
Feb 2, 2020
I give him credit for helping with housing (optional twice), encouraging Fuckface at the beginning when he went into full snowflake mode and wanting to escape from college, and for comedic effect. This kind of balances out his negative sides for me.
And he made the MC use the Swyper, which led to talk more with Nicole, this is enough to give him GOAT status, in my humble opinion.


Apr 24, 2020
Those English and Math games were a war crime.

Gender Studies was fucking fun though.

I remember the first time I half skipped through Dani's dialogue (too busy trying to decide if I thought purple hair looked hot on her, yes, btw) only for it to start crashing down when she asked if I had been listening to her. Pretty funny too, cause we've all had that girl who quizzes us after, wondering if we were listening to her.
I personally dont think the Math quizes are very bad at all. Difficult at times, perhaps, but not tedious like the English quizzes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2018
I guess after redditors saw last update where he listed what remains to be done they concluded the update will be up soon, i guess many people only subscribe when the episode is about to get released whihc is a smart decision

Or even more likely its a weird glitch/bug
Patreon just changed the way they calculate such things - you can no longer just "follow," but instead have a free "membership" which gives you nothing. Jack just put out a video about all the things they are doing to "update" Patreon. This is just part of that "rebranding," or whatever you want to call it.
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Mar 2, 2022
guys any guess when will episode 10 come?
TLDR: Earliest:1/12/2023 Including 2 weeks testing
For the preceding two weeks, DPC averaged 11 animations each week.
The only other time he attained a similar rate was in week 6 with 12 animations. This is encouraging!

Using Animation Count With Current Pace
We're looking at 17th of November with the remaining 52 Animations if we continue with the current production pace. (11 animations per week)

Here is a graph that shows the evolution of animation development.
View attachment 3002582

Using Average Animation Pace for Episode 10
Using the average animation rate for episode 10, we raise our estimated release date.
With this strategy, we anticipate that animation will be completed on December 15, 2023.
This is seen in the following table:
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Using Average Animation Duration From Episode 9
Average animation duration for episode 9: 00:05.

Animation Duration left to develop (Using 5 sec average): 04:23

Peak animation duration developed during vacation: 00:05 seconds per day

To complete the 05:44 minutes of animation at the peak speed of 00:05 it will take 57.7 days. We are looking at 25/11/2023 for the animations to finish.

Using Average Lewd Animation Duration From Episode 9
From DPCs status updates it's implied the remain animations will be lewd. So we can refine our estimate slightly.
Average lewd animation duration for episode 9: 00:04.

Animation Duration left to develop (Using 4 sec average): 03:48

Peak animation duration developed during vacation: 00:05 seconds per day

To complete the 03:48 minutes of animation at the peak speed of 00:05 it will take 50.1 days. We are looking at 18/11/2023 for the animations to finish.

Throughout this piece, I refer to 52 as the number of remaining animations and 343 as the total animation count. This is unquestionably the inappropriate measure to employ. DPC has been combining animations into a single animation, resulting in an incorrect animation count. As a result, duration is a far more effective metric. Unfortunately, we do not have access to that, therefore 52/343 will have to suffice for our guesses. Based off this, assume the estimate will be earlier then what I have stated.

I have included the additional 6 animations into the render queue. Assuming this is also what DPC has done, he achieved a pace of 11 animations per week for last week and this week. This increased the weekly animation rate to 6.77.

Another thing to keep in mind is that even once the animations are finished, testing will take two weeks.
Take this all with a grain of salt!
TLDR: 08/12/2023-29/12/2023 (Incl testing)
The bottleneck for development time is animations. The target number of animations is 337. DPC has currently produced 269 animations.

Using Animation Count
We're looking at a 10-week turnaround with the remaining 68 Animations if we continue with the current production pace.

Here is a table that shows the evolution of animation development.
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Using Average Animation Duration From Episode 9
Average animation duration for episode 9: 00:05.

Animation Duration left to develop (Using 5 sec average): 05:44

Peak animation duration developed during vacation: 00:05 seconds per day

To complete the 05:44 minutes of animation at the peak speed of 00:05 it will take 65 days. We are looking at 03/12/2023 for the animations to finish.

Using Average Lewd Animation Duration From Episode 9
From DPCs status updates it's implied the remain animations will be lewd. So we can refine our estimate slightly.
Average lewd animation duration for episode 9: 00:04.

Animation Duration left to develop (Using 4 sec average): 04:58

Peak animation duration developed during vacation: 00:05 seconds per day

To complete the 04:58 minutes of animation at the peak speed of 00:05 it will take 52 days. We are looking at 24/11/2023 for the animations to finish.

Throughout this piece, I refer to 68 as the number of remaining animations and 337 as the total animation count. This is unquestionably the inappropriate measure to employ. DPC has been combining animations into a single animation, resulting in an incorrect animation count. As a result, duration is a far more effective metric. Unfortunately, we do not have access to that, therefore 68/337 will have to suffice for our guesses. Based off this, assume the estimate will be less then what I have stated.

According to what you can see on the table, things aren't looking well right now. He has updated another machine to a 4090, and renderings are finished, so we can expect a faster animation production speed from now till release.

Another thing to keep in mind is that even once the animations are finished, testing will take two weeks.
Take this all with a grain of salt!

Here are some other great posts that focus on this topic:

Using Lewd Animation Duration
About the remaining animations duration, my guess would be an average of less than 4s each.

My reasons for that are that all those animations left are from lewd scenes, which always were mostly short (75% of ep9 animations had less than 4s)

Also, DPC said that some animations from the queue would be merged to a single one, which means those should be even smaller.

So, that still leaves us with 16320 frames to render. If we use his render speed from his vacation (4330 renders in 2 weeks) that would mean it would take 52 days to render all those frames.

However, that was before his hardware update. From what I looked online, in DAZ3d a 4090 is roughly 70 to 80% percent faster than a 3090.

If that is the case, the remaining time goes to 30 days, a much better result that would place the update in mid november.
Uses Animation Count
Back once again.

Still are done, in all fariness to DPC an impressive total. Not Much to say on that front really.

View attachment 2966829

As for the animation. Quicker at 60 FPS than they were on the old cards? Bollocks. The average animations completed by week 41, 6.5 a week. Average animations completed between week 36 and week 41? 6.4 the second PC was being put together on the day of the August 11th, week 34 update. In other words even with the second system live animations stayed the same on average.

View attachment 2966889

For a quick reference Episode 9 had 303 animations that were produced at an average of 7.6 a week. In other words he is producing 1 less animation a week with 2 systems running 4090 cards. Perhaps if we're lucky the 3rd system will see upto 9 a week. 269+68=337 at an average of 6.5 that means completion around 8th December (plus beta testing). If he somehow hits 9 that would still be around 24th November ready for two weeks Beta testing.

View attachment 2966899
Overall Progress
:coffee: Updated BigTable™ with the recent informations.
EpisodeRelease! :HideThePain:

  • Today is the release time of Episode 9.
  • Let's compare with the previous checkup 2 weeks before:
  • Renders: 5539 > 5725 produced.
    • +186. With the little amount remaining that one was crossed already.
  • Animations: 257 > 269 produced. 68 Left.
    • +12 completed at 6.0/Week, previous metric was 6.7/Week.
    • Based on actual EP10 high/avg 10 weeks of rendering left. That would put into Early December.
    • If by some miracle, the extra upgrade and idle boost to 9.0/Weeks (vs 6.7) it's still 8 weeks of waiting.
  • Same plague as EP9 for DevTime, Animation again disturb the end schedule and the 60 FPS not helping.
    Considering the massive horse power of the new rings it's seems like an underwhelming result. DPC seems happy.
    When release, the ratio of the total seconds of animation per weeks (sA/W) will put a definitive respond to that.
    We all looking for it and typing these reports been getting depressing, personal optimism all time low. :HideThePain:
    EP10 getting closer to get a 365 days of Development Time.
  • Release could be Early November December (11 months / 51 weeks projection). 81% complete.
EPRendersAnimations(min)Music*ΔSize_GBReleaseDevelopment TimeRatio*R/WsA/W
EP11301_.__51_____3:2971.1 (new)07 Feb, 19— days
EP21709 (+31%)77 _(+26)3:3682.3 (+1.2)04 May, 19087_ (2 months, 28 days |≈12 weeks)15513817.4
EP32289 (+34%)99 _(+22)4:42104.1 (+1.8)16 Aug, 19105_ (3 months, 13 days |≈15 weeks)17715318.8
EP42532 (+11%)134 _(+35)7:57156.1 (+2.0)10 Jan, 20148_ (4 months, 26 days |≈21 weeks)14212022.6
EP52456_ (-3%)157 _(+23)8:3517 (3.4K$)118.0 (+1.9)29 May, 20141_ (4 months, 20 days |≈20 weeks)14712225.6
EP63336 (+35%)162 __(+5)8:3324 (4.8K$)1911.1 (+3.1)13 Nov, 20169_ (5 months, 16 days |≈24 weeks)15913821.2
EP73723 (+12%)250 _(+55)18:1418 (3.6K$)1514.5 (+3.4)23 Apr, 21162_ (5 months, 11 days |≈23 weeks)20816147.3
EP84158 (+12%)358 (+108)26:2134 (6.8K$)1619.5 (+5.0)19 Nov, 21211_ (6 months, 28 days |≈30 weeks)19013852.5
EPI794____36_____4:3619 (3.8K$)22.6 (new)4 Mar, 22105_ (3 months, 13 days |≈15 weeks)715317.7
EP95037 (+35%)303 _(-55)26:0821 (4.2K$)187.3 (+4.7)16 Dec, 22287_ (9 months, 12 days |≈41 weeks)16112338.2
EP105725 (+14%)269 [337]26 (5.2K$)in dev287_ (9 months, 13 days |≈41 weeks)
Complete Table with the idea of Holy Bacchus† original post — Being a DIK in development since 4 years, 7 months, 22 days (55 months / 242 weeks / 1695 days / 40,680 hours)
* | Total: 31,641$ — Δ=Scenes — Ratio = (Renders/Weeks + secondsAnimations/Weeks) | Renders/Weeks | secondsAnimations/Weeks

(y)Thumbs Up to:
| Casiope's DIK Walkthrough | AchedCroissant's EP10 Preview Collection | Extra: EP10 Rooster Collection | Clone Series Renders
| shazba's Q/A Story Summary | F4iunyl3x's 60 FPS Animation Mod | ElectronicRoberts's Data Infographic Compilation
| Holy Bacchus 's Story Timeline | DrPinkCake's Q&A Session | RPDL's
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Aug 29, 2023
I’m looking forward to episode 10 mainly because I want to see Tommy absolutely lose his shit once he finds out Tremolo either fucked his stepsister or mouthfucked his girlfriend. Dude needs to be humiliated more often. Tybalt’s too cartoony of a villain to care about; he’s a pale (but heavily spray-tanned) imitation of all the preppy foils in every college sex comedy, and it’s way more fun to watch his sister prank him mercilessly.

I should mention—when I was in school, every prep I met was a decent person. Yeah, sometimes they’d repeat dumbass social-Darwinist rhetoric about the poors, but that was purely knee-jerk bullshit they picked up from their parents and their College Republican meetings; typically they were decent to everyone who was decent to them. We got along like Tremolo got along with the other preps (assuming you had him declare truces with them). The real pains in my ass were the causeheads like Dany and Wendy: Offended by everything, didn’t entirely know what they wanted but they wanted it now, and even if you’re an ally they met you with nothing but naked hostility and aggression.
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Engaged Member
Nov 13, 2022
I’m looking forward to episode 10 mainly because I want to see Tommy absolutely lose his shit once he finds out Tremolo either fucked his stepsister or mouthfucked his girlfriend. Dude needs to be humiliated more often. Tybalt’s too cartoony of a villain to care about; he’s a pale (but heavily spray-tanned) imitation of all the preppy foils in every college sex comedy, and it’s way more fun to watch his sister prank him mercilessly.

I should mention—when I was in school, every prep I met was a decent person. Yeah, sometimes they’d repeat dumbass social-Darwinist rhetoric about the poors, but that was purely knee-jerk bullshit they picked up from their parents and their College Republican meetings; typically they were decent to everyone who was decent to them. We got along like Tremolo got along with the other preps (assuming you had him declare truces with them). The real pains in my ass were the causeheads like Dany and Wendy: Offended by everything, didn’t entirely know what they wanted but they wanted it now, and even if you’re an ally they met you with nothing but naked hostility and aggression.
I never say no to kicking Tommy's ass but I have to do something else first.

Aug 29, 2023
Because he is the only one in the group, who not Dick Sucking MC from the get go, and still not Dick sucking him?
Nah; that’s the only thing I respect about him. It’s because he’s a whiny shit.
  • Still pissed at Josy because she narced on him for huffing when they were kids.
  • Doesn’t want Josy in the HOTs because it’ll ruin his fun.
  • Doesn’t want anybody to fuck Josy at the Halloween party; same reason.
  • At first is fine with MC handling the party; then passive-aggressively undermines it; then tells him it sucks; then admits to Quinn later it pisses him off how fast MC is learning how to do this sort of stuff.
  • MC tells the DIKs they have to earn money; Tommy yells at Rusty he just needs to demand money from his dad.
  • Quinn won’t apologize for being a shit too, so Tommy pettily gets mixed up with Vinny again.
  • Various homophobic slurs, which makes the DIKs a hostile place for any queer students to join or party with. (Though to be fair, a gay DIK would win every single CUM-petition hands down, unless they hired male strippers, which Tommy would not abide cuz it would kill his boner.)
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