Wow. You give me an idea.
In EP2 Maya learns from the MC so Quinn uses HOT girls to make money. Maya knows before EP3 and the loose hips. Ergo, Maya didn't learn this for the first time in EP3, but rather had Quinn personally confirm what the MC told her.
I find funny in EP9, when talking to Stephen and shortly after, with Maya to put on a diabolical smile and not worry about anything else after that either. Well, what if Maya is investigating Stephen.
Quinn himself says so Maya likes to play her victim cards. In EP9 Rox says to little Quinn so she shouldn't trust anyone but him and Buddy. When he teaches her chess, Rox said so he baited her with a worthwhile goal. The worthwhile target was the white queen.
The one who wants to blow the whistle on prostitution sends two girls to the HOTs. Mona and Maya. Both get the offer from Quinn in EP3. Quinn bites on Mona and Mona comes very close in EP5, but she was too offensive and is busted. But there is still a defensive Maya. She, with the help of Sage, again makes it to a one-on-one with Stephen. Here, in the one-on-one, the same thing happens as probably happened with Mona. Stephen offers Maya to leave college for a year and then they see. Maya smiles diabolically. Did Maya just earn her tuition?
Maya can confirm a possible statement of Mona with it and thus proof strongly made, so that Stephen offered them that with one year college leave. Why is that important? This confirms that Sage has nothing to do with it, but her adoptive father Stephen Burke, because the HOTs Tuition is only available again when Sage is no longer in college and therefore no longer HOTs president. Sage is not supposed to know about any of this. This exonerates Sage.
The question that remains is who is investigating the prostitution? Police, Burgermeister, or maybe the Royce? At the very least, Maya will probably meet with the Royce attorney.