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This week has been all about creating lewd scenes. I've been working on two lewd scenes - writing, coding, posing statics and animating.
I completed one of them and am in the process of animating the other one. I'm sure both of these scenes are desired and will be appreciated by many.
I'm also doing some PC maintenance here and there to prepare for the final hardware upgrade. The render speed of the upgrade so far is ridiculous, and I'm overjoyed about it.
I will soon pose a cutscene-like animation, a thematic one like the longer animations in episode 9. It will likely be 1800+ renders for this animation alone, so the hardware upgrade comes at a perfect time. I'm still acquiring parts for the final rig. I'll be naming it Isabella since it's such a fit and thicc beauty. It should hopefully be up and running sometime next mid-week.
We have reached the final parts of the clone series, which will be all about the main girls, who are getting some extra treatment than what you've seen up until now. I hope you will enjoy the concluding parts of this Patreon reward.
Have a nice weekend
Dr PinkCake