It's easy if you following guide OR if you know the game so well that you remember proper choices and what/where/when to do or not to do. I'll repeat again, games is made for "average" players and so on. That means, that most of "blind", average, etc players will have about 60-70-80 etc at the point you mentioned. While you did a perfect playthrough w/o missing any opportunity to get RP and avoiding their loss as well as balancing points between girls as best as you can. We haven't got any checks for their RP or summ of their RP since EP8. And it was clear that last check in scene with MC returned from Maya dorm to his room was for a summ of 60 RP for both. It's not that low bar, but still much lower than perfect result you may get by using guides or being a game guru. My best playthroughts mediate from 69 to 79 for the end of season 2 depending of affinity and some very early choices (eg Maya scene on campus where the VERY chick MC can hug her) the worst is 69 for DIK aff and the best is 79 for Chick aff. 74-76 for Neutral. In EP9 you can achieve 22 points in total, maximum, for both. In my case it gives 96-98 for Neutral runs and 101 for Chick. While DIK run hangs around 89 and is much more balanced regarding points between them, because Maya didn't get a bunch of bonuses in the late episodes because of MC aff and some of the blocked opportunities to get extra RP.
Now tell me the that the only and successful outcome since EP9 end is to have a 100+ RP and that it's not a coincidence. DPC putted a good signal for players during EP8 scene in MC room. 60 RP for both is enough to consider you are doing well with J&M. Scene shows that girls trusts MC and comfortable near and with him.
Will you eat your words back if in next EP10 we will have similar check, but only for 75-80 RP at max? Of course it depends on EP number where such check may occur if it will not happen in EP10. The later it will happen the more RP we will gain naturally up to that moment, but still. Do you expect similar checks at the levels that are only achievable for guide/cheats users or for ones, who obsessed with this game? It's ridiculous.
I repeat. You didn't see every moment of characters life, you don't see it and you will not see it. It's a game and game can't contain AND show you (player) every moment of characters lifes. It's impossible and it's common for every entertainment like a books, movies, games etc. You get hints, you get narrative, you get facts and overall picture of what is going on. To compensate the such boring and impossible way to show you what's going on with characters real time it's getting replaced by building and creation of certain constants, provisions, rules, features that explain or replace at one time or another the need to show and tell you what someone is wearing, how they behave and in general what to expect from the character, etc. - everything that remains behind the scenes as secondary and self-evident. So you can concentrate on really important things around, on plot twists, on relationships, on character interactions, etc, etc, etc.
Let's analyze the example with Josy again. We know that:
1. She and Maya were officially accepted into HOTs
2. Everyone who was at the ceremony saw and knows it
3. Maya voluntarily refused later and informed both Quinn and Sage about it
4. Josy wore her outfit for the first time after the ceremony to a HOTs party where there were a lot of people, including dormies
5. We were given a hint several times as players that B&R is a place where: everyone knows everyone, rumors spread instantly
6. We see how the girls from HOTs put on their uniforms at completely different random times. Sage, Quinn, Arieth and all the others. Most of the time we see them in casual clothes, but their outfits are completely unrelated to any events and parties. On the contrary, at parties they are more often in casual clothes than vice versa.
Further facts:
1. Becky knows that Josy is already in HOTs, but doesn't know that Maya is also already in HOTs
2. Maya declares to her face that she is now in HOTs
3. Becky knows Josy and Maya as friends from school and they studied together with her
4. Becky is a dormie and hangs out with all the people you mentioned, including Oscar
5. Becky talks a lot and it's a well-known fact
6. Sarah is Becky's friend and this is an additional source of information and exchange between HOTs and dorms
Connect points with the facts above and it will become obvious why you are wrong and where exactly.
Josy will learn about Tommy do drugs soon or later. Because almost half of the HOTs do it. AND probably not only about weed, but about injections too. Tommy still can't forgive her for telling Pete and Monica a few years ago that he tried to get high with her nail polish. And here everything is much more interesting. It was an innocent childish stupidity, mostly. So it's not that he needs to keep an eye on her or care - it's just an excuse. He doesn't want her to find out the truth about him doing drugs and tell her parents again. That will have serious consequences this time.
She tells this as terms of motivation. Like, look Riona how good they go and what they got already. Work hard, sweetie.
We are back to the "everyone knows everyone, rumors spread instantly". Sage knows that they fuck around a lot, well, they are "sluts". No chances that she doesn't know. The only thing she doesn't know that they do it for money and that Quinn is their pimp.
So, she tried to do 1+1 - they are sluts, she saw them often and recently with Chad. She assumed that one of them is the bitch with whom he cheating on her. It's simple. While you complicating such things too much.
Plot is decent for AVN (or a top avn if you want) but it doesn't go THAT deep. You treat BADIK as some very VERY good detective or something like that while it's not. Your overall expectations is too high, and you expect things to happen that never existed and will never happen or even will be mentioned. I don't know how to say it even easier. It's like - you think you'll need a calculator, but in fact you can calculate everything in your mind.
I won't comment part about Lily, as well as starting menu renders and assumptions based on them, while most of them shows what is happening in this game world but never shown to a player as some specific scenes. Too much secret agents, complicated personas, double or triple bottoms, etc. Sometimes you just have to listen to specific characters and trust them. Lily explained all points quite well in EP8 Pink Rose scene. Since you can't get this scene, because you are not playing this way, I can't help you.
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Well, to remember something does not mean to understand and realize.
Mona doesn't want free tuition anymore if this proposal includes fucking the old guys like Stephen
(well, here I would object, he is still not 60 or 80 years old, but this is her view of age and attractiveness or the permissibility of a sexual partner for her personally) or a one-time thing like "initiation" - my assumption that Stephen do it 1 time with each new recruited girl. Why 1 time? Because it's to risky to do it on regular basis at first, at second he is rich man and, and at third it can be just a part of agreement between him and Quinn. He cover her "little" business, she brings him new freshwomen she hire to her restaurant.
Mona didn't approached anybody at the preps party except what she had to do with Stephen. When MC is getting able to walk through the first floor, the room where Stephen tried to fuck Mona is locked and there is no Mona everywhere as well. They are in that room. Then after scene with Camila we see how Mona rages out of the room and Stephen comes next after her. After that we have access to the room, Stephen appears in scene with Jade and Mona leaves the party, while Camila follows her. She clearly knew what she had to do! Why you quoted only a part of their dialogue, suspending the most important parts?
mn "I'm sorry, I couldn't do it."
mn "
I thought I could, but as soon as he started touching me I felt sick."
qu "
You know what you agreed to."
mn "
But I don't want it anymore. You never told me I had to do old guys!"
qu "Mona, Mona, Mona..."
qu "What do you expect me to do now?"
mn "I won't tell anyone."
qu "That's a promise that means nothing to me."
qu "Oh, Mona..."
qu "I understand you. You had a change of heart."
qu "There's nothing wrong with that."
qu "
It's one less girl I have to provide a future for. I can live with that."
qu "
But you know too much and that is a problem."
qu "And you lost my trust."
qu "Doing what you did, put you on his radar."
qu "I know how to handle him, but I'm sure
he wouldn't like hearing that you're out there blabbering about how he tried to buy sex from you."
qu "
A man in his position, would probably reverse such a rumor and take action."
qu "
Students have been expelled for far less and the whore label you'd get would be hard to shake."
qu "Don't ruin your future, Mona."
The only unknown moment up to now is the Stephen "took action" and expelled her OR he cornered her and she leaved by herself. Or she was finally emotionally crushed by the scene at the HOTs party, after Maya's question, the scene with Quinn and other things, although she promised Quinn to be silent, but still blurted out too much.
Stephen tried to convince Maya to leave B&R after he found out that she knows the secret or at least have a key to it, while she has nothing to do with it, did not pass the selection from Quinn and from him personally. He offered her a letter of recommendation and other nonsense as a payoff. But his hands were tied at that moment, because he was at home and two steps away from his wife, son and daughter. He could not threaten Maya or be "more convincing". Therefore, after they leave, he calls a certain Priscilla.
Now imagine his potential talk with Mona, being 1 on 1 in his office and taking in mind that she knew ALL, but rejected him and now trying to stay in B&R as nothing happened. It WOULD have worked if she had shut up after leaving that room and not chatted about it with anyone. But she told Camila about it, Lily overheard their conversation. And so on... according to the same scheme, rumors and gossip spread instantly. Quinn gave her a hint. But she fucked up again.
Knowledge about prostitution and drugs was intended to be separated. Some girls (like Riona) do both, while Camila had to do only prostitution, not being involved in drugs. Mona had framed Quinn much that time. Camila learned about drugs and Lily about both things. So I think Quinn tried to convince Stefan to exclude her (or just convince her to leave on her own). That was her motivation.
Only in your imagination. You even dragged Lily in here. So, this three fucked up before, but unlike Mona and Maya they got grants or excuse and continue their study in B&R as nothing happened. Very plausible.
Especially to allow to join the student who have been expelled before (in your version it's Lily). Again, very plausible. Stephen could find hundreds of reasons to refuse her join and keep her at a distance.
Apparently Stephen's caution is very selective. He blackmails some, threatens them and forces them to leave for good or for bad, and gives grants to others and even allows them to return after a couple of years. Well, well...
He is sensitive because it's first time when he faced this shit. Quinn was also very pissed off that this rumor spreaded. Why AMONG the HOT's?! Wtf? Becky blabbering about this "free tuition" everywhere, she mentioned that to Maya again like it's natural and all know that. That it's like a HOT's secret code.
So let's go back to the dormies. Well, Maya lived in a dorm for a couple of weeks and quite naturally communicated with many of those we saw at the dorm party. She already knew about this rumor. From where? From the dormies. It doesn't matter who it was Becky or her friends, or friends of friends. But the rumor was already circulating in the dorms. What does "among HOTs" have to do with it?
Why can't you just listen and read more carefully what the characters say to each other and what they mention? Why give out wishful thinking when there is more than enough information? But instead, you fantasize about what is not there and distort any, even the most innocent and quite direct and understandable information in order to fit it to your theories and their justification.
You know perfectly well what guarantees the absence of problems (well, if everything is done flawlessly). No person - no problem.
All these attempts to buy someone's silence... all of this is unreliable. And if a lot of money is at stake, place, reputation and the threat of criminal prosecution and the loss of everything, then this is not the way out.
Where I wrote that I have somethings against it? This decision about bonding with a good part of preps or staying in war with all of them. Same with Jocks. Beat up Troy or not (and consequences, even if they were so little so far), defend Chad or not, tell the truth to Sage and/or Josy or not (what's better still not clear at the moment). There are a few cool guys in Alphas as well. While Anthony is dumb, but he is not that bad, he mostly a kind person. Chad & Troy probably too. The rest there are mostly jerks.
It's my reaction on your theory. Like Quinn makes so much money, while she is not. The income between her and Stephen incomporable. It's absolutely different levels. Stephen can afford a lot thanks to money - including very specific entertainment. That's all.
I hope you understand that you act like a reader, who read only some part of the book, heared something about the rest and trying to develop theories and make conclusions. Don't like example with book? Ok, you watched only a half of TV series. Or you kissed with your girlfriend during almost the half of the movie. All is the same and equal.
Oh, god...
So we are in a time loop? I forgot, does it include the fucked up DPCs asset with the wrong date on calendar or not? He worked on that episode in 2019 and it is quite natural that the current date was set in DAZ, but he just fucked up and didn't correct it for the one in the game universe - 2017 (and most likely 2018 for the second half of the game, because the new year is approaching). One year. DPC's words. We are ending in late spring-summer 2018. So you expect we seen some future during our current gameplay. Ok, mate... And MC had his old phone I suppose, all those Rooster posts, texts, etc. Contacts in his phone are also dissapears and appears randomly according to your time loop theory? Or flashback-flashforward narration type, whatever.
I'm not going to tell you how to play. I just pay attention to the fact that you can't build theories without seeing and going through half of the content (and the further the game goes, the greater the percentage of content you miss by playing this way). Forums and posts will not replace the original source. You can't help but understand that, since you're so serious about details and theories.
Would you argue with a person, who read a half of the book, seen a half of tv series or movie and seriously builds theories, and even more so far-reaching as your ones? Read a 1 or 2 books of "A Song of Ice and Fire" and go to the fan-forums with theories based only on what you had read. I would like to see it.
Well... it's a last round in this particular argue from my side too. But I'm watching you
I'm not going to let this ship with theories just sink so easily and peacefully. We will celebrate it with a grand salute! It doesn't matter with or without the captain of this ship, though