
Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2018
Wow, I actually rolled with it and in the end,
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That’s why Jill’s path might be the hardest but I think it’s worthwhile.

The only routes I didn’t even touch were the MILFs, after playing a couple of VNs I feel the MILF path isn’t something I enjoy.

Something bothered me at the end of episode 8 when
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and why was he panicking, it’s not like they’re related to him or he’s doing both mother and daughter (didn’t pick that path) unless it’s the same reaction regardless of your choice.

I mean there’s a lost opportunity or intentionally left out was Derek not mentioning to MC that his sister was different and dating a girl. But, then again we wouldn’t have a huge plot twist at the end of episode 3.
Yea, I like how Jill mentioned the dick pic at the end. I'm talking about the library scene when Jill says we're still dating while on the Maya/Josy path which triggers a small dialogue between Maya and Josy about how they feel kind of hurt that MC is still fucking around with other girls. That was awkward lol.

The ending for ep 8 was just a "catch-all" cliffhanger ending meant to make you feel suspense. We actually don't know why he's freaking out like that. You could do any combination of any path and still end up with that scene. It won't change.

I'm pretty sure Maya actually tells the MC at one point. It's before Josy gets to B&R and MC helps Maya with the list. Even then, it's supposed to be a secret and it's Maya's secret. So it wouldn't make sense for Derek to tell him anything, not his business to tell. Derek even says at one point how MC is a good friend but he'd still ultimately choose his sister over him if it came down to it.
What I'm saying is MC already knew about Maya dating a girl. He just didn't know 1. That girl was Josy 2. Josy was still lying about having a boyfriend. (Maya also did say she had a "boyfriend" at an earlier point but that was before she got closer to MC) and 3. Josy's "boyfriend" was actually Maya. I don't think it would've prevented anything if Derek said anything. Derek didn't even know that Tommy was Josy's step-brother so I have no idea how he could've just brought up the exact details of Maya's girlfriend without it sounding hamfisted for MC to make the connection.
Though ... I think Tommy knew about Maya. I think in Ep 2 or 3 when they're having a party in the basement (when you do body shots off of Sarah and Mel) right before then Tommy seems like he's about tell Rusty about Maya like he's familiar with her in relation to Josy but Derek cuts him off.
That could either mean 1. Tommy was just going to say, "Yea, she's this really hot blonde" and Derek got uncomfortable so he brought up that she was his sister or 2. Tommy knew Josy and Maya were going out and was about to say something like, "Yea, she's my stupid step-sister's girlfriend". Derek probably cut him off for the same reason though, he just got uncomfortable about his sister being mentioned at all. Since, I think at that point Derek still didn't know Tommy was Josy's step-brother and wouldn't even imagine Tommy knowing about that relationship. Could be remembering wrong. I'm replaying the game while waiting but only got up to ep 1 because I haven't had time the past few days. Probably reading into it too much but that party scene was also the foreshadowing for Sage being a Burke. So who knows?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2018
I think 99% of the playtesting will likely be done while waiting for the animations to render. Those activities don't need to be time exclusive. So adding the playtesting time to after the animation render estimate is not likely accurate.
Possibly. I think the "two weeks for playtesting" usually refers to when he sends it to his beta testers for bugs and proofreading. I don't really see him sending it to anyone for playtesting in an incomplete state.

Then again, I think he has usually saved his own playtesting for after he's done with everything as well so you may be right.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2018
Right. This is one of the weird things we will have to face. DPC doesn't make animations as long as it may seem and often uses its own assemblies of vanilla animations and applies its to other scenes. The most obvious example is episode 8, where the animation of the rider's pose was used in as many as 3 scenes (Lily, Envy, Melanie). He will also be able to use this trick to save time.
But the animation rendering time itself causes him and us a lot of pain. If we assume that he will finish working with animation and render production by the end of this month (most likely it will be), only one animation rendering will take the remaining month. And then the question arises: what exactly will DPC do?
I'm not sure how you got that estimate for the animations. I think he said he still had 40 left and possibly up to 40 more after that. Last week he finished rendering 9 animations. I'm sure that render rate isn't static and may rise as there's less and less to render but I don't think he's going to be finishing rendering up to 80 animations (and posing up to 40) in just two weeks and some change.
If the render rate stays the same (and this is just for animations, not to mention static renders):
At best it'd be 4 to 5 weeks assuming that no further animations are added to the queue
At worst it'd be 8 to 9 weeks assuming that a total of 80 animations will need rendering
Absolutely nightmarish would be DPC deciding to add even MORE animations :(
If the render rate increases then we can knock off a few weeks here and there. God forbid it slows down, then we're adding a few more weeks to that base estimate.
If he were to finish rendering animations in two weeks, then he'd need to average 20/week if it's just 40 and 40/week if the final count left is 80.


Jan 8, 2022
is there any way to add money in this game, some code?
Three ways:

1) Use a
2) Use a Mod (eg. SanchoMod)
3) Use the config console (the money is stored under the name - what a coincidence - money)

Using a mod only works when it's been updated after a game update, DPC put some bombs in the code to distract using mods, the modders remove them but it takes time. If you have questions using mods, aks the modder themself.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Yeah, that's probably DPC's intention, and it would be a good idea if it were well written. The problem is that Sage has been neglecting her sorority for at least two years, maybe more. Probably even before starting dating Chad... The problems of her sorority aren't coming from the past two months in the game... DPC made the problems of the HOTs too hardcore because he's a sucker for drama, and that forced him to make Sage too stupid, or blind and selfish, because she has to be really stupid or self-centered to not to notice all that is rotten into the HOTs. It´s so big that it only took a few days to Lily to figure out everything... So when we see that Sage is not stupid at all, and that she actually cares for the MC and other people, she seems to be a totally different person from the one she was just two months ago in the game. Bad character development.

The same goes for the HOTs that apparently aren't into Quinn's business. Elena, for example, seems to be an intelligent person. Didn't she really notice all that is happening into the HOTs? Prostitution, drugs... And you can say that maybe she knows something, but she thinks that it´s not her business so she doesn't say anything... But when the shit hits the fan, she's going to be there too...

At the end of the day, this is only a porn game, for sure. But I think that we all agree that it's at a different level from most of porn games, so I think that we can expect more from DPC´s writing than from other developers of porn games. If it were just a fap game with a silly story, I would not spend a second thinking in the characters, I would only look at the boobs.
I don't think Sage has always neglected her duties as HOTs, my guess is that she loses her mind when she begins to suspect Chad's betrayal, so it's a relatively recent occurrence

difficult however for a non-witness to a particular event (such as the scene with Burke at the Preps) to understand anything about Quinn's dirty dealings
that the girls are screwing around and Quinn's position of dominance is not particularly suspect

you are right that it is not at all believable, and unfortunately her attitude has not changed to date, that Sage continues to blindly trust Quinn, who has virtually disregarded every direct request of hers and yet is still fully her right-hand man.

but if it's no problem for MC to plan the Halloween party with the evil Quinn either (even though he's in a relationship with Maya, he warned her about what Quinn does...) then it can only be porn


Jun 25, 2018
well... he doesn't have to go around fucking half of the campus, that's on you.

but he is a snowflake. with a potty mouth.
I mean, to be fair, I'm playing a porn game. Of course I'm going to try to have my character sleep with as many women as possible lol. I just wish he was better written b/c the way he reacted to that was just completely asinine. I don't get why we weren't given a chance to turn it into a threesome...especially considering that both girls were into him and also sort of into each other? Granted...still in Episode 4, so I'm not sure if that happens later on or not.

P.S. Sorry for late reply. I'm only on here like once, maybe twice a week.
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Apr 29, 2022
Hey guys. I was thinking of getting into DPC's other game Acting Lessons. Just wanted you opinions. It's it as good as Being a Dik? Because I honestly don't how you can top this one.

Is it same style and humor?


Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
Hey guys. I was thinking of getting into DPC's other game Acting Lessons. Just wanted you opinions. It's it as good as Being a Dik? Because I honestly don't how you can top this one.

Is it same style and humor?
Yes and no. It really is (overall) a good game, but it gets much darker. There are also a nice wide array of possible outcomes to the game based on your choices, some of which I only noticed little details about after I was able to go back and play repeatedly.

I think you'll find BaDIK to be (thus far) superior, it's definitely a longer, more involved game, but the tone of BaDIK is much more on the comedy route.

Geralt From Rivia

Forum Fanatic
Jun 15, 2022
Yeah, that's probably DPC's intention, and it would be a good idea if it were well written. The problem is that Sage has been neglecting her sorority for at least two years, maybe more. Probably even before starting dating Chad... The problems of her sorority aren't coming from the past two months in the game... DPC made the problems of the HOTs too hardcore because he's a sucker for drama, and that forced him to make Sage too stupid, or blind and selfish, because she has to be really stupid or self-centered to not to notice all that is rotten into the HOTs. It´s so big that it only took a few days to Lily to figure out everything... So when we see that Sage is not stupid at all, and that she actually cares for the MC and other people, she seems to be a totally different person from the one she was just two months ago in the game. Bad character development.

The same goes for the HOTs that apparently aren't into Quinn's business. Elena, for example, seems to be an intelligent person. Didn't she really notice all that is happening into the HOTs? Prostitution, drugs... And you can say that maybe she knows something, but she thinks that it´s not her business so she doesn't say anything... But when the shit hits the fan, she's going to be there too...

At the end of the day, this is only a porn game, for sure. But I think that we all agree that it's at a different level from most of porn games, so I think that we can expect more from DPC´s writing than from other developers of porn games. If it were just a fap game with a silly story, I would not spend a second thinking in the characters, I would only look at the boobs.
I think you missed or didn't pay attention to Sage's character development. First I will talk about it, then the problems of HOTs. PinkCake presents Sage from the very beginning as a typical cheerleader with inflated self-esteem - a spoiled girl who hires MC to spy. This representation is false - a well-known plot device that hides the true identity of the character.
Hints that Sage is not the way the DPC introduced her to us occur throughout the story. They are easy to miss if you play inattentively, ignoring the dialogues:
Episode 2. Sage shows care for MC when he was beaten by Dave. She proves to be an active and versatile girl when she wants to learn how to play the guitar and shows interest in sparring. At this moment, we first see her as a friendly and positive girl.
Episode 4: Sage provides moral support to MC during Josy/Maya drama. I see this chemistry between them and I just forget about Trouple. It is so good and easy with her, positive and crazy energy just comes from this girl.
Episode 5. Here we see the high moral standards of Sage. She goes berserk when MC jokingly mentions his dead mother. She hates to feel like an insensitive idiot and gets mad at Tremolo for embarrassing her. And if you continue to joke, you get -1RP Sage.
In Episode 6, we see even more of what a sensitive and emotional person she is when she is mentally destroyed after Chad abandoned her. We also see for the first time that she is smart, pays due attention to her studies and can balance between fun and study.
Episode 7 fully reveals the character, his name is True Colors and this is a subtext, a message to the player that this chapter reveals the real personalities of the characters in all its glory. We see how Sage is a warm-hearted, highly moral and kind soul. Bella notices this in a conversation with Jill: "She is not like I imagined. She turned out to be a very smart and intelligent girl"
Of course she has personality traits. And here we come to the problems of HOTs. Sage is very emotional and impulsive, she has an explosive temper. She is also very loving. This situation with Chad has driven her crazy and she is no longer able to manage the HOTs, leaving all the work to Quinn. Love is blind and we see it in the Sage/Chad relationship. She's so in love with him that she doesn't see the obvious things her "mom" told her. This is seen in the prologue of Episode 5, the way Sage looks at Chad, who doesn't care. Why can't Sage see what Quinn is doing? Quinn is very good at hiding her shady business and I think she has been doing this for quite some time, most likely since the second semester of last year. Assuming Quinn is now in her second grade, which I think is true. And her high moral qualities do not allow her to doubt her friend.
From observations, it can be concluded that DPC planned this character development from the very beginning. Attentive players have of course missed this.


Sep 20, 2022
Lily figured it out because she's probably a lot more used to spotting shady business. She's dealt with Vinny and acts as the mule for the pink rose girls. It's very plausable that she'd heard something from Vinny and put 2+2 together. Or perhaps she mentioned B&R to Vinny and he went off about Tommy and Quinn.

Sage, on the other hand, is not used to dealing with shady business so she'd probably write off the oddball behaviour of Quinn as just part of her personality instead of something darker.


Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
If it´s so difficult to understand about Quinn's dirty dealings... why it only takes Lily a few days to understand everything? She wasn´t even living with the HOTs then...
Lily figured it out because she's probably a lot more used to spotting shady business.
Well, you see, there are two main lines of thought where Lily is concerned, but a lot of people seem to think it's too close to dalli_x territory.

The most likely scenario is:

But because (almost) everybody prefers to think with their penises, the response is:

Could I be wrong? Absolutely. I totally could be. It's entirely possible that she's not lying, but just happens to do her best to maneuver herself towards anybody who's got popularity and connections to attain her goals, while (despite the rampant fucking) trying her best to keep up that emotional distance barrier with them, and having an amazingly plausible excuse for her actions. Sure. It's possible.

But I'm more a fan of Occam than that.


Engaged Member
Mar 29, 2019
Dpc is taking his sweet time with the update
I was always sarcastic about a Halloween release but it might not even be released this month
Getting the update in October is pretty much impossible now, seeing that he has at least 6 weeks of animation work and there's probably still stuff to do. Also there's the two weeks of beta testing.

We'll be lucky even if the update drops this year at all. :Kappa:
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