[Sage] covers [for] Bella & MC ass at the best costume competition. I think she is one of a few persons whom will be ok to find out and accept the fact that MC & Bella in relationships.
You know I am hoping for this too, especially since she always neds up friends with MC.
what is so interesting about quinn?
quinn isn't interesting just because she's a drug trafficking madame lol.
Buddy, Pal, Friend. Calm down.
I'm not a huge advocate for Quinn but this is a bit much, no? We get it, you hate Quinn. That's fine, I'm not saying you can't. But dial it down a bit, multiple comments in one day adding nothing new to the debate other than
you think she is a sack of rotten potatoes, not even a meme or two to spice things up. It isn't very interesting.
Moving on, has anybody thought about the possibility that MC's maternal grandparents are no long rich? I mean we know they bought a dilapidated hotel for rennovation, that appears to keep needing more work than initially thought. We don't know what brought them wealth in the first place be it a career that could have failed or old money that could've dried up? Coupled with the small inheritance?