3, 2020
Played thought CH.8 the story was amazing, the jiggle marvelous. And above all, how come the best writers online are a bunch of COOMERS and degenerate? I love this community and to you Dr. CAKE, GODSPEED you beautiful Coomer


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Since that is the case I urge you to become lightning fast a game developer and put something " better " on the table ! You obviosly think poorly of this VN so guess it's just fair to give you a chance to prove your point with a product of your own...
Then nobody should be allowed to criticize music, films, books, games, visual novels or anything else creative if they are not able to create something comparable themselves.

I like BaDIK a lot, but the plot has more holes (whether intentional or not will probably only become apparent much later) than your average The Asylum film. Personally, I don't care, because I don't expect a VN for adults to be as complex and well thought-out as the Lord of the Rings, and compared to most other adult games, BaDIK is almost divine when it comes to DPC's literary work.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Since that is the case I urge you to become lightning fast a game developer and put something " better " on the table ! You obviosly think poorly of this VN so guess it's just fair to give you a chance to prove your point with a product of your own... I'm not using terms like THE BEST or NO.1 or THE WORST or whatever... I just keep it simple with I like it or I don't like it... sooo... impress me ! Or anyone else beside me ! I've got a few years left in me so I will keep an eye out for your future product ! Who knows you might become even better at it than DPC ! Sure as shit blood transfusion works wonders every now and then ! ......... but back to reality and it's clear as day that's a " Nah ! That will never happen... " from the get go which leaves your criticism as poor as poorly you think of said product ! ;)

That little list of yours especially when you turn your attention to personal expenses just shows how little you know about relevant and non relevant content let alone stating something like this...

Dude ! :KEK: Back to the dream where I witness YOUR masterpiece... just one thing please... make sure I stay awake :sleep: for the whole thing or better ( or worse ? :unsure: ) yet don't die of boredom !

What you don't see in this VN is not necessarily NOT HAPPENING ! :LOL: Just have to use your own imagination ( a liiiiitle bit really ) for once or twice... might be too much to ask of the players ! Or it's just you... :WutFace:
Actually DavDR and I have already discussed this. He'll write the story, I'll program it, and my daughter (who is an amazing artist - no familial bias there whatsoever) can illustrate. Of course right now my daughter is all like, "Eew Gross!" when she sees two people kissing, so it's gonna be several years before she's up to the task, not to mention the legal age to look at what she's creating...

But definitely, it's coming! :p I wouldn't advise holding your breath though...

ename, you and shazba can have a super-human patience to deal with him. But when someone end his comment with " I know you guys think that the only thing necessary to make a good story is plenty of porn scenes and watermelon jokes. ", then is not sixart who is making it personal.

When on top of that our pretentious polemist add to the combo, a general flat ignorance about thoose "higher standard" he pretends to enjoy and the moral virtues of....

Anyway. I get you enjoy talking to him but dont put the blame on an inocent guy.
DavDR (and Arigon back in his prime) have the uncanny ability to evoke hostility from this forum (I may have slipped and bitten once or twice myself!), they'll tell you it's because they are "telling it like it is", my take is that they enjoy being assholes. :p But don't worry, I'm here to white knight the shit outta the game to counter balance all that negative energy, so the world can continue turning.


Engaged Member
Aug 27, 2020
Actually DavDR and I have already discussed this. He'll write the story, I'll program it, and my daughter (who is an amazing artist - no familial bias there whatsoever) can illustrate. Of course right now my daughter is all like, "Eew Gross!" when she sees two people kissing, so it's gonna be several years before she's up to the task, not to mention the legal age to look at what she's creating...

But definitely, it's coming! :p I wouldn't advise holding your breath though...

DavDR (and Arigon back in his prime) have the uncanny ability to evoke hostility from this forum (I may have slipped and bitten once or twice myself!), they'll tell you it's because they are "telling it like it is", my take is that they enjoy being assholes. :p But don't worry, I'm here to white knight the shit outta the game to counter balance all that negative energy, so the world can continue turning.
Absolutely true!
But also, telling it like it is...


Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
Since that is the case I urge you to become lightning fast a game developer and put something " better " on the table ! You obviosly think poorly of this VN so guess it's just fair to give you a chance to prove your point with a product of your own...
I don't generally see myself as someone who would defend DavDR, because most of the time I see a post with his name and move on because I think he's a hypercritical dick who'd be better served elsewhere - however- your stance here isn't really fair.

I've seen a lot of movies in life. Ed Wood's catalogue may not be the worst films to ever appear on the screen, but without question they are absolutely shit. Do I think I could do better? No, because I'm not a film maker, but I don't need to be. One needn't be a biologist to recognize excrement and object when finding it where it doesn't belong.
None of it is out of my ass. That would suggest I made it all up. It's all backed up in the game except for Patrick and Pete, but it's a fair assumption that they have jobs.
Patrick works at Richard's(whoever THAT is) used car sales lot (as seen in Chapter 8 if Rusty has to sell his car), so he's certainly employed.


New Member
May 3, 2020
good evenning everyone im having a problem with my game it takes me as i played it before and got all renders and some the dialogue as i already saw them, is there a way to wipe the game cache so i can start a new game?


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
Sure, the Interlude could just access the save data as a test, but what exactly does that prove? DPC has presumably already tested that. Unless the Interlude tosses in a screen showing the imported variables (which DPC would never do, IMHO), it needs to branch based on that data to be worth importing it at this point. (Or, as I said, it needs to add new data based on choices within the Interlude.)
You can never test enough, which is why there are regularly v0.8.1 etc. The ramification of bugs with the save transfer are much greater, so more rigorous testing is sensible.

DPC's done dev testing, his QA people have done UA testing, then you release it to the great unwashed and they find all the other bugs you missed, such as problems which only occur in particular OS/hardware etc.

DPC told us himself in that status update that the interlude is an "opportunity to make sure that the save transfers from Season 2 to Season 3 works for all of your games" (i.e. testing), so I'm puzzled why you're debating this particular point? The dev himself can't be 100% sure it will work for everyone yet.

As to how DPC could test the imported variables without using them in earnest for choices etc., that's trivial. Like his anti-modding code, you have some variable test(s) in code early in the game & if it fails, you give the user a message telling them their save transfer failed and close the game before they progress further. Affected Patreons tell DPC, who can then work out the scale of the issue & what fixes might be done.

If he doesn't do something of that nature, then he's got no idea if only half the variables came across in the save transfer or the like. Then months later when he releases episode 0.9 he gets a flood of support calls because his subscribers playthrough is borked.

Hopefully this will all be moot & everything goes fine. Other games have done such save transfers, though undoubtedly not involving the same volume of variables as BaDIK.


Nov 27, 2021
Jill isn't at the party, but lives there, so it could be her, though I'd be surprised. Ashley, Elena, Heather, Melanie, and Sarah are all upstairs. Quinn too, but it's not her. So yeah, it could be just about anyone. And of course, Arieth is at the Jock party.
Someone already said: it´s Arieth. The guy is let´s say "eccentric", like Arieth, and can´t find his daughter because Arieth is in the wrong party.


Engaged Member
Aug 27, 2020
I will say it again for those who think DPC is a great "writer". He is not. He is ok. He HIMSELF will tell you that writing is his weak point, and his stories (both of them) suffer from his inability to follow complete thoughts when writing, and to come to reasonable and logical points and conclusions.

That said, he is probably one of the most incredible artists in this "industry".

He has the second best sound track hands down for his AVN. Some would argue first. I prefer Leap of Faith by Drifty for the soundtrack Oscar.

His production is pretty damned slick.

His process is a fail.

He claims he is solo at all of this. He has promised erroneously that he will deliver 12 episodes at a minimum, with some of you crazy guys thinking 16-20. At his current production level, with his complications that he adds in needlessly, and the branching story arcs, you are looking at 2033 for chapter 16 boyos! Not going to happen. Erase that from your memory. He will NOT do that.

He is burned out. This project is too big for one person. I certainly do not think he is sticking to being a one man show out of greed. He is someone who is pretty hard to please. He doesn't want to let go of any part of this, beyond some beta readers. He wants to tell us some Medieval Lustful Tales. Anyhow, the unbelievers will not believe it till chapter 10 has the end credits for the whole AVN so I will just let that go.

The guy does a great wingman. He is pretty fucking awesome at his lewds.

I give full credit where credit is due.

I wish he would hire a writer/director to help him out with story content, planning, and execution. It would make the whole product so much better.

All that said. Clearly I am an Asshole since I am being critical of the Holy Grail of your fantasy fapfest! As my dear compatriot and shining white knight shazba stated; An asshole I am.... Maybe not as BIG an asshole as I was in my... what did he say???? Oh yeah, in my Prime, yet an Asshole I honestly and truly remain!

Peace to all of you, even the ones who will flame my post! Oh and good will and shit too!


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2018
So can we be sure that Maya will end the game as prostitution?
No, but I wouldn't be shocked if that was ONE of the endings. It would be a bad ending, for her, though. I could see Josy as a stripper, but the only LI I think could really handle being a (VERY high end) escort would be Bella. If she can get over her husband, and Tremolo, she's got the mental strength to do it, and the sexuality. And like I said, she would be unbelievably expensive!!!

(To all the Bella Stans, this is NOT, in any way, an insult of Bella. She's a strong, independent, very desirable woman. She would never be anyone's victim in the scenario I'm suggesting. She'd be a BOSS.)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2018
I will say it again for those who think DPC is a great "writer". He is not. He is ok. He HIMSELF will tell you that writing is his weak point, and his stories (both of them) suffer from his inability to follow complete thoughts when writing, and to come to reasonable and logical points and conclusions.

That said, he is probably one of the most incredible artists in this "industry".

He has the second best sound track hands down for his AVN. Some would argue first. I prefer Leap of Faith by Drifty for the soundtrack Oscar.

His production is pretty damned slick.

His process is a fail.

He claims he is solo at all of this. He has promised erroneously that he will deliver 12 episodes at a minimum, with some of you crazy guys thinking 16-20. At his current production level, with his complications that he adds in needlessly, and the branching story arcs, you are looking at 2033 for chapter 16 boyos! Not going to happen. Erase that from your memory. He will NOT do that.

He is burned out. This project is too big for one person. I certainly do not think he is sticking to being a one man show out of greed. He is someone who is pretty hard to please. He doesn't want to let go of any part of this, beyond some beta readers. He wants to tell us some Medieval Lustful Tales. Anyhow, the unbelievers will not believe it till chapter 10 has the end credits for the whole AVN so I will just let that go.

The guy does a great wingman. He is pretty fucking awesome at his lewds.

I give full credit where credit is due.

I wish he would hire a writer/director to help him out with story content, planning, and execution. It would make the whole product so much better.

All that said. Clearly I am an Asshole since I am being critical of the Holy Grail of your fantasy fapfest! As my dear compatriot and shining white knight shazba stated; An asshole I am.... Maybe not as BIG an asshole as I was in my... what did he say???? Oh yeah, in my Prime, yet an Asshole I honestly and truly remain!

Peace to all of you, even the ones who will flame my post! Oh and good will and shit too!
Why is it you assume he is lying in his updates? Because that is what you are saying - that DPC is just lying.


May 6, 2017
Inviting over Josy and Maya to his place so that they can work things out, making their hearts flutter a bit at the consideration being shown and then dipping out to go hang out with Sage.

How does he do it ladies and gentlemen.


Engaged Member
Aug 27, 2020
Why is it you assume he is lying in his updates? Because that is what you are saying - that DPC is just lying.
I am.
He is over promising.
He will not deliver.
It is just plain math and the fact the guy will not let others work on the project to share the real workload.
It is ok, you do not have to believe me.
Just do some simple math yourself.
Tell me that he gets done before 2033.
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