Pretty sure anyone with any kind of lit degree would say it would be bad writing if Zoey was mentioned and then didn't come up later.Oh come on, you obviously didnt get facepalm for predicting a most cliche, predictable garbage twist of the return of an ex-girlfriend.![]()
don't think you earned a medal for it or something, most people don't wanted to happen, ( not that they not assumed ) because it's garbage writing, the same way as it would be garbage if mc is a Burgmeister , or half of the current plot,
where we need to swallow the Suspension of disbelief pills in almost every case
you obviously got a facepalm, because the you likely added a bunch of nonsense to it, like you did now
Like Cliches are cliches because they are essentially accepted writing logic. Hell whenever a game or movie spends time on a character without having them come back later or be a major part of the story people get angry about that. Example: Historia in AoT.
Now I will agree, this is a form of media in which we don't need to be so locked down into the rules of writing. But I think people talking shit like you are only hurt that. Who is going to try new things when people are being judgemental assholes?
Personally I'm totally fine with the Zero to Hero plot, going from a no name nothing and turning out to be basically royalty, I'm chill with that, I even like it. Because you say it's a garbage cliche, but it's something you can only experience in fiction. 99.999999% of people who think they are a nobody, are in fact a nobody. It's not really an exciting alternative, and if you want himself to make himself a somebody. It would be more fantastical if he manages that without being crushed by someone with power and money while in uni than him being a long lost member of a powerful family himself.
Besides, DPC's writing is fantastic in the character interactions. You can interesting, non tv sterilized interactions between people within what could otherwise be just a trope. You get to experience the day to day life of how that plays out in a way you never will from a movie.