Small correction. Zoey doesn't care about Jacob. Yes, they found a common language as people of art, but Jacob is not a romantic interest for her.
And that's why:
We look at body language. This is where Zoey is talking to Jacob.
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At this moment, Fuckface enters and we see how Zoey's focus changes. Instantly.
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A casually thrown "tell me later", a classic line when a girl loses interest.
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I'm sorry Jacob, but Zoey is interested in another guy. It is enough to see this look at the last one. She still have a crush on Fuckface, and she's not interested in Jacob at all.
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View attachment 2409739
Sorry shippers but it's true, like the NTR brigade, it's not going to happen. But of course, no one forbids the NTR team to dream a little, although this will be only dreams