- Jan 12, 2017
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- 4,944
Because prostitution and drug dealing are both probably illegal in the jurisdiction the college is in. I joke about Quinn's obvious criminality, but from a story perspective I doubt anything is actually going to happen to her if she gets caught by the cops. Burke's position at B&R is based on his being able to pull in money from his old financial buddies, both in "scholarships" from the sugar daddies to select HOTs girls as well as more traditional donations to the college. If the college is exposed as a hotbed of drug dealing and prostitution that money is going to dry up quickly.So I guess the real question is what crime (other than tax evasion) should Quinn really be locked up for? Things that are legal in several states in the country already?
When Chad assaulted MC Burke kept everything on the down-low, doing the whatever was necessary to keep things swept under the rug. Had MC filed a complaint with the police to get Chad arrested I would bet that Burke would have intervened to quash the publicity of a star jock getting arrested for assault and battery on another student. That information would endanger the gravy train he has set up. If Quinn gets arrested for drug dealing and/or soliciting prostitution he would be right there making sure the proper campaign donations are made to the sheriff and district attorney, or maybe loaning out some of the girls to the right politicians to smooth everything over. That doesn't discount what might happen if Vinny gets his hands on Quinn after finding out that she was going around him for her supply.