
New Member
Jan 5, 2022
Her mum was sad and happy for her. Like all parents when their children leave home. A parent who doesn't want a child to leave would be narcissistic.
Sure. Every mother in the world wants that when she's in mourning for the passing of her own mother, her daughter of 18 leaves home alone to go to live to other city without even finishing her education, to pursue her dream of being a surfer :FacePalm:
None of the game is necessary. It's entertainment. There are all sorts of scenes that various people don't like, so should they not have been made? I don't like Bella, therefore by your logic, I am now qualified to state as a fact that Bella's scenes were all unnecessary and should not have been made.
Bella is an attractive character. Zoey is not. DPC pretends that the player falls for that character to the point to start questioning her previous elections of Li. But she's just not interesting enough. DPC failed in making Zoey attractive, except for the tits. As simple as that.
The facts are objective, and you've misinterpreted them as narcissism. An adult child leaving home is not narcissism. An adult that makes it difficult for them to leave is a narcissist. Lucky neither Zoey nor her mom are narcissist. Her mom's only concern was that Zoey was making a mistake, her mom wasn't in need for her daughter to stay.
And adult child leaving home when the moment is correct, is not narcissism. Or if the situation at home is terrible. Zoey leaving at that moment, caring only about herself, not even finishing her education and pursuing an stupid "dream" is narcissism and the whim of a brat.
The clichéd characters are stepping stones to flesh out better characters, it just speeds things along. Given the upset of some people about the Interlude (i.e. Zoey's little backstory), imagine if DPC didn't rely on clichéd characters and just spent years giving us the back stories of al the cast?

Which way would you prefer it? Spend countless development time on backstories, or fast track with clichés?
I prefer not lazy writting.
If what I said was obvious, how can you sit there and say DPC should have made her more attractive? Either you understand that she may be attractive to others, even if you don't like her (in which case you wouldn't have suggested that DPC make her more attractive as you would understand she just isn't to your taste), or you don't understand that, hence the reason you made your original point.

So no, it didn't seem obvious at all.
It's obvious that everybody here only gives opinions.
Except they're not. When they rate this thread, they are rating the entire game, Episodes 1 - 8 & Interlude. There isn't a seprate thread. When season 3 is done, any ratings are for the entire game up until that point.

Perhaps you misunderstood my reference to rating, but I'm talking about the official rating people can give to the thread (from 1 - 5 stars). It's for the entire game up until now.

It's unquestionably up there with the best games of this site. Of course if someone is looking for a game with more kinks, different style graphics etc., this game may not pertain to their tastes, but that doesn't make it objectively any worse.

Of course it's flawed, but the flaws are minor enough to comfortably overlook.
For me, this game is a 3 of 5 stars, and I after the "interlude" I would give 2.5. Not for the kinks, but for the writing. Most of games here are zero for me, so it's not a bad rating after all. If other people think that it's 1 star, and you disagree, talk with them. I know that after four years, here only remains the hardcore fans of DPC that can't stand any criticism to this game. I'm sorry if knowing that there is people that think that this is not such a perfect game hurts your feelings and the feelings of the other people giving me facepalms, but I don't comment looking for validation.
No seriously, I'm chill. I enjoy debating, and I'm not getting worked up about the game's direction or duration. Which was my original point.
No, seriously, you are not. You leave comments trying to ridicule other's people comments, and when people react, you just say "I'm joking". That's a passive-aggressive attitude.
People have a right to think whatever they want, but they often have a poor gauge of what's involved. A triple A game can have thousands of people working on it. This game has one. The comparison is utterly void.
Yeah, and will only have one people working on it if people continue saying "don't worry about development times, just wait patiently". DPC should hire people to help him with coding or whatever. I'm sure he's doing money enough for that. But why should he if people is OK with one release per year?
I wasn't commenting on your posts specifically. After skimming through, I picked up on the typical anti-Interlude and anti-Zoey vibe and just wrote my thoughts down.

If you thought my post was all about you, maybe you're a narcissist? :unsure:
Again, passive-aggressive attitude. You where not quoting me, but you were commenting my arguments with the intention of ridiculing them. And now you say that you wasn't commenting my posts. Typical anti-interlude and anti-Zoey? And what are you? Typical fanboy?
That's just simply wrong. The mc exists in a world where there are other characters, with their own stories and agendas. Of course they have to come across the mc's path to be in the story, but even that's not true since we've been getting snippets of Vinny and the mc hasn't even met him yet.

Your life is your story, but everyone in your life doesn't revolve around you. The same goes with the mc of this story. The mc is in a story, so we see mostly his perspective with a few omniscient glimpses elsewhere. But the story isn't all about him. With each prologue we see characters that may never matter again. The girl Derek fucks on the camping trip is not likely to pop up again. All the random girls that came running out doing the walk of shame in the flashback are not going to matter specifically. And possibly all of Zoey's friends won't matter in the long run either. They all exist to illustrate something at the time.
For sure. Zoey is going to catch up with the MC, then is going to return home with her mom, and we all are going to be really interested in her amazing adventures without MC's intervention. And the same goes for the rest of the characters. It's not the Main Character story. It's a slice of life of a bunch of random characters even if they are not related with the Main Character. If Sage decides to become "fuck buddy" of a random alpha or a guy of her class if the MC rejects her, we all are going to be really interested. If Jill starts dating one of her rich friends, is going to be really interesting, we all want to know everything about it. If Nicole starts dating with a client of the Pink Rose, I want to know that story. We all want to know in detail what Mona is doing right now. An interlude of Mona could be great. It's not MC's story, after all, MC only is there...

Characters exist to serve the MC's story. That's all. Vinnie serves the MC as an antagonist even if they don't know each other yet. His acts are for sure affecting the MC somehow, and in the future will affect more.
It was her dream to surf. It's no different to any other dream. Some people follow their dreams and become extraordinary people. Some people follow their dreams and it doesn't turn out so good. Zoey falls in the latter group. But there's a third group. People who don't follow their dreams and regret that for the rest of their lives.

I don't agree with any of that. If everyone decided they shouldn't follow their dreams because some wet blanket says they are idiotic, we'd still be in the stone age. You may not be a fan of surfing, but there are so many dreams that people can follow that can lead to very fulfilling experiences. Just because you're not interested in it, it doesn't mean it's a pointless exercise.
Yeah, and some people follow their dreams and regret for the rest of their lives because those dreams were idiotic or unrealizable. She knows shit about surf, but she thinks that she can make a living of that... She's an irresponsible brat.
And alcohol? She was 18. More than half the world accepts that as a legal age, and a number of US states too, so it's not like she was a 10 year old trying to get wasted.
Well, most people would think that saying to a daughter "study and finish your studies" or "don't drink alcohol at home without a reason" are good advices. Probably better than just saying to her "you are special, follow your dreams no matter if those dreams are idiotic, listen only what you want to listen"

She was there for the funeral, what do you expect of her after that? Her mom had a husband. How long by your rules does Zoey have to stay? An extra week, month, 6-months, year? Reading between the lines, her mom was both sad and happy to see her daughter head off on her own, and concerned that she was making a mistake, but she still wanted Zoey to live her life. That's a healthy parent perspective.
It's the perspective of a resigned mother who knows that his daughter is not going to listen to her anyway.
No, I don't agree at all. You just say it like it's a fact, but nothing you've suggested even points to that. You're hung up on her leaving her mom? Do you have kids? Would you expect them to live with you until they're married or something? Maybe its cultural for you, but from where I come from, a child leaving the home to forge their own life is a good thing. And parents are there to give advice (not force it) and help out if shit goes wrong (not every launch is successful).
Great, in that case, I hope that your children leave home without finishing their education to try to be surfers, or rappers, or the next Scarlett Johannsson, or some other realistic dream like those ones, and leave you alone in a rough moment for you. For sure that will be a good thing.
And they'd talked about travelling before. Obviously the mc had no reason to bail on his studies, so yeah, he wasn't gonna do that. But joining her later is totally reasonable if they wanted to travel together. You talk about him leaving his father like his father was an invalid or something. Once again, there's nothing wrong with an adult son leaving his family to start his own path in life. When would you suggest the mc should leave his dad?
I suggest the MC leave his that the moment he does. When he goes to college. Going after Zoey when he's not even interested in surfing would mean that he has no personality and he just lets herself be manipulated by a good pair of tits. For sure, MC is more mature than Zoey
She returned because her family and friends were back home, and that included the mc.
She didn't care about her friends and family a year before. But suddenly... Dude, she returns because she's has a boring job, boring friends (including a crazy bipolar bitch) and no future there.
Is that how you felt when you got a tattoo, and when you dyed your hair? People do those things because they like it. I like tattoos. Probably influenced by my brother, but you can't even see my tattoos unless I take my shirt off. I'm not running around saying, "Look at me!"

You don't even know me, so what the fuck are you talking about?

Unless you've been tattooed, you probably can't understand what it feels like to have it done, especially one that take a long time to complete.
Dude, the trend of tattoos can't be more frivolous. Time ago, to get a tattoo meant something. People used to get tattoos because they crossed Cape Horn in a sailing ship in the middle of a storm, survived a war or served time in jail. Or because they wanted to make clear that they were at the margin of society, like the punk movement in the 70s and 80s, or the yakuza.
Then, rappers wanted to look "gangsters" "badass" or whatever and started to imitate the look of people that actually have been in jail. That includes tattoos. And people in general started to imitate them because it was a trend. Now, tattoos mean nothing. Yeah, it's an stupid attempt to try to look different and special... by following a trend.

I know that you think that are "funny", but you are just a smartass (euphemism).
I'm thinking Jenna was bi. That last paragraph of yours is straying into JAL territory... :p
I don't care about Jenna. She's just a filler character. And the last paragraph is me not following the woke herd. I'm sorry (actually, not at all) if that upsets you or the people that gives you thumps up and facepalms to me. Again, I don't come here looking for validation. Just saying whatever I want, because I can. If you and your friends don't start a "cancel culture" campaign here, of course.

Geralt From Rivia

Forum Fanatic
Jun 15, 2022
A little more about the Interlude. There is a lot of drama in the comments with her, people are waging war in the thread, but here is an interesting point that many agree with. She brought a lot of good soundtrack.
And after the Friday Prophets drama, one of the songs could replace the main theme. This one is very good and integrates into the game's narrative:


Active Member
Jun 30, 2020
She's just the lesbian quota the same way the other guy (I don't even remember the name) is the gay quota. Because it's 2022 and if you create four new characters, at least two of them must be gay even if that doesn't add shit to the story of those characters, to demonstrate you are not an homophobe and don't risk that your product falls into cancel culture. Or just DPC following the mainstream, I don't know.
Oh, really JAL? You are not sure?
You are not sure if DPC is following a lesbian quota? In an indie porn game... a quota... couse cancel culture... in a porn game.

So since your first option is unrealistic let's see the second one. "He is following the mainstream." You see? It's not that he thinks different than you, its that he follows social pressure. Never ever presume that people honestely thinks different than you, always asume the worst case scenario. You were the guy saying that people should deal with the fact that people think diferent?

Well, you should.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 10, 2020
The guy had already finished talking with his asshole. I hope you have finished talking with yours.
well thats to bad, maybe you should try chicken like MC told Derek, of course they say you are what you eat which is why I eat mine fried:ROFLMAO::KEK:


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Sure. Every mother in the world wants that when she's in mourning for the passing of her own mother, her daughter of 18 leaves home alone to go to live to other city without even finishing her education, to pursue her dream of being a surfer :FacePalm:
It is entirely plausible for a mother when she's in mourning for the passing of her own mother, to tell her adult child, "Don't worry about me honey, i'll be fine, i have my husband and friends to take care of me. Go to San Diego to try to make your dream reality if you want to, that was my mom's wish and last will, after all."


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
People are crying that the returning ex is a cliché. I pointed out many other clichés in the game that work, hence being a cliché is not a problem in its own right. It's how it's implemented that matters, and none of us know how it's implemented since none of us has played episode 9 yet.
The problem with Zoey isn't that she's a cliche, it's the timing of the cliche.

If Zoey had returned before the crossroad she would have advanced the story. Her return would be a natural explanation for why the MC felt it was finally time to choose in the first place. Moreover the players would have a chance to get to know her and thus properly weigh her in their ultimate decision, the way the MC should have.

By returning after the crossroads Zoey instead resets the story. She either kills time forcing us to reaffirm the same decision all over again or she pulls down the curtain and shows that the crossroad was a fake all along. The game swore up and down the MC was ready to make a commitment, that his decision was going to be important - to the point DPC named the episode after it. I'm not going to rethink that decision before I've even had a chance to see what's behind the door I picked. If the MC does the waffling for me, then the whole second season was a waste of time because the MC hasn't learned a damn thing and my choices are window dressing.

The only way Zoey can fit into the narrative gracefully is if she's a purely optional love interest, someone who will conform to whatever role we assign her. But that doesn't fit with her needing her own Interlude, and it sure doesn't fit with DPC's pathological need to maximize short term drama at all times. So you'll forgive me if I need to see solid proof Zoey isn't just here to pad the game out an extra season before I welcome her back with open arms.

As far as Zoey being a horrible person, I don't agree. She made a dumb mistake leaving for San Diego the way she did, but she's teenager in a coming of age story: missteps are par for the course. Zoey's got miles to go before her decision making is as bad as Jill's. :rolleyes: I do wish the Interlude had made it clear she'd started to learn from that mistake (rather than coming home only after she ran out of money), because that would save us time establishing her growth later on in Season 3. But that's a problem with DPC's writing in the Interlude, not Zoey herself.

Oliver Wendell Homely

Active Member
May 9, 2020
afyer 3 years i care more about ethan and nat marriage in a couple duet of love and lust than the entire cast of being a dik. this game jumped the shark hard IMO
Then why are you here, page after page and day after day, trolling people?

Is it just me, or suddenly in the last several weeks suddenly have all these haters have come out of the woodwork and started complaining and bashing on the game? There are so many shows, books, movies and games I'm not a fan of, yet I have never wasted even a second arguing with their fans. At most, I leave a review someplace stating my opinion and I move on. Life is way too short to spend clashing online with a bunch of other anonymous dudes over something so utterly inconsequential and frivolous (it's a PORN GAME).

This thread used to be a fun place where fans could come, crack jokes, and teasingly debate each other about the game and where we thought the story might go, etc. Sometimes it would get a bit heated, but ultimately everyone felt some camaraderie because we were all fans. Now it's just this cesspool for incels with nothing better to do than whine about how long it's taking DPC to crank out another installment of a game they claim to despise and how they won't tolerate being milked, even though they are pirating the game.

Sorry if I've offended any of the many good guys here with this rant, but I've just had it. I'll be having my discussions about BaDIK elsewhere from now on.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Her mum was sad and happy for her. Like all parents when their children leave home. A parent who doesn't want a child to leave would be narcissistic.
It is entirely plausible for a mother when she's in mourning for the passing of her own mother, to tell her adult child, "Don't worry about me honey, i'll be fine, i have my husband and friends to take care of me. Go to San Diego to try to make your dream reality if you want to, that was my mom's wish and last will, after all."
the problem with dogmatic discussions is that we end up supporting anything

to me it seems very implausible that Zoey's mother is happy with her daughter's decision, does she let her leave? of course, besides, how can she stop her?

but hardly any prudent parent is untroubled by the thought that her daughter, with obvious behavioral problems, decides to drop out of school in her senior year (a decision Zoey herself will actually regret by later obtaining an online degree that does not allow her to be accepted where she would like, but fortunately the BR requirements are very but very low), decides to go off on her own without any concrete plan, and with in addition an amount of money at her disposal that she never had

whether Zoey's mother is happy with her daughter's decisions or hates her or is a Spartan


Active Member
May 8, 2017

View attachment 2120565
not gonna lie, the last two Jill renders are pretty meh IMO. i consistently see better Jill renders in the fan art section these days. idk if these are rushed by DPC, or if he just doesnt care as much or it testing out new stuff or whatever; but ive been unimpressed with the last two Jill pictures.

more power to you if you think its great (y)

Thick thighs thigh save lives
Aug 6, 2017
Then why are you here, page after page and day after day, trolling people?

Is it just me, or suddenly in the last several weeks suddenly have all these haters have come out of the woodwork and started complaining and bashing on the game? There are so many shows, books, movies and games I'm not a fan of, yet I have never wasted even a second arguing with their fans. At most, I leave a review someplace stating my opinion and I move on. Life is way too short to spend clashing online with a bunch of other anonymous dudes over something so utterly inconsequential and frivolous (it's a PORN GAME).

This thread used to be a fun place where fans could come, crack jokes, and teasingly debate each other about the game and where we thought the story might go, etc. Sometimes it would get a bit heated, but ultimately everyone felt some camaraderie because we were all fans. Now it's just this cesspool for incels with nothing better to do than whine about how long it's taking DPC to crank out another installment of a game they claim to despise and how they won't tolerate being milked, even though they are pirating the game.

Sorry if I've offended any of the many good guys here with this rant, but I've just had it. I'll be having my discussions about BaDIK elsewhere from now on.
DPC Is not going to bang you
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