Why would Vinny be interested in making the HOTs choose sides (DIK or ALPHA)? He's not in college anymore.
Divide and conquer..... Quinn's market is selling weed to the Diks, growth hormones to the Jocks, non prescript medicines to the nerds, and she tried to start selling cocaine to the Preps... She recently started selling to the Pink Rose ladies too but her main market is B&R...
The Preps cancelled the deal, perhaps because Rich's grandma died or he found another supplier...
The Jocks cancelled the deal, after Chad's fight with MC they fear they will be investigated....
Quinn got robbed and started selling at double the price.... That forced Tommy to buy his drugs from Vinnie...
Only good thing is Quinn now sells to Lily /Pink Roses...
Vinnie wants to move into the B&R market, it's that easy.
We know Quinn wants to expand the restaurant, Riona had her doubts, she thought they had a good thing going...
Their argument made clear Quinn wants to grow, why would she limit that to just the restaurant?
There's a war for profits between Vinnie and Quinn.... The more Vinnie can disrupt Quinn's trade the easier he can take it over..