I've mostly been focusing on static renders this week. I've produced the remaining environment renders for the final free roam event and worked on many shorter scenes.
4314 static renders are posed, of which about 200 are in the render queue.
Of what I have planned, 3 scenes are left to write, and 13 scenes are missing art. Of those 13 scenes, 4 are lewd scenes that are missing animations; 2 are longer lewd scenes, and 2 are shorter ones.
After making a bit more art, I will playtest and see how the episode feels for all branches, and if needed, I will modify/add scenes to make it feel better. I don't have a full grasp of the flow for the second half of the episode yet, as it's been mostly incomplete when I played bits of the episode. It's all part of the polishing process that I always carry out.
Due to spoilers, it's getting increasingly harder for me to show you previews at this point. But that also means we're at the end of the development cycle when this almost always happens. I have planned to show you a few more special renders of Josy's and Jill's series and, hopefully, a couple more normal previews.
More static renders are on the schedule for next week, and hopefully, I'll make some time to pose lewd animations. I've picked up a few animation tricks during this development cycle that I want to experiment with in the remaining lewd scenes.
My animation queue has 17 animations in it. My current estimation is that 70-100 animations remain to be posed. I believe they will render faster than other animations I've done for the episode.
Have a nice weekend!
Dr PinkCake