
Nov 15, 2020
I buy people not liking the Interlude and seeing it as a superfluous distraction and that it came too much too late. We got enough of Zoey to begin with in the flashback that one time and now we got too much. The cast we (well most of us) care about is mostly set for players and they are looking forward to the choice they did at the end of ep8, which have been informed by a full season which have taken years to come out. I totally understand not connecting with the Interlude and that is a very fair point, id argue its normal in fact.

But i cannot understand the hate of her character motivations, i see people attack her agency all the time. Agency is what makes a story good, without it you get a meat'n'fuck, thats not a typo. I hate to play this card as it draws so much ire but reverse the genders and noone would care. In fact, it would be an excellent starting prompt for a story (if looked at in isolation) about a guy flying solo for the first time. They would see... lets call 'im "Ezio", a dude going all out for himself, leaving the nest on an adventure and chasing a life long dream (and tail) after leaving a childish lustful romance at home, especially with having faced a facet of death of a loved one to instill a sense of urgency. It so natural.

But not here, now she have to be a selfish flaky bitch because MC is not the center of her world at every point in time nor does she change to cater to him. How dare she not be a limp follower or vacuous bimbo!

Im not gonna blow smoke up your asses and claim everything about Zoey is perfect or well crafted in terms of story with how DPC handled it, nor her fit with MC romantically in the future. But to attack a character that is so clearly alive and with agency of their own is asinine.

edit: Overall Im mostly possitive with the Interlude. I very much doubt that Zoey will be a negative in EP9 and beyond just because DPC had it planned for so long. If it was almost any other dev i would be skeptical.
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Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Yeah, Zoey's mother is delighted with her daughter leaving her. She doesn't need her daughter at all or her daughter's departure adds no worries to her at all.
Her mum was sad and happy for her. Like all parents when their children leave home. A parent who doesn't want a child to leave would be narcissistic.

The interlude was not only bad, was unnecessary. With a third of work and time, DPC could have just packed that material in a couple of flashbacks and we could have already the real update.
None of the game is necessary. It's entertainment. There are all sorts of scenes that various people don't like, so should they not have been made? I don't like Bella, therefore by your logic, I am now qualified to state as a fact that Bella's scenes were all unnecessary and should not have been made.

If you find attractive a narcissistic brat... I'm not going to repeat my previous post about why she's like that, you can read them. Yeah, attractive is subjective, you can find attractive a wooden log. But the facts that DPC let us know about Zoey are objective.
The facts are objective, and you've misinterpreted them as narcissism. An adult child leaving home is not narcissism. An adult that makes it difficult for them to leave is a narcissist. Lucky neither Zoey nor her mom are narcissist. Her mom's only concern was that Zoey was making a mistake, her mom wasn't in need for her daughter to stay.

If most of your writing is based in clichés, that's lazy writing. And people is not "crying", it's called criticizing. That's you being (again) a smartass.
The clichéd characters are stepping stones to flesh out better characters, it just speeds things along. Given the upset of some people about the Interlude (i.e. Zoey's little backstory), imagine if DPC didn't rely on clichéd characters and just spent years giving us the back stories of al the cast?

Which way would you prefer it? Spend countless development time on backstories, or fast track with clichés?

Great, captain obvious.
If what I said was obvious, how can you sit there and say DPC should have made her more attractive? Either you understand that she may be attractive to others, even if you don't like her (in which case you wouldn't have suggested that DPC make her more attractive as you would understand she just isn't to your taste), or you don't understand that, hence the reason you made your original point.

So no, it didn't seem obvious at all.

People is rating the interlude, not the entire game. The interlude has delayed the game for months, that's a fact. Creating a full update with music, minigames and all is way more work and time than just an update. That's a fact.
Except they're not. When they rate this thread, they are rating the entire game, Episodes 1 - 8 & Interlude. There isn't a seprate thread. When season 3 is done, any ratings are for the entire game up until that point.

Perhaps you misunderstood my reference to rating, but I'm talking about the official rating people can give to the thread (from 1 - 5 stars). It's for the entire game up until now.

And DPC fanboys are been going on about how great this game is, without seeing the flaws of the writing and character design. Are you guys going bananas too?
It's unquestionably up there with the best games of this site. Of course if someone is looking for a game with more kinks, different style graphics etc., this game may not pertain to their tastes, but that doesn't make it objectively any worse.

Of course it's flawed, but the flaws are minor enough to comfortably overlook.

No, you are not, you are being a smartass. For saying an euphemism.
No seriously, I'm chill. I enjoy debating, and I'm not getting worked up about the game's direction or duration. Which was my original point.

Obviously, it was a joke. I don't know when you are going to be dead. Well, 4-8 years for a game like this one is a long time. AAA games are created in less time, and usually are complete when they are released in the market.
People have right to think that waiting times are long enough without an unnecessary delay because an unnecessary interlude, and it doesn't mean that waiting is causing serious distress to anybody. That's only you being, again, a smartass.
People have a right to think whatever they want, but they often have a poor gauge of what's involved. A triple A game can have thousands of people working on it. This game has one. The comparison is utterly void.

It's personal since it's my comments the one you were doing "fun" of. And that thing of " Now, to anyone that I've inadvertently offended, just be glad I didn't call you a bunch of cunts (term of endearment of course)" is not you being the king of comedy, but an smartass (again, euphemism)
I wasn't commenting on your posts specifically. After skimming through, I picked up on the typical anti-Interlude and anti-Zoey vibe and just wrote my thoughts down.

If you thought my post was all about you, maybe you're a narcissist? :unsure:

Again: the characters exist because of the MC. Main Character. It's Main Character's story, not random characters' story. If Zoey would not be the ex of the MC, she would not even be in the game in first place. Her role is being the ex that returns, soap opera style, to disturb him. Her mere existence service the MC.
That's just simply wrong. The mc exists in a world where there are other characters, with their own stories and agendas. Of course they have to come across the mc's path to be in the story, but even that's not true since we've been getting snippets of Vinny and the mc hasn't even met him yet.

Your life is your story, but everyone in your life doesn't revolve around you. The same goes with the mc of this story. The mc is in a story, so we see mostly his perspective with a few omniscient glimpses elsewhere. But the story isn't all about him. With each prologue we see characters that may never matter again. The girl Derek fucks on the camping trip is not likely to pop up again. All the random girls that came running out doing the walk of shame in the flashback are not going to matter specifically. And possibly all of Zoey's friends won't matter in the long run either. They all exist to illustrate something at the time.

A dream of living by the beach like if it were holydays all the year is not a childish whim? Do you really think that that thing of surfing is a realistic way of life?
It was her dream to surf. It's no different to any other dream. Some people follow their dreams and become extraordinary people. Some people follow their dreams and it doesn't turn out so good. Zoey falls in the latter group. But there's a third group. People who don't follow their dreams and regret that for the rest of their lives.

Her grandma is a terrible influence for Zoey, since she only says to her what she wants to listen, and not what she needs to listen. It's the mother the one that tries to be that, a mother that not only says to her "you are special, follow your dreams, even if they are childish and idiotic" but real good advices like "you are too young to drink alcohol" or "you should finish your studies even if right now you are bored of that". And that's why Zoey dumps her and goes away. She's a brat that only listens to what she wants to hear
I don't agree with any of that. If everyone decided they shouldn't follow their dreams because some wet blanket says they are idiotic, we'd still be in the stone age. You may not be a fan of surfing, but there are so many dreams that people can follow that can lead to very fulfilling experiences. Just because you're not interested in it, it doesn't mean it's a pointless exercise.

And alcohol? She was 18. More than half the world accepts that as a legal age, and a number of US states too, so it's not like she was a 10 year old trying to get wasted.

She could have stayed with her mother in a bad moment for her, and could have appreciated what she had with the MC before loosing it. She doesn't because she's a narcissistic brat.
She was there for the funeral, what do you expect of her after that? Her mom had a husband. How long by your rules does Zoey have to stay? An extra week, month, 6-months, year? Reading between the lines, her mom was both sad and happy to see her daughter head off on her own, and concerned that she was making a mistake, but she still wanted Zoey to live her life. That's a healthy parent perspective.

Her choices are the ones of a narcissistic brat, if you stop looking at her tits and think a bit about it.
No, I don't agree at all. You just say it like it's a fact, but nothing you've suggested even points to that. You're hung up on her leaving her mom? Do you have kids? Would you expect them to live with you until they're married or something? Maybe its cultural for you, but from where I come from, a child leaving the home to forge their own life is a good thing. And parents are there to give advice (not force it) and help out if shit goes wrong (not every launch is successful).

She even thought that the MC could leave his father and his studies to follow her to her (no MC's) dream... How narcissistic is that?
And they'd talked about travelling before. Obviously the mc had no reason to bail on his studies, so yeah, he wasn't gonna do that. But joining her later is totally reasonable if they wanted to travel together. You talk about him leaving his father like his father was an invalid or something. Once again, there's nothing wrong with an adult son leaving his family to start his own path in life. When would you suggest the mc should leave his dad?

Yeah, she actually returned because of, I don't know, Derek for example. She's thinking that the MC has continued with his life and probably has another girlfriend, so she's thinking in just catch up with him in from of a cup of coffee or something, and return with her life.
She returned because her family and friends were back home, and that included the mc.

People get tattoos and blue hair because they want to be different. Is a cry of attention " of people in the world, but look at meeee... I'm different, I have my own personality, I'm not with the herd". And to let that clear that, they follow a trend... :FacePalm:
Is that how you felt when you got a tattoo, and when you dyed your hair? People do those things because they like it. I like tattoos. Probably influenced by my brother, but you can't even see my tattoos unless I take my shirt off. I'm not running around saying, "Look at me!"

I don't know your brother or his girlfriend. Probably they are better people that you. But tattoos and blue hair don't add to their personalities.
You don't even know me, so what the fuck are you talking about?

Yeah, totally. To get a lot of huge tattoos and piercings because she meets people with tattoos and piercings is exactly what people with her own personality does, not what an influenceable brat without personality would do.
Unless you've been tattooed, you probably can't understand what it feels like to have it done, especially one that take a long time to complete.

She's just the lesbian quota the same way the other guy (I don't even remember the name) is the gay quota. Because it's 2022 and if you create four new characters, at least two of them must be gay even if that doesn't add shit to the story of those characters, to demonstrate you are not an homophobe and don't risk that your product falls into cancel culture. Or just DPC following the mainstream, I don't know.
I'm thinking Jenna was bi. That last paragraph of yours is straying into JAL territory... :p
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Aug 6, 2017
the game fails because for now 2 seasons the mc was searching himself, and another partner.
and now dpc for REASONS adds another character to the mix. its lame.
also playing other games being a dik writing is not good enough after what like 3 years?
at this point i want it to end fast and on a good note instead of dragging on like its doing now. 1 years between ep-8 and 9 is bad planning and writing.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
the game fails because for now 2 seasons the mc was searching himself, and another partner.
and now dpc for REASONS adds another character to the mix. its lame.
also playing other games being a dik writing is not good enough after what like 3 years?
at this point i want it to end fast and on a good note instead of dragging on like its doing now. 1 years between ep-8 and 9 is bad planning and writing.
My advice is take out a piece of paper, draw two stick characters, one with tits, make them hold hands and the write: THE END.

Then you can imagine your mc ended up with the girl of his dreams, and you don’t have to wait several years for the real story to end.

Of course, you can even mix it up, you’re not limited with how many stick figures you add, and you don’t have to draw tits on them, that was just a suggestion.

You’re in complete control now, this ending is gonna be epic! :geek:


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
the game fails because for now 2 seasons the mc was searching himself, and another partner.
and now dpc for REASONS adds another character to the mix. its lame.
also playing other games being a dik writing is not good enough after what like 3 years?
at this point i want it to end fast and on a good note instead of dragging on like its doing now. 1 years between ep-8 and 9 is bad planning and writing.
give it a chance

Zoey can't be any worse than Tybalt's blackmail, which has accompanied us for the past 2 years


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Or the Halloween party two years in the making.
Or MC mother mistery.
Or jill sister mistery
Or Quinn stalker mistery.
The More vns i play the More hacky DPC writing seems to be lmao
these others are secondary themes, and they're not even necessarily mysteries that we really care about (I don't care about Lynette at all right now).

Zoey will most likely be the recurring theme of season 3, as Tybalt's blackmail was in season 2. i am not an optimist, but it can only get better


Engaged Member
Nov 12, 2021
Inb4 Jill comes into Tybalt's room late at night, takes the melon out of the drawer, puts a picture of him onto it and chrushes it right infront of his eyes. :PogChamp::Kappa:
jill enters tybalt's room and sees him taken from behind by troy while chad is sucking him.
jill'can't take it anymore,yells the mc and tommy who penetrate her at the same time as revenge.
then she yells tybalt who has to lick her ass completely clean as revenge.
with a furious jill you don't sol :devilish:
  • Haha
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Tybalt works because he is written like an absolute joke which he is. Zoey is written as she is the most important puzzle piece in this season. And I do not like this.
It's a matter of taste. a clown amuses me 10 minutes, then bores me. I at least give Zoey the benefit of the doubt
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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2020
My main one is DIK Zoey for DIK MC. I wonder how the two DIK's will fit together. And that bitch Emma deserves to get her ass kicked.

She actually does. That ugly bitch scares the crap out of me. Do you imagine how many vaccines you need just to be in the same vicinity?

"DIK" in the paths dedicated to other LIs so it will be easier to dump her
I see, a man of culture! I don't expect anything less from an Italian.

Geralt From Rivia

Forum Fanatic
Jun 15, 2022
She actually does. That ugly bitch scares the crap out of me. Do you imagine how many vaccines you need just to be in the same vicinity?
I know for sure that Emma needs a rabies vaccine. :ROFLMAO:
I sympathize with Bret(orange guy) if he goes out with her again. He's a good guy and deserves better than dealing with this shit every day.
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